2 research outputs found

    Dual-Triplet Metric Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Video-Based Face Recognition

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    The scalability and complexity of deep learning models remains a key issue in many of visual recognition applications like, e.g., video surveillance, where fine tuning with labeled image data from each new camera is required to reduce the domain shift between videos captured from the source domain, e.g., a laboratory setting, and the target domain, i.e, an operational environment. In many video surveillance applications, like face recognition (FR) and person re-identification, a pair-wise matcher is used to assign a query image captured using a video camera to the corresponding reference images in a gallery. The different configurations and operational conditions of video cameras can introduce significant shifts in the pair-wise distance distributions, resulting in degraded recognition performance for new cameras. In this paper, a new deep domain adaptation (DA) method is proposed to adapt the CNN embedding of a Siamese network using unlabeled tracklets captured with a new video cameras. To this end, a dual-triplet loss is introduced for metric learning, where two triplets are constructed using video data from a source camera, and a new target camera. In order to constitute the dual triplets, a mutual-supervised learning approach is introduced where the source camera acts as a teacher, providing the target camera with an initial embedding. Then, the student relies on the teacher to iteratively label the positive and negative pairs collected during, e.g., initial camera calibration. Both source and target embeddings continue to simultaneously learn such that their pair-wise distance distributions become aligned. For validation, the proposed metric learning technique is used to train deep Siamese networks under different training scenarios, and is compared to state-of-the-art techniques for still-to-video FR on the COX-S2V and a private video-based FR dataset.Comment: Submitted too IJCNN202

    Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation Through Knowledge Distillation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) seeks to alleviate the problem of domain shift between the distribution of unlabeled data from the target domain w.r.t. labeled data from the source domain. While the single-target UDA scenario is well studied in the literature, Multi-Target Domain Adaptation (MTDA) remains largely unexplored despite its practical importance, e.g., in multi-camera video-surveillance applications. The MTDA problem can be addressed by adapting one specialized model per target domain, although this solution is too costly in many real-world applications. Blending multiple targets for MTDA has been proposed, yet this solution may lead to a reduction in model specificity and accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised MTDA approach to train a CNN that can generalize well across multiple target domains. Our Multi-Teacher MTDA (MT-MTDA) method relies on multi-teacher knowledge distillation (KD) to iteratively distill target domain knowledge from multiple teachers to a common student. The KD process is performed in a progressive manner, where the student is trained by each teacher on how to perform UDA for a specific target, instead of directly learning domain adapted features. Finally, instead of combining the knowledge from each teacher, MT-MTDA alternates between teachers that distill knowledge, thereby preserving the specificity of each target (teacher) when learning to adapt to the student. MT-MTDA is compared against state-of-the-art methods on several challenging UDA benchmarks, and empirical results show that our proposed model can provide a considerably higher level of accuracy across multiple target domains. Our code is available at: https://github.com/LIVIAETS/MT-MTDAComment: Accepted for WACV202