6 research outputs found

    Drug Repositioning Based on Bounded Nuclear Norm Regularization

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    Motivation: Computational drug repositioning is a cost-effective strategy to identify novel indications for existing drugs. Drug repositioning is often modeled as a recommendation system problem. Taking advantage of the known drug–disease associations, the objective of the recommendation system is to identify new treatments by filling out the unknown entries in the drug–disease association matrix, which is known as matrix completion. Underpinned by the fact that common molecular pathways contribute to many different diseases, the recommendation system assumes that the underlying latent factors determining drug–disease associations are highly correlated. In other words, the drug–disease matrix to be completed is low-rank. Accordingly, matrix completion algorithms efficiently constructing low-rank drug–disease matrix approximations consistent with known associations can be of immense help in discovering the novel drug–disease associations. Results: In this article, we propose to use a bounded nuclear norm regularization (BNNR) method to complete the drug–disease matrix under the low-rank assumption. Instead of strictly fitting the known elements, BNNR is designed to tolerate the noisy drug–drug and disease–disease similarities by incorporating a regularization term to balance the approximation error and the rank properties. Moreover, additional constraints are incorporated into BNNR to ensure that all predicted matrix entry values are within the specific interval. BNNR is carried out on an adjacency matrix of a heterogeneous drug–disease network, which integrates the drug–drug, drug–disease and disease–disease networks. It not only makes full use of available drugs, diseases and their association information, but also is capable of dealing with cold start naturally. Our computational results show that BNNR yields higher drug–disease association prediction accuracy than the current state-of-the-art methods. The most significant gain is in prediction precision measured as the fraction of the positive predictions that are truly positive, which is particularly useful in drug design practice. Cases studies also confirm the accuracy and reliability of BNNR. Availability and implementation: The code of BNNR is freely available at https://github.com/BioinformaticsCSU/BNNR. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Overlap Matrix Completion for Predicting Drug-Associated Indications

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    Identification of potential drug-associated indications is critical for either approved or novel drugs in drug repositioning. Current computational methods based on drug similarity and disease similarity have been developed to predict drug-disease associations. When more reliable drug- or disease-related information becomes available and is integrated, the prediction precision can be continuously improved. However, it is a challenging problem to effectively incorporate multiple types of prior information, representing different characteristics of drugs and diseases, to identify promising drug-disease associations. In this study, we propose an overlap matrix completion (OMC) for bilayer networks (OMC2) and tri-layer networks (OMC3) to predict potential drug-associated indications, respectively. OMC is able to efficiently exploit the underlying low-rank structures of the drug-disease association matrices. In OMC2, first of all, we construct one bilayer network from drug-side aspect and one from disease-side aspect, and then obtain their corresponding block adjacency matrices. We then propose the OMC2 algorithm to fill out the values of the missing entries in these two adjacency matrices, and predict the scores of unknown drug-disease pairs. Moreover, we further extend OMC2 to OMC3 to handle tri-layer networks. Computational experiments on various datasets indicate that our OMC methods can effectively predict the potential drug-disease associations. Compared with the other state-of-the-art approaches, our methods yield higher prediction accuracy in 10-fold cross-validation and de novo experiments. In addition, case studies also confirm the effectiveness of our methods in identifying promising indications for existing drugs in practical applications

    Integrative Data Analytic Framework to Enhance Cancer Precision Medicine

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    With the advancement of high-throughput biotechnologies, we increasingly accumulate biomedical data about diseases, especially cancer. There is a need for computational models and methods to sift through, integrate, and extract new knowledge from the diverse available data to improve the mechanistic understanding of diseases and patient care. To uncover molecular mechanisms and drug indications for specific cancer types, we develop an integrative framework able to harness a wide range of diverse molecular and pan-cancer data. We show that our approach outperforms competing methods and can identify new associations. Furthermore, through the joint integration of data sources, our framework can also uncover links between cancer types and molecular entities for which no prior knowledge is available. Our new framework is flexible and can be easily reformulated to study any biomedical problems.Comment: 18 page

    Drug repositioning for SARS-CoV-2 by Gaussian kernel similarity bilinear matrix factorization

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is currently spreading rapidly around the world. Since SARS-CoV-2 seriously threatens human life and health as well as the development of the world economy, it is very urgent to identify effective drugs against this virus. However, traditional methods to develop new drugs are costly and time-consuming, which makes drug repositioning a promising exploration direction for this purpose. In this study, we collected known antiviral drugs to form five virus-drug association datasets, and then explored drug repositioning for SARS-CoV-2 by Gaussian kernel similarity bilinear matrix factorization (VDA-GKSBMF). By the 5-fold cross-validation, we found that VDA-GKSBMF has an area under curve (AUC) value of 0.8851, 0.8594, 0.8807, 0.8824, and 0.8804, respectively, on the five datasets, which are higher than those of other state-of-art algorithms in four datasets. Based on known virus-drug association data, we used VDA-GKSBMF to prioritize the top-k candidate antiviral drugs that are most likely to be effective against SARS-CoV-2. We confirmed that the top-10 drugs can be molecularly docked with virus spikes protein/human ACE2 by AutoDock on five datasets. Among them, four antiviral drugs ribavirin, remdesivir, oseltamivir, and zidovudine have been under clinical trials or supported in recent literatures. The results suggest that VDA-GKSBMF is an effective algorithm for identifying potential antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2