3 research outputs found

    Sistem Alarm Penggantian Cairan Infus Berbasis Mikrokontroler menggunakan Wireless

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    Terdapat kasus rumah sakit yang memiliki jumlah pasien yang lebih banyak daripada perawat jaga sehingga dapat menyebabkan kelalaian dalam pengontrolan sehingga menyebabkan adanya masalah pada sistem organ dikarenakan penggantian cairan infus dilakukan terlambat atau bahkan cairan infus tidak menetes akibat kesalahan alat, sehingga harus dibuat sistem notifikasi untuk pengontrolan cairan infus di rumah sakit menggunakan mikrokontroler dan terhubung secara wireless ke ruang perawat. Perancangan sistem alarm infus ini menggunakan photodioda dan inframerah sebagai pendeteksi ada tidaknya cairan infus yang menetes, serta untuk menghitung volume cairan infus. Sistem alarm ini akan terhubung ke sebuah buzzer yang terdapat di ruang jaga secara wireless dengan tipe nRF2401L dengan menggunakan sistem minimum arduino nano 328p. Sistem catu daya menggunakan baterai lithium yang dapat di charge melalui USB sehingga alat ini menjadi portable dengan bantuan modul TP4056. Alarm akan berbunyi pada dua kondisi yaitu ketika cairan tidak menetes dan ketika cairan <100 mL. Hasil pengujian sistem untuk perhitungan tetesan/menit memiliki korelasi 0.9866 yang berarti korelasi sangat kuat dan linier antara nilai ukur dan nilai hitung. Sementara untuk pengujian sistem alarm berfungsi dengan baik ketika cairan tidak menetes dalam waktu 7 s alarm berbunyi dan ketika cairan <100 mL alarm juga akan langsung berbunyi. Jarak efektif untuk pengiriman data melalui wireless yaitu pada jarak 4 m - 6 m.AbstractSome hospitals that have a larger number of patients than nurse duty so as to cause negligence in controlling causing problems in the organs system due to fluid replacement is done late or even infusion fluid does not drip due to faulty tool, so we created notification system for control hospital infusion fluid using a microcontroller and wireless connected to the nurses room. The design of this infusion alarm system using photodioda and infrared as a detector of the presence of infusion fluids that drip, as well as to calculate the volume of intravenous fluids. This alarm system will connect to a buzzer contained in the duty space wirelessly with type nRF2401L using a minimum system arduino nano 328p. The power supply system uses lithium batteries that can be charged via USB so that the device becomes portable with the help of TP4056 module. The alarm will sound in two conditions when the liquid does not drip and when the liquid is <100 mL. System test results for the calculation of droplets / minute has a correlation of 0.9866 which means the correlation is very strong and linear between the value of measuring and calculating value. As for testing the alarm system works well when the liquid does not drip within 7 s, alarm already sounds and when the fluid <100 mL alarm will immediately sound. Effective distance for sending data via wireless which is at a distance of 4 m - 6 m

    Implementation of optical feedback interferometry for sensing applications in fluidic systems

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    Optical feedback interferometry is a sensing technique with relative recent implementation for the interrogation of fluidic systems. The sensing principle is based on the perturbation of the laser emission parameters induced by the reinjection in the laser cavity of light back-scattered from a distant target. The technique allows for the development of compact and noninvasive sensors that measure various parameters related to the motion of moving targets. In particular, optical feedback interferometers take advantage of the Doppler effect to measure the velocity of tracers in flowing liquids. These important features of the optical feedback interferometry technique make it wellsuited for a variety of applications in chemical engineering and biomedical fields, where accurate monitoring of the flows is needed. This thesis presents the implementation of optical feedback interferometry based sensors in multiple fluidic systems where local velocity or flow rate are directly measured. We present an application-centered study of the optical feedback sensing technique used for flow measurement at the microscale with focus on the reliability of the signal processing methods for flows in the single and the multiple scattering regimes. Further, we present experimental results of ex vivo measurements where the optical feedback sensor is proposed as an alternative system for myography. In addition we present a real-time implementation for the assessment of non-steady flows in a millifluidic configuration. A semi-automatized system for single particle detection in a microchannel is proposed and demonstrated. Finally, an optical feedback based laser sensor is implemented for the characterization of the interactions between two immiscible liquid-liquid flowing at the microscale, and the measurement is compared to a theoretical model developed to describe the hydrodynamics of both fluids in a chemical microreactor. The present manuscript describes an important contribution to the implementation of optical feedback sensors for fluidic and microfluidic applications. It also presents remarkable experimental results that open new horizons to the optical feedback interferometry

    Drop Measurement System for Biomedical Application

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    This paper describes the realization of a sensor capable of measuring the volume of a drop in free fall. The sensor realized is made of a simple low-cost red laser and a photodiode and optics to focus the beam on the light sensor. In this way, when the drop is falling down, it is possible to estimate its volume from the signal generated on the photodiode while getting through the laser beam. This system may be very useful together with a drip chamber to have accurate and low-cost volume and flow rate measurements of the infused substances