4 research outputs found

    Driving Neuromodules into Synchronous Chaos

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    synchronous chaos b

    Driving Neuromodules into Synchronous Chaos

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    We discuss the time-discrete parametrized dynamics of two neuromodules, which are coupled in a uni-directional way. General conditions for the existence of synchronized dynamics are derived for these systems. It is demonstrated that already the one-way couplings of 2-neuron modules can result in periodic, quasiperiodic as well as chaotic dynamics constrained to a synchronization manifold M . Stability of the synchronized dynamics is calculated by conditional Lyapunov exponents. In addition to synchronized attractors there often co-exist asynchronous periodic, quasiperiodic or even chaotic attractors. Simulation results for selected sets of parameters are presented. in: Mira, J., and Sanchez-Andres (eds.), Foundations and Tools for Neural Modeling, IWANN'99, Alicate, Spain, June 1999, Proceedings, Vol. I, LNCS 1606, Springer, Berlin, pp. 377-384. 1 1 Introduction In a paper by Pecora and Carroll [7] it was established for the rst time that synchronization of chaotic sys..

    Driving neuromodules into synchronous chaos

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