3 research outputs found

    A combinatorial approach to evaluation of reliability of the receiver output for BPSK modulation with spatial diversity

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    Article publié en ligne à l'adresse : http://www.combinatorics.org/Volume_13/Abstracts/v13i1r2.htmlA combinatorial approach for computing the Bit Error Ratio of a modulation protocol used in mobile telecommunications is proposed

    Use of RNS Based Pseudo Noise Sequence in DS-CDMA and 3G WCDMA

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    Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) based on Spread Signal (SS) has emerged as one of the most important multiple access technologies for Second Generation (2G) and Third Generation (3G) wireless communication systems by its wide applications in many important mobile cellular standards. CDMA technique relies on spreading codes to separate dierent users or channels and its properties will govern the performance of the system. So many of the problems of communication systems based on CDMA technology stem from the spreading codes/sequences, which includes two sub-categories, one being the orthogonal codes, such as Walsh Hadamard (WH) codes and Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) codes, and the other being pseudo-noise or Pseudo Random (PN) sequences, such as Gold sequences, Kasami sequences, m-sequences, etc. In this thesis a PN sequence generation based on Residue Arithmetic is investigated with an eort to improve the performance of existing interference-limited CDMA technology for mobile cellular systems. This interference-limited performance is due to the fact that all the existing CDMA codes used in mobile cellular standards does not consider external interferences, multipath propagation, Doppler eect etc. So the non-ideal correlation properties of the pseudo-random CDMA codes results in MAI when used in a multi-user system. The PN codes appear random yet they are completely deterministic in nature with a small set of initial conditions. Consequently this work focuses on CDMA code design approach based on Residue Number System (RNS) which should take into account as many real operational conditions as possible and to maintain a suciently large code set size.First, the thesis reviews RNS, DS-CDMA and CDMA codes that are already implemented in various mobile cellular standards. Then the new PN Sequencegenerator design based on RNS is discussed. Comparison of the generated PN sequence with respect to other standard sequence is done in terms of number of codes and correlation properties. Monte-Carlo simulations with the generated sequence are carried out for performance analysis under multi-path environment. The system has been evaluated in AWGN, Rayleigh Fading channel and dierent Stationary Multipath Channels for dierent cross-correlation threshold. It is known that orthogonal Codes are used to multiplex more than one signal for downlink transmission over cellular networks. This downlink transmission is prone to self interference caused by the loss of orthogonality between spreading codes due to multipath propagation. This issue is investigated in detail with respect to WCDMA standards, which is very good representative for CDMA based 3G mobile cellular systems where the channelization code is OVSF code. The code assignment blocking (CAB) (If a particular code in the tree is used in a cell, then all its parent codes and child codes should not be used in the same cell to maintain orthogonality among the users) problem of OVSF codes restricts the number of available codes for a given cell. Since the 3rd generation WCDMA mobile communication systems apply the same multiple access technique, the generated sequence can also be the channelization code for downlink WCDMA system to mitigate the the same. The performance of the system is compared with Walsh Hadamard code over multipath AWGN and dierent Fading channels. This thesis work shows that RNS based PN sequence has enhanced performance to that of other CDMA codes by comparing the bit error probability in multi- user and multipath environment thus contributing a little towards the evolution of next generation CDMA technology

    Downlink performance analysis of a BPSK-based WCDMA using conventional rake receivers with channel estimation

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    In this paper, we consider the downlink of a Universal Mobile Telecommunication System terrestrial radio access-wideband code division multiple access (UTRA-WCDMA) system and we investigate the performance of the conventional rake receiver. A multipath slowly Rayleigh fading channel is assumed. For the purpose of channel tap weight estimation, a common control physical channel, that is either serial or parallel multiplexed with the dedicated physical channels, is used. The receiver sensitivity to imperfect knowledge of the path delays, to the number of pilot symbols, and to the power ratio of pilot to data channels is also investigated. The system performance is evaluated by means of bit-error rates (BERs) derived using quadratic forms and characteristic functions for a BPSK modulation. The mean-squared estimation error (MSEE) of the channel tap weights is also computed and compared to the classical Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB). The mutual interference between pilot and data symbols is taken into account