12 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Mutual Information Analysis: Towards Multi-view Clustering in The Wild

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    Multi-view clustering (MVC) can explore common semantics from unsupervised views generated by different sources, and thus has been extensively used in applications of practical computer vision. Due to the spatio-temporal asynchronism, multi-view data often suffer from view missing and are unaligned in real-world applications, which makes it difficult to learn consistent representations. To address the above issues, this work proposes a deep MVC framework where data recovery and alignment are fused in a hierarchically consistent way to maximize the mutual information among different views and ensure the consistency of their latent spaces. More specifically, we first leverage dual prediction to fill in missing views while achieving the instance-level alignment, and then take the contrastive reconstruction to achieve the class-level alignment. To the best of our knowledge, this could be the first successful attempt to handle the missing and unaligned data problem separately with different learning paradigms. Extensive experiments on public datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on multi-view clustering even in the cases of view missing and unalignment

    A Concise yet Effective model for Non-Aligned Incomplete Multi-view and Missing Multi-label Learning

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    In reality, learning from multi-view multi-label data inevitably confronts three challenges: missing labels, incomplete views, and non-aligned views. Existing methods mainly concern the first two and commonly need multiple assumptions to attack them, making even state-of-the-arts involve at least two explicit hyper-parameters such that model selection is quite difficult. More roughly, they will fail in handling the third challenge, let alone addressing the three jointly. In this paper, we aim at meeting these under the least assumption by building a concise yet effective model with just one hyper-parameter. To ease insufficiency of available labels, we exploit not only the consensus of multiple views but also the global and local structures hidden among multiple labels. Specifically, we introduce an indicator matrix to tackle the first two challenges in a regression form while aligning the same individual labels and all labels of different views in a common label space to battle the third challenge. In aligning, we characterize the global and local structures of multiple labels to be high-rank and low-rank, respectively. Subsequently, an efficient algorithm with linear time complexity in the number of samples is established. Finally, even without view-alignment, our method substantially outperforms state-of-the-arts with view-alignment on five real datasets.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Information Recovery-Driven Deep Incomplete Multiview Clustering Network

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    Incomplete multi-view clustering is a hot and emerging topic. It is well known that unavoidable data incompleteness greatly weakens the effective information of multi-view data. To date, existing incomplete multi-view clustering methods usually bypass unavailable views according to prior missing information, which is considered as a second-best scheme based on evasion. Other methods that attempt to recover missing information are mostly applicable to specific two-view datasets. To handle these problems, in this paper, we propose an information recovery-driven deep incomplete multi-view clustering network, termed as RecFormer. Concretely, a two-stage autoencoder network with the self-attention structure is built to synchronously extract high-level semantic representations of multiple views and recover the missing data. Besides, we develop a recurrent graph reconstruction mechanism that cleverly leverages the restored views to promote the representation learning and the further data reconstruction. Visualization of recovery results are given and sufficient experimental results confirm that our RecFormer has obvious advantages over other top methods.Comment: Accepted by TNNLS 2023. Please contact me if you have any questions: [email protected]. The code is available at: https://github.com/justsmart/RecForme

    Fast Continual Multi-View Clustering with Incomplete Views

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    Multi-view clustering (MVC) has gained broad attention owing to its capacity to exploit consistent and complementary information across views. This paper focuses on a challenging issue in MVC called the incomplete continual data problem (ICDP). In specific, most existing algorithms assume that views are available in advance and overlook the scenarios where data observations of views are accumulated over time. Due to privacy considerations or memory limitations, previous views cannot be stored in these situations. Some works are proposed to handle it, but all fail to address incomplete views. Such an incomplete continual data problem (ICDP) in MVC is tough to solve since incomplete information with continual data increases the difficulty of extracting consistent and complementary knowledge among views. We propose Fast Continual Multi-View Clustering with Incomplete Views (FCMVC-IV) to address it. Specifically, it maintains a consensus coefficient matrix and updates knowledge with the incoming incomplete view rather than storing and recomputing all the data matrices. Considering that the views are incomplete, the newly collected view might contain samples that have yet to appear; two indicator matrices and a rotation matrix are developed to match matrices with different dimensions. Besides, we design a three-step iterative algorithm to solve the resultant problem in linear complexity with proven convergence. Comprehensive experiments on various datasets show the superiority of FCMVC-IV

    Joint Projection Learning and Tensor Decomposition Based Incomplete Multi-view Clustering

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    Incomplete multi-view clustering (IMVC) has received increasing attention since it is often that some views of samples are incomplete in reality. Most existing methods learn similarity subgraphs from original incomplete multi-view data and seek complete graphs by exploring the incomplete subgraphs of each view for spectral clustering. However, the graphs constructed on the original high-dimensional data may be suboptimal due to feature redundancy and noise. Besides, previous methods generally ignored the graph noise caused by the inter-class and intra-class structure variation during the transformation of incomplete graphs and complete graphs. To address these problems, we propose a novel Joint Projection Learning and Tensor Decomposition Based method (JPLTD) for IMVC. Specifically, to alleviate the influence of redundant features and noise in high-dimensional data, JPLTD introduces an orthogonal projection matrix to project the high-dimensional features into a lower-dimensional space for compact feature learning.Meanwhile, based on the lower-dimensional space, the similarity graphs corresponding to instances of different views are learned, and JPLTD stacks these graphs into a third-order low-rank tensor to explore the high-order correlations across different views. We further consider the graph noise of projected data caused by missing samples and use a tensor-decomposition based graph filter for robust clustering.JPLTD decomposes the original tensor into an intrinsic tensor and a sparse tensor. The intrinsic tensor models the true data similarities. An effective optimization algorithm is adopted to solve the JPLTD model. Comprehensive experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that JPLTD outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. The code of JPLTD is available at https://github.com/weilvNJU/JPLTD.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 202

    Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-view Clustering

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    Incomplete multi-view clustering, which aims to solve the clustering problem on the incomplete multi-view data with partial view missing, has received more and more attention in recent years. Although numerous methods have been developed, most of the methods either cannot flexibly handle the incomplete multi-view data with arbitrary missing views or do not consider the negative factor of information imbalance among views. Moreover, some methods do not fully explore the local structure of all incomplete views. To tackle these problems, this paper proposes a simple but effective method, named localized sparse incomplete multi-view clustering (LSIMVC). Different from the existing methods, LSIMVC intends to learn a sparse and structured consensus latent representation from the incomplete multi-view data by optimizing a sparse regularized and novel graph embedded multi-view matrix factorization model. Specifically, in such a novel model based on the matrix factorization, a l1 norm based sparse constraint is introduced to obtain the sparse low-dimensional individual representations and the sparse consensus representation. Moreover, a novel local graph embedding term is introduced to learn the structured consensus representation. Different from the existing works, our local graph embedding term aggregates the graph embedding task and consensus representation learning task into a concise term. Furthermore, to reduce the imbalance factor of incomplete multi-view learning, an adaptive weighted learning scheme is introduced to LSIMVC. Finally, an efficient optimization strategy is given to solve the optimization problem of our proposed model. Comprehensive experimental results performed on six incomplete multi-view databases verify that the performance of our LSIMVC is superior to the state-of-the-art IMC approaches. The code is available in https://github.com/justsmart/LSIMVC.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM). The code is available at Github https://github.com/justsmart/LSIMV