5 research outputs found

    Edge-Vertex Dominating Set in Unit Disk Graphs

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    Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a vertex vVv\in V is edge-vertex (ev) dominated by an edge eEe\in E if vv is either incident to ee or incident to an adjacent edge of ee. A set SevES^{ev}\subseteq E is an edge-vertex dominating set (referred to as ev-dominating set) of GG if every vertex of GG is ev-dominated by at least one edge of SevS^{ev}. The minimum cardinality of an ev-dominating set is the ev-domination number. The edge-vertex dominating set problem is to find a minimum ev-domination number. In this paper we prove that the ev-dominating set problem is {\tt NP-hard} on unit disk graphs. We also prove that this problem admits a polynomial-time approximation scheme on unit disk graphs. Finally, we give a simple 5-factor linear-time approximation algorithm

    On edge-vertex domination number in graphs

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    There are many studies on the concept of domination and the number of studies in this eld is rapidly increasing.In this study, we mainly focused on double edge-vertex domination concept, which are newer than other domi nation parameters.Firstly, double vertex-edge domination is mentioned, some results we found on double vertex-edge domination are shared.Afterwards, the concepts of double edge-vertex domination is de ned, the results we have found about this concept and the proofs of these results are given.Baskınlık kavramı üzerine bir çok çalışma bulunmakta, bu alanda yapılan çalışmaların sayısı büyük bir hızla artmaktadır. Bu tezde ağırlıklı olarak diğer baskınlık parametrelerine göre daha yeni olan duble (double) ayrıt-tepe baskınlığı kavramı üzerinde durulmu³tur.Öncelikle, duble (double) tepe-ayrıt baskınlığından bahsedilmiş, bunlarla ilgili bulduğumuz bazı sonuçlar paylaşılmıştır. Sonrasında ise duble (double) ayrıt-tepe baskınlığı kavramı tanımlanmış, bu kavram üzerine bulduğumuz sonuçlar ve bu sonuçların ispatları verilmiştir