8,127 research outputs found

    Bibliometrics of Bibliometrics: A Research Topic in the Mirror of Bibliometric Indicators

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    This exploratory study tries to get insights on one way of exteriorizing the publication activity of bibliometricians and how such activity is taken into consideration within the scientific community. As we thought in advance, the evidence shows that the USA is the most productive, most cited and most collaborative publisher. The neighbourhood is a ground to collaborate, like Canada or Mexico with the USA, and Belgium with the Netherlands. The most visible topics are small-world networks and webometrics. Este estudio exploratorio intenta echar un vistazo sobre una forma de exteriorización de publicaciones de bibliometristas y cómo tal actividad es considerada dentro de la comunidad científica. Como lo pensamos de antemano, la evidencia muestra que los EEUU son los mås productivos, el mås citado y el mås colaborador en bibliometría. Los vecinos son buenos colaboradores, como Canadå o México con los EEUU y Bélgica con los Países Bajos. Los temas mås visibles son las redes de pequeño mundo y webometrics.bibliometrics, publication activity, citation impact, research collaboration, bibliometría, publicación científica, impacto de citas, colaboración científica

    Collaboration in Iranian Scientific Publications

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    This study looks at international collaboration in Iranian scientific publications through the ISI Science Citation IndexÂź (SCI) for the years 1995-1999, inclusive. These results are compared to and contrasted with the earlier findings for the periods covering 1985-1994 (Osareh & Wilson 2000). The results of Iran's increasing productivity over a 15-year period are presented. Iran doubled its output in the first two five-year periods and increased 2.8-fold from the second to the third five-year period. The rise in Iran's scientific publication output is due mainly to factors such as the ending of the war, better economic conditions, recent changes in the Iranian government's policy, basic changes in the political environment brought about by the Reformers, expansion of the Iranian presses for national publications, and the recent return of a large number of students trained overseas through government scholarships. External changes also account for the increased productivity, e.g., the acceptance of three Iranian source journals by the SCI, increased access to international databases through the Internet and better electronic communication facilities for international collaboration. One of the most important and significant factors that caused this dramatic rise seems to be the government's research policies in the last few years. Since 1999, the Iran Science, Research and Technology Ministry, has encouraged researchers to publish their non-Farsi language articles in highly ranked international scientific journals, for example, by giving prizes to researchers who publish their articles in ISI-ranked journals

    China's absorptive State: research, innovation and the prospects for China-UK collaboration

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    China's innovation system is advancing so rapidly in multiple directions that the UK needs to develop a more ambitious and tailored strategy, able to maximise opportunities and minimise risks across the diversity of its innovation links to China. For the UK, the choice is not whether to engage more deeply with the Chinese system, but how. This report analyses the policies, prospects and dilemmas for Chinese research and innovation over the next decade. It is designed to inform a more strategic approach to supporting China-UK collaboration

    Conceptualizing the Role of Geographical Proximity in Project Based R&D Networks: A Literature Survey

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    Empirical evidence shows that research is being carried out more in cooperation or in collaboration with others, and the networks described by these collaborative research activities are becoming more and more complex. This phenomenon brings about new strands of research questions and opens up a different research context in the area of geography of innovation. The recent set of literature addressing these new issues shows a high degree of variation in terms of focus, approaches and methodology. Hence to elucidate the relationship between networks and geography it is crucial to have a review them. In this regard, this study focuses on a particular type of networks, namely, project based R&D networks and aims at describing the state-of-the-art in explaining the specificity of geography in formation and evolution of such networks. Towards this aim, we framed the discussion along four lenses: the specificity of geography in partner choice, in successful execution of the collaboration, in the resulting innovation performance both at the organizational and regional level, and the spatio-temporal evolution of networks. The overview provided by the survey is suggestive regarding the theorization of geography and network relationship, and informative regarding the issues demanding further research effort, and promising extensions.

    Recognising individual contributions to collaborative research: limitations of proportional publication counts and proposals for alternatives

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    Cite: Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) (2019) ‘Recognising Individual Contributions to Collaborative Research: Limitations of Proportional Publication Counts and Proposals for Alternatives’ doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/assaf.2019/0058This report was undertaken to determine whether researchers in South Africa who publish within large consortia are appropriately recognised in the South African context, including the systems by which authors are evaluated and rewarded, with specific reference to multi-authored publications. The study sought to establish the current practices in South Africa and compare these with international best practice. Lastly the report provides a number of recommendations to improve this aspect of the current system.Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)National Research Foundation (NRF

    Star Scientists, Innovation and Regional and National Immigration

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    We follow the careers 1981-2004 of 5401 star scientists listed in ISI HighlyCitedSM as most highly cited by their peers. Their number in a US region or a top-25 science and technology (S&T) country significantly increases the probability of firm entry in the S&T field in which they are working. Stars rather than their disembodied discoveries are key for high-tech entry. Stars become more concentrated over time, moving disproportionately from areas with few peers in their discipline to many, except for a countercurrent of some foreign-born American stars returning home. High impact articles and university articles all tend to diffuse. America has 62 percent of the world’s stars as residents, primarily because of its research universities which produce them. Migration plays a significant role in some developing countries.
