100 research outputs found

    AuxChannel: Enabling Efficient Bi-Directional Channel for Scriptless Blockchains

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    Payment channels have been a promising solution to blockchain scalability. While payment channels for script-empowered blockchains (such as Bitcoin and Ethereum) have been well studied, developing payment channels for scriptless blockchains (such as Monero) is considered challenging. In particular, enabling bidirectional payment on scriptless blockchains remains an open challenge. This work closes this gap by providing AuxChannel, the first bi-directional payment channel protocol for scriptless blockchains, meaning that building payment channels only requires the support of verifiably encrypted signature (aka adaptor signature) on the underlying blockchain. AuxChannel leverages verifiably encrypted signature to create a commitment for each off-chain payment and deploys a verifiable decentralised key escrow service to resolve dispute. To enable efficient construction of AuxChannel, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive, named Consecutive Verifiably Encrypted Signature (CVES), as a core building block and it can also be of independent interest for other applications. We provide and implement a provably secure instantiation on Schnorr-based CVES. We also provide a formal security analysis on the security of the proposed AuxChannel

    Group-Oriented Fair Exchange of Signatures

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    In an Optimistic Fair Exchange (OFE) for digital signatures, two parties exchange their signatures fairly without requiring any online trusted third party. The third party is only involved when a dispute occurs. In all the previous work, OFE has been considered only in a setting where both of the communicating parties are individuals. There is little work discussing about the fair exchange between two \emph{groups} of users, though we can see that this is actually a common scenario in actual OFE applications. In this paper, we introduce a new variant of OFE, called \emph{Group-Oriented Optimistic Fair Exchange} (GOFE). A GOFE allows two users from two different groups to exchange signatures on behalf of their groups in a fair and anonymous manner. Although GOFE may be considered as a fair exchange for group signatures, it might be inefficient if it is constructed generically from a group signature scheme. Instead, we show that GOFE is \emph{backward compatible} to the Ambiguous OFE (AOFE). Also, we propose an efficient and concrete construction of GOFE, and prove its security under the security models we propose in this model. The security of the scheme relies on the decision linear assumption and strong Diffie-Hellman assumption under the random oracle model

    Commuting Signatures and Verifiable Encryption and an Application to Non-Interactively Delegatable Credentials

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    Verifiable encryption allows to encrypt a signature and prove that the plaintext is valid. We introduce a new primitive called commuting signature that extends verifiable encryption in multiple ways: a signer can encrypt both signature and message and prove validity; more importantly, given a ciphertext, a signer can create a verifiably encrypted signature on the encrypted message; thus signing and encrypting commute. We instantiate commuting signatures using the proof system by Groth and Sahai (EUROCRYPT \u2708) and the automorphic signatures by Fuchsbauer (ePrint report 2009/320). As an application, we give an instantiation of delegatable anonymous credentials, a powerful primitive introduced by Belenkiy et al. (CRYPTO \u2709). Our instantiation is arguably simpler than theirs and it is the first to provide non-interactive issuing and delegation, which is a standard requirement for non-anonymous credentials. Moreover, the size of our credentials and the cost of verification are less than half of those of the only previous construction, and efficiency of issuing and delegation is increased even more significantly. All our constructions are proved secure in the standard model

    One-Shot Verifiable Encryption from Lattices

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    Verifiable encryption allows one to prove properties about encrypted data and is an important building block in the design of cryptographic protocols, e.g., group signatures, key escrow, fair exchange protocols, etc. Existing lattice-based verifiable encryption schemes, and even just proofs of knowledge of the encrypted data, require parallel composition of proofs to reduce the soundness error, resulting in proof sizes that are only truly practical when amortized over a large number of ciphertexts. In this paper, we present a new construction of a verifiable encryption scheme, based on the hardness of the Ring-LWE problem in the random-oracle model, for short solutions to linear equations over polynomial rings. Our scheme is one-shot , in the sense that a single instance of the proof already has negligible soundness error, yielding compact proofs even for individual ciphertexts. Whereas verifiable encryption usually guarantees that decryption can recover a witness for the original language, we relax this requirement to decrypt a witness of a related but extended language. This relaxation is sufficient for many applications and we illustrate this with example usages of our scheme in key escrow and verifiably encrypted signatures. One of the interesting aspects of our construction is that the decryption algorithm is probabilistic and uses the proof as input (rather than using only the ciphertext). The decryption time for honestly-generated ciphertexts only depends on the security parameter, while the expected running time for decrypting an adversarially-generated ciphertext is directly related to the number of random-oracle queries of the adversary who created it. This property suffices in most practical scenarios, especially in situations where the ciphertext proof is part of an interactive protocol, where the decryptor is substantially more powerful than the adversary, or where adversaries can be otherwise discouraged to submit malformed ciphertexts

    Fair exchange in e-commerce and certified e-mail, new scenarios and protocols

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    We are witnessing a steady growth in the use of Internet in the electronic commerce field. This rise is promoting the migration from traditional processes and applications (paper based) to an electronic model. But the security of electronic transactions continues to pose an impediment to its implementation. Traditionally, most business transactions were conducted in person. Signing a contract required the meeting of all interested parties, the postman delivered certified mail in hand, and when paying for goods or services both customer and provider were present. When all parties are physically present, a transaction does not require a complex protocol. The participants acknowledge the presence of the other parties as assurance that they will receive their parts, whether a signature on a contract, or a receipt, etc. But with e-commerce growing in importance as sales and business channel, all these transactions have moved to its digital counterpart. Therefore we have digital signature of contracts, certified delivery of messages and electronic payment systems. With electronic transactions, the physical presence is not required,moreover, most of the times it is even impossible. The participants in a transaction can be thousands of kilometers away from each other, and they may not even be human participants, they can be machines. Thus, the security that the transaction will be executed without incident is not assured per se, we need additional security measures. To address this problem, fair exchange protocols were developed. In a fair exchange every party involved has an item that wants to exchange, but none of the participants is willing to give his item away unless he has an assurance he will receive the corresponding item from the other participants. Fair exchange has many applications, like digital signature of contracts, where the items to be exchanged are signatures on contracts, certified delivery of messages, where we exchange a message for evidence of receipt, or a payment process, where we exchange a payment (e-cash, e-check, visa, etc.) for digital goods or a receipt. The objective of this dissertation is the study of the fair exchange problem. In particular, it presents two new scenarios for digital contracting, the Atomic Multi- Two Party (AM2P) and the Agent Mediated Scenario (AMS), and proposes one optimistic contract signing protocol for each one. Moreover, it studies the efficiency of Multi-Party Contract Signing (MPCS) protocols from their architecture point of view, presenting a new lower bound for each architecture, in terms of minimum number of transactions needed. Regarding Certified Electronic Mail (CEM), this dissertation presents two optimistic CEMprotocols designed to be deployed on thecurrent e-mail infrastructure, therefore they assume the participation of multiple Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs). In one case, the protocol assumes untrusted MTAs whereas in the other one it assumes each User Agent (UA) trusts his own MTA. Regarding payment systems, this dissertation presents a secure and efficient electronic bearer bank check scheme allowing the electronic checks to be transferred fairly and anonymously.L’ús d’Internet en l’àmbit del comerç electrònic està experimentant un creixement estable. Aquest increment d’ús està promovent lamigració de processos tradicionals i aplicacions (basades en paper) cap a un model electrònic. Però la seguretat de les transaccions electròniques continua impedint la seva implantació. Tradicionalment, la majoria de les transaccions s’han dut a terme en persona. La firma d’un contracte requeria la presència de tots els firmants, el carter entrega les cartes certificades enmà, i quan es paga per un bé o servei ambdós venedor i comprador hi són presents. Quan totes les parts hi són presents, les transaccions no requereixen un protocol complex. Els participants assumeixen la presència de les altres parts com assegurança que rebran el que esperen d’elles, ja sigui la firma d’un contracte, un rebut d’entrega o un pagament. Però amb el creixement del comerç electrònic com a canal de venda i negoci, totes aquestes transaccions s’hanmogut al seu equivalent en el món electrònic. Així doncs tenim firma electrònica de contractes, enviament certificat de missatges, sistemes de pagament electrònic, etc. En les transaccions electròniques la presència física no és necessària, de fet, la majoria de vegades és fins it tot impossible. Els participants poden estar separats permilers de kilòmetres, i no és necessari que siguin humans, podrien sermàquines. Llavors, la seguretat de que la transacció s’executarà correctament no està assegurada per se, necessitem proporcionar mesures de seguretat addicionals. Per solucionar aquest problema, es van desenvolupar els protocols d’intercanvi equitatiu. En un intercanvi equitatiu totes les parts involucrades tenen un objecte que volen intercanviar, però cap de les parts implicades vol donar el seu objecte si no té la seguretat que rebrà els objectes de les altres parts. L’intercanvi equitatiu té multitud d’aplicacions, com la firma electrònica de contractes, on els elements a intercanviar son firmes de contractes, enviament certificat demissatges, on s’intercanvien unmissatge per una evidència de recepció, o un procés de pagament, on intercanviemun pagament (e-cash, visa, e-xec, etc.) per bens digitals o per un rebut. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és estudiar el problema de l’intercanvi equitatiu. En particular, la tesi presenta dos nous escenaris per a la firma electrònica de contractes, l’escenari multi-two party atòmic i l’escenari amb agents intermediaris, i proposa un protocol optimista per a cada un d’ells. A més, presenta un estudi de l’eficiència dels protocols de firma electrònica multi-part (Multi-Party Contract Signing (MPCS) protocols) des del punt de vista de la seva arquitectura, presentant una nova fita per a cada una, en termes de mínim nombre de transaccions necessàries. Pel que fa al correu electrònic certificat, aquesta tesi presenta dos protocols optimistes dissenyats per a ser desplegats damunt l’infraestructura actual de correu electrònic, per tant assumeix la participació demúltiples agents de transferència de correu. Un dels protocols assumeix que cap dels agents de transferència de correu participants és de confiança,mentre que l’altre assumeix que cada usuari confia en el seu propi agent. Pel que fa a sistemes de pagament, la tesi presenta un esquema de xec bancari al portador, eficient i segur, que garanteix que la transferència dels xecs es fa demanera anònima i equitativa

    HandiVote: simple, anonymous, and auditable electronic voting

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    We suggest a set of procedures utilising a range of technologies by which a major democratic deficit of modern society can be addressed. The mechanism, whilst it makes limited use of cryptographic techniques in the background, is based around objects and procedures with which voters are currently familiar. We believe that this holds considerable potential for the extension of democratic participation and control

    SoK: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Finance

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    Recent years have seen the emergence of practical advanced cryptographic tools that not only protect data privacy and authenticity, but also allow for jointly processing data from different institutions without sacrificing privacy. The ability to do so has enabled implementations a number of traditional and decentralized financial applications that would have required sacrificing privacy or trusting a third party. The main catalyst of this revolution was the advent of decentralized cryptocurrencies that use public ledgers to register financial transactions, which must be verifiable by any third party, while keeping sensitive data private. Zero Knowledge (ZK) proofs rose to prominence as a solution to this challenge, allowing for the owner of sensitive data (e.g. the identities of users involved in an operation) to convince a third party verifier that a certain operation has been correctly executed without revealing said data. It quickly became clear that performing arbitrary computation on private data from multiple sources by means of secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) and related techniques allows for more powerful financial applications, also in traditional finance. In this SoK, we categorize the main traditional and decentralized financial applications that can benefit from state-of-the-art Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and identify design patterns commonly used when applying PETs in the context of these applications. In particular, we consider the following classes of applications: 1. Identity Management, KYC & AML; and 2. Markets & Settlement; 3. Legal; and 4. Digital Asset Custody. We examine how ZK proofs, MPC and related PETs have been used to tackle the main security challenges in each of these applications. Moreover, we provide an assessment of the technological readiness of each PET in the context of different financial applications according to the availability of: theoretical feasibility results, preliminary benchmarks (in scientific papers) or benchmarks achieving real-world performance (in commercially deployed solutions). Finally, we propose future applications of PETs as Fintech solutions to currently unsolved issues. While we systematize financial applications of PETs at large, we focus mainly on those applications that require privacy preserving computation on data from multiple parties

    KRNC: New Foundations for Permissionless Byzantine Consensus and Global Monetary Stability

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    This paper applies biomimetic engineering to the problem of permissionless Byzantine consensus and achieves results that surpass the prior state of the art by four orders of magnitude. It introduces a biologically inspired asymmetric Sybil-resistance mechanism, Proof-of-Balance, which can replace symmetric Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake weighting schemes. The biomimetic mechanism is incorporated into a permissionless blockchain protocol, Key Retroactivity Network Consensus ("KRNC"), which delivers ~40,000 times the security and speed of today's decentralized ledgers. KRNC allows the fiat money that the public already owns to be upgraded with cryptographic inflation protection, eliminating the problems inherent in bootstrapping new currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The paper includes two independently significant contributions to the literature. First, it replaces the non-structural axioms invoked in prior work with a new formal method for reasoning about trust, liveness, and safety from first principles. Second, it demonstrates how two previously overlooked exploits, book-prize attacks and pseudo-transfer attacks, collectively undermine the security guarantees of all prior permissionless ledgers.Comment: 104 page