281,689 research outputs found

    [Review of] Miracle Hill: The Story of a Navaho Boy by Emerson Blackhorse Mitchell and T.D. Allen

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    A unique experience awaits readers of Miracle Hill, the autobiography of Blackhorse Mitchell, nicknamed “Barney” a young Navaho boy who began his own story as an assignment in his twelfth grade English class in the Santa Fe Institute of American Indian Arts under the tutelage of Terry D. Allen. Unlike the other students in the class, who finished their life stories in half an hour or so, Barney found that he had a whole book stored up inside him, just waiting to be put on paper But Barney was still in the process of learning English as a second language, and so his manuscript was full of errors; Allen decided, however, that correcting the manuscript would result in less communication of Barney’s colorful world view, in a less authentic transmission of his personality. So although she is listed as co-author, Allen did a miminum [minimum] of editing and asks the reader to ”hang loose and let Barney\u27s honest emotion flow through, despite his violation of conventional rules of grammar and spelling

    [Review of] Herman Grey, Tales from the Mohaves

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    The author, Shul-ya, a Mohave of the Beaver Clan, originally wrote the tales in this book for his children, later expanding them for the enjoyment of all ages. Born on the Arizona Fort Mohave Reservation, Shul-ya learned these tales from an uncle who had dreamed the character of Swift Lance, the mythological hero of the tales

    [Review of] Anna Lee Stensland. Literature by and About the American Indian

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    This annotated bibliography, an expanded version of Stensland’s 1973 publication of the same title, broadens the scope of works included considerably. The earlier edition was intended as a guide for teachers of secondary students; the present edition also includes annotations by Aune Fadum of some 200 books for pupils in the elementary grades. Some of the 1973 annotations of important secondary level books have been retained, but the emphasis is on books published since that date. Books about Indians from Mexico and Canada are included. All together nearly 800 titles are mentioned

    UV LED System for PL Measurements on GaN Samples

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    Gallium Nitride materials are direct bandgap semiconductors with important applications, such as in the production of light-emitting diodes and transistors. The process of photoluminescence, in which excited electron and holes emit electro-magnetic radiation when they recombine, can be used to study the structure and quality of Gallium Nitride materials. Due to the size of the bandgap in these materials (3.4eV), ultraviolet light is required to create electron-hole pairs in GaN. We designed and built a system, which uses ultraviolet light, to take measurements on GaN samples provided by a local company, Lightwave Photonics, who were interested in the quality of the materials they develop and produce. Our system uses a ultraviolet LED as a light source instead of an expensive UV laser. It uses two short-pass filters and a long-pass filter to isolate the luminescence from the sample from excitation source. A spectrometer measures intensity of the luminescence versus wavelength. A camera is also used to observe the samples during set-up. The system was calibrated using radiation from a black-body source. We were able to take measurements on several samples. Our results agree with the expected emission spectra of GaN materials

    Credit rationing, government credit programs and co-financing

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    Costly monitoring may lead to credit rationing in equilibrium in an economy without any adverse selection or moral hazard problems. Given the widespread phenomenon of government intervention in credit markets in developing and developed countries, the natural question then is, How effective are these government programs? I incorporate government loan programs in a simple, closed, pure exchange economy with borrowing and lending. Intermediation of funds is facilitated in credit markets characterized by a costly state verification problem. I then show that government loan programs (financed with lump-sum taxes) with co-financing can increase credit rationing when the private lender is the prior claimant in the event of a default. Moreover such programs unambiguously decrease the expected utility of both borrowers and lenders. On the other hand, when the government is the prior claimant, such programs decrease credit rationing and increase the expected utility of borrowers. Finally, with proportional repayments there is no effect on credit rationing or expected utility of agents.credit rationing, co-financing, lenders, borrowers, prior claimant
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