21,985 research outputs found

    Building Damage-Resilient Dominating Sets in Complex Networks against Random and Targeted Attacks

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    We study the vulnerability of dominating sets against random and targeted node removals in complex networks. While small, cost-efficient dominating sets play a significant role in controllability and observability of these networks, a fixed and intact network structure is always implicitly assumed. We find that cost-efficiency of dominating sets optimized for small size alone comes at a price of being vulnerable to damage; domination in the remaining network can be severely disrupted, even if a small fraction of dominator nodes are lost. We develop two new methods for finding flexible dominating sets, allowing either adjustable overall resilience, or dominating set size, while maximizing the dominated fraction of the remaining network after the attack. We analyze the efficiency of each method on synthetic scale-free networks, as well as real complex networks

    The Distribution of the Domination Number of a Family of Random Interval Catch Digraphs

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    We study a new kind of proximity graphs called proportional-edge proximity catch digraphs (PCDs)in a randomized setting. PCDs are a special kind of random catch digraphs that have been developed recently and have applications in statistical pattern classification and spatial point pattern analysis. PCDs are also a special type of intersection digraphs; and for one-dimensional data, the proportional-edge PCD family is also a family of random interval catch digraphs. We present the exact (and asymptotic) distribution of the domination number of this PCD family for uniform (and non-uniform) data in one dimension. We also provide several extensions of this random catch digraph by relaxing the expansion and centrality parameters, thereby determine the parameters for which the asymptotic distribution is non-degenerate. We observe sudden jumps (from degeneracy to non-degeneracy or from a non-degenerate distribution to another) in the asymptotic distribution of the domination number at certain parameter values.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Localization for Linearly Edge Reinforced Random Walks

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    We prove that the linearly edge reinforced random walk (LRRW) on any graph with bounded degrees is recurrent for sufficiently small initial weights. In contrast, we show that for non-amenable graphs the LRRW is transient for sufficiently large initial weights, thereby establishing a phase transition for the LRRW on non-amenable graphs. While we rely on the description of the LRRW as a mixture of Markov chains, the proof does not use the magic formula. We also derive analogous results for the vertex reinforced jump process.Comment: 30 page
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