17,223 research outputs found

    Fine-grained Domain Adaptive Crowd Counting via Point-derived Segmentation

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    Due to domain shift, a large performance drop is usually observed when a trained crowd counting model is deployed in the wild. While existing domain-adaptive crowd counting methods achieve promising results, they typically regard each crowd image as a whole and reduce domain discrepancies in a holistic manner, thus limiting further improvement of domain adaptation performance. To this end, we propose to untangle \emph{domain-invariant} crowd and \emph{domain-specific} background from crowd images and design a fine-grained domain adaption method for crowd counting. Specifically, to disentangle crowd from background, we propose to learn crowd segmentation from point-level crowd counting annotations in a weakly-supervised manner. Based on the derived segmentation, we design a crowd-aware domain adaptation mechanism consisting of two crowd-aware adaptation modules, i.e., Crowd Region Transfer (CRT) and Crowd Density Alignment (CDA). The CRT module is designed to guide crowd features transfer across domains beyond background distractions. The CDA module dedicates to regularising target-domain crowd density generation by its own crowd density distribution. Our method outperforms previous approaches consistently in the widely-used adaptation scenarios.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, and 9 table

    Crowd behaviour and congestion analysis through deep machine learning

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    This thesis looks to advance understanding in the field of computer vision based crowd analysis through a combination of deep learning techniques, multi-task learning, and domain adaptation. Issues that have limited progress in this field to date include visual occlusion, scale and perspective issues, variation in scene content as well as a lack of labelled training data. Another negative trend that has emerged in this field as well as in computer vision in general is the development of bespoke, single-task techniques that cannot be easily extended or re-used. The core contributions of this work are as follows. First, deep learning methods are developed for several crowd analysis tasks including crowd counting, crowd density level estimation, crowd behaviour recognition and crowd behaviour anomaly detection. The proposed data-driven methods are shown to be superior to techniques which rely on hand-crafted features, overcoming many of the observed challenges and achieving state-of-the-art results. Second, multi-task learning strategies are applied to crowd behaviour and congestion analysis tasks, increasing the overall predictive performance and removing redundant model parameters. Finally, domain adaptation techniques are investigated as a means to extend a given crowd analysis model to perform the same task in new visual domains (e.g. medical, wildlife) and vice-versa, with original domain performance preserved

    People, Penguins and Petri Dishes: Adapting Object Counting Models To New Visual Domains And Object Types Without Forgetting

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    In this paper we propose a technique to adapt a convolutional neural network (CNN) based object counter to additional visual domains and object types while still preserving the original counting function. Domain-specific normalisation and scaling operators are trained to allow the model to adjust to the statistical distributions of the various visual domains. The developed adaptation technique is used to produce a singular patch-based counting regressor capable of counting various object types including people, vehicles, cell nuclei and wildlife. As part of this study a challenging new cell counting dataset in the context of tissue culture and patient diagnosis is constructed. This new collection, referred to as the Dublin Cell Counting (DCC) dataset, is the first of its kind to be made available to the wider computer vision community. State-of-the-art object counting performance is achieved in both the Shanghaitech (parts A and B) and Penguins datasets while competitive performance is observed on the TRANCOS and Modified Bone Marrow (MBM) datasets, all using a shared counting model.Comment: 10 page

    Class-Agnostic Counting

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    Nearly all existing counting methods are designed for a specific object class. Our work, however, aims to create a counting model able to count any class of object. To achieve this goal, we formulate counting as a matching problem, enabling us to exploit the image self-similarity property that naturally exists in object counting problems. We make the following three contributions: first, a Generic Matching Network (GMN) architecture that can potentially count any object in a class-agnostic manner; second, by reformulating the counting problem as one of matching objects, we can take advantage of the abundance of video data labeled for tracking, which contains natural repetitions suitable for training a counting model. Such data enables us to train the GMN. Third, to customize the GMN to different user requirements, an adapter module is used to specialize the model with minimal effort, i.e. using a few labeled examples, and adapting only a small fraction of the trained parameters. This is a form of few-shot learning, which is practical for domains where labels are limited due to requiring expert knowledge (e.g. microbiology). We demonstrate the flexibility of our method on a diverse set of existing counting benchmarks: specifically cells, cars, and human crowds. The model achieves competitive performance on cell and crowd counting datasets, and surpasses the state-of-the-art on the car dataset using only three training images. When training on the entire dataset, the proposed method outperforms all previous methods by a large margin.Comment: Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 201