15 research outputs found

    Does It Make Sense? And Why? A Pilot Study for Sense Making and Explanation

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    Introducing common sense to natural language understanding systems has received increasing research attention. It remains a fundamental question on how to evaluate whether a system has a sense making capability. Existing benchmarks measures commonsense knowledge indirectly and without explanation. In this paper, we release a benchmark to directly test whether a system can differentiate natural language statements that make sense from those that do not make sense. In addition, a system is asked to identify the most crucial reason why a statement does not make sense. We evaluate models trained over large-scale language modeling tasks as well as human performance, showing that there are different challenges for system sense making.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ACL201

    KaLM at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Knowledge-aware Language Models for Comprehension And Generation

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    This paper presents our strategies in SemEval 2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. We propose a novel way to search for evidence and choose the different large-scale pre-trained models as the backbone for three subtasks. The results show that our evidence-searching approach improves model performance on commonsense explanation task. Our team ranks 2nd in subtask C according to human evaluation score.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    QiaoNing at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation system based on ensemble of language model

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    In this paper, we present language model system submitted to SemEval-2020 Task 4 competition: "Commonsense Validation and Explanation". We participate in two subtasks for subtask A: validation and subtask B: Explanation. We implemented with transfer learning using pretrained language models (BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa, and ALBERT) and fine-tune them on this task. Then we compared their characteristics in this task to help future researchers understand and use these models more properly. The ensembled model better solves this problem, making the model's accuracy reached 95.9% on subtask A, which just worse than human's by only 3% accuracy

    Is this sentence valid? An Arabic Dataset for Commonsense Validation

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    The commonsense understanding and validation remains a challenging task in the field of natural language understanding. Therefore, several research papers have been published that studied the capability of proposed systems to evaluate the models ability to validate commonsense in text. In this paper, we present a benchmark Arabic dataset for commonsense understanding and validation as well as a baseline research and models trained using the same dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this dataset is considered as the first in the field of Arabic text commonsense validation. The dataset is distributed under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license and can be found on GitHub.Comment: 4 page

    LMVE at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation using Pretraining Language Model

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    This paper describes our submission to subtask a and b of SemEval-2020 Task 4. For subtask a, we use a ALBERT based model with improved input form to pick out the common sense statement from two statement candidates. For subtask b, we use a multiple choice model enhanced by hint sentence mechanism to select the reason from given options about why a statement is against common sense. Besides, we propose a novel transfer learning strategy between subtasks which help improve the performance. The accuracy scores of our system are 95.6 / 94.9 on official test set and rank 7th^{th} / 2nd^{nd} on Post-Evaluation leaderboard.Comment: Accepted in SemEval2020. 7 pages, 4 figure

    CS-NLP team at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Evaluation of State-of-the-art NLP Deep Learning Architectures on Commonsense Reasoning Task

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    In this paper, we investigate a commonsense inference task that unifies natural language understanding and commonsense reasoning. We describe our attempt at SemEval-2020 Task 4 competition: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) challenge. We discuss several state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for this challenge. Our system uses prepared labeled textual datasets that were manually curated for three different natural language inference subtasks. The goal of the first subtask is to test whether a model can distinguish between natural language statements that make sense and those that do not make sense. We compare the performance of several language models and fine-tuned classifiers. Then, we propose a method inspired by question/answering tasks to treat a classification problem as a multiple choice question task to boost the performance of our experimental results (96.06%), which is significantly better than the baseline. For the second subtask, which is to select the reason why a statement does not make sense, we stand within the first six teams (93.7%) among 27 participants with very competitive results. Our result for last subtask of generating reason against the nonsense statement shows many potentials for future researches as we applied the most powerful generative model of language (GPT-2) with 6.1732 BLEU score among first four teams.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, SemEval -2020, Commonsense Reasoning and Natural Language Processin

    IIE-NLP-NUT at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Guiding PLM with Prompt Template Reconstruction Strategy for ComVE

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    This paper introduces our systems for the first two subtasks of SemEval Task4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. To clarify the intention for judgment and inject contrastive information for selection, we propose the input reconstruction strategy with prompt templates. Specifically, we formalize the subtasks into the multiple-choice question answering format and construct the input with the prompt templates, then, the final prediction of question answering is considered as the result of subtasks. Experimental results show that our approaches achieve significant performance compared with the baseline systems. Our approaches secure the third rank on both official test sets of the first two subtasks with an accuracy of 96.4 and an accuracy of 94.3 respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables, SemEval-202

    ANA at SemEval-2020 Task 4: mUlti-task learNIng for cOmmonsense reasoNing (UNION)

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    In this paper, we describe our mUlti-task learNIng for cOmmonsense reasoNing (UNION) system submitted for Task C of the SemEval2020 Task 4, which is to generate a reason explaining why a given false statement is non-sensical. However, we found in the early experiments that simple adaptations such as fine-tuning GPT2 often yield dull and non-informative generations (e.g. simple negations). In order to generate more meaningful explanations, we propose UNION, a unified end-to-end framework, to utilize several existing commonsense datasets so that it allows a model to learn more dynamics under the scope of commonsense reasoning. In order to perform model selection efficiently, accurately and promptly, we also propose a couple of auxiliary automatic evaluation metrics so that we can extensively compare the models from different perspectives. Our submitted system not only results in a good performance in the proposed metrics but also outperforms its competitors with the highest achieved score of 2.10 for human evaluation while remaining a BLEU score of 15.7. Our code is made publicly available at GitHub.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, SemEval 202

    CUHK at SemEval-2020 Task 4: CommonSense Explanation, Reasoning and Prediction with Multi-task Learning

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    This paper describes our system submitted to task 4 of SemEval 2020: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) which consists of three sub-tasks. The task is to directly validate the given sentence whether or not it makes sense and require the model to explain it. Based on BERTarchitecture with a multi-task setting, we propose an effective and interpretable "Explain, Reason and Predict" (ERP) system to solve the three sub-tasks about commonsense: (a) Validation, (b)Reasoning, and (c) Explanation. Inspired by cognitive studies of common sense, our system first generates a reason or understanding of the sentences and then chooses which one statement makes sense, which is achieved by multi-task learning. During the post-evaluation, our system has reached 92.9% accuracy in subtask A (rank 11), 89.7% accuracy in subtask B (rank 9), andBLEU score of 12.9 in subtask C (rank 8

    SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation

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    In this paper, we present SemEval-2020 Task 4, Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE), which includes three subtasks, aiming to evaluate whether a system can distinguish a natural language statement that makes sense to humans from one that does not, and provide the reasons. Specifically, in our first subtask, the participating systems are required to choose from two natural language statements of similar wording the one that makes sense and the one does not. The second subtask additionally asks a system to select the key reason from three options why a given statement does not make sense. In the third subtask, a participating system needs to generate the reason. We finally attracted 39 teams participating at least one of the three subtasks. For Subtask A and Subtask B, the performances of top-ranked systems are close to that of humans. However, for Subtask C, there is still a relatively large gap between systems and human performance. The dataset used in our task can be found at https://github.com/wangcunxiang/SemEval2020- Task4-Commonsense-Validation-and-Explanation; The leaderboard can be found at https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/21080#results.Comment: Task description paper of SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanatio