150,281 research outputs found

    Information Design for Congested Social Services: Optimal Need-Based Persuasion

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    We study the effectiveness of information design in reducing congestion in social services catering to users with varied levels of need. In the absence of price discrimination and centralized admission, the provider relies on sharing information about wait times to improve welfare. We consider a stylized model with heterogeneous users who differ in their private outside options: low-need users have an acceptable outside option to the social service, whereas high-need users have no viable outside option. Upon arrival, a user decides to wait for the service by joining an unobservable first-come-first-serve queue, or leave and seek her outside option. To reduce congestion and improve social outcomes, the service provider seeks to persuade more low-need users to avail their outside option, and thus better serve high-need users. We characterize the Pareto-optimal signaling mechanisms and compare their welfare outcomes against several benchmarks. We show that if either type is the overwhelming majority of the population, information design does not provide improvement over sharing full information or no information. On the other hand, when the population is a mixture of the two types, information design not only Pareto dominates full-information and no-information mechanisms, in some regimes it also achieves the same welfare as the "first-best", i.e., the Pareto-optimal centralized admission policy with knowledge of users' types.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'20). 40 pages, 6 figure

    Privacy protection in context aware systems.

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    Smartphones, loaded with users’ personal information, are a primary computing device for many. Advent of 4G networks, IPV6 and increased number of subscribers to these has triggered a host of application developers to develop softwares that are easy to install on the mobile devices. During the application download process, users accept the terms and conditions that permit revelation of private information. The free application markets are sustainable as the revenue model for most of these service providers is through profiling of users and pushing advertisements to the users. This creates a serious threat to users privacy and hence it is important that “privacy protection mechanisms” should be in place to protect the users’ privacy. Most of the existing solutions falsify or modify the information in the service request and starve the developers of their revenue. In this dissertation, we attempt to bridge the gap by proposing a novel integrated CLOPRO framework (Context Cloaking Privacy Protection) that achieves Identity privacy, Context privacy and Query privacy without depriving the service provider of sustainable revenue made from the CAPPA (Context Aware Privacy Preserving Advertising). Each service request has three parameters: identity, context and actual query. The CLOPRO framework reduces the risk of an adversary linking all of the three parameters. The main objective is to ensure that no single entity in the system has all the information about the user, the queries or the link between them, even though the user gets the desired service in a viable time frame. The proposed comprehensive framework for privacy protecting, does not require the user to use a modified OS or the service provider to modify the way an application developer designs and deploys the application and at the same time protecting the revenue model of the service provider. The system consists of two non-colluding servers, one to process the location coordinates (Location server) and the other to process the original query (Query server). This approach makes several inherent algorithmic and research contributions. First, we have proposed a formal definition of privacy and the attack. We identified and formalized that the privacy is protected if the transformation functions used are non-invertible. Second, we propose use of clustering of every component of the service request to provide anonymity to the user. We use a unique encrypted identity for every service request and a unique id for each cluster of users that ensures Identity privacy. We have designed a Split Clustering Anonymization Algorithms (SCAA) that consists of two algorithms Location Anonymization Algorithm (LAA) and Query Anonymization Algorithm (QAA). The application of LAA replaces the actual location for the users in the cluster with the centroid of the location coordinates of all users in that cluster to achieve Location privacy. The time of initiation of the query is not a part of the message string to the service provider although it is used for identifying the timed out requests. Thus, Context privacy is achieved. To ensure the Query privacy, the generic queries (created using QAA) are used that cover the set of possible queries, based on the feature variations between the queries. The proposed CLOPRO framework associates the ads/coupons relevant to the generic query and the location of the users and they are sent to the user along with the result without revealing the actual user, the initiation time of query or the location and the query, of the user to the service provider. Lastly, we introduce the use of caching in query processing to improve the response time in case of repetitive queries. The Query processing server caches the query result. We have used multiple approaches to prove that privacy is preserved in CLOPRO system. We have demonstrated using the properties of the transformation functions and also using graph theoretic approaches that the user’s Identity, Context and Query is protected against the curious but honest adversary attack, fake query and also replay attacks with the use of CLOPRO framework. The proposed system not only provides \u27k\u27 anonymity, but also satisfies the \u3c k; s \u3e and \u3c k; T \u3e anonymity properties required for privacy protection. The complexity of our proposed algorithm is O(n)

    From Volume to Value: Transforming Health Care Payment and Delivery Systems to Improve Quality and Reduce Costs

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    Summarizes presentations on the changes in payment systems and organizational structures required to provide higher-quality health care, including episode-of-care payments for major acute episodes. Suggests pilot projects and implementation strategies

    Counting Change: Measuring Health Care Prices, Costs, and Spending

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    Considers the accuracy and utility of current data on the determinants of healthcare costs, distorting factors that make measuring the costs of healthcare delivery difficult, the benefits of cost and spending measurement, and efforts to develop measures

    The Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration: Lessons Learned on Improving Quality and Efficiency in Health Care

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    Discusses the experiences of ten large practices earning performance payments for improving the quality and cost-efficiency of health care delivered to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries

    Coordination of Care by Primary Care Practices: Strategies, Lessons and Implications

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    Documents successful strategies for coordinating care within primary care settings, including family and caregivers; with specialists; with hospital settings; and with community-based services. Discusses challenges, lessons learned, and implications

    Bundling Payment for Episodes of Hospital Care: Issues and Recommendations for the New Pilot Program in Medicare

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    Outlines the 2010 healthcare reform's provision to launch a pilot project for bundling Medicare payments around hospitalization episodes of care, the rationale for hospital episode bundling, and guidance on designing an effective pilot program

    Governance of Offshore IT Outsourcing at Shell Global Functions IT-BAM Development and Application of a Governance Framework to Improve Outsourcing Relationships

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    The lack of effective IT governance is widely recognized as a key inhibitor to successful global IT outsourcing relationships. In this study we present the development and application of a governance framework to improve outsourcing relationships. The approach used to developing an IT governance framework includes a meta model and a customization process to fit the framework to the target organization. The IT governance framework consists of four different elements (1) organisational structures, (2) joint processes between in- and outsourcer, (3) responsibilities that link roles to processes and (4) a diverse set of control indicators to measure the success of the relationship. The IT governance framework is put in practice in Shell GFIT BAM, a part of Shell that concluded to have a lack of management control over at least one of their outsourcing relationships. In a workshop the governance framework was used to perform a gap analysis between the current and desired governance. Several gaps were identified in the way roles and responsibilities are assigned and joint processes are set-up. Moreover, this workshop also showed the usefulness and usability of the IT governance framework in structuring, providing input and managing stakeholders in the discussions around IT governance

    Identifying and Evaluating Equity Provisions in State Health Care Reform

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    Identifies state policies that promote equitable access to quality health care and analyzes whether reform proposals in five states meet those equity benchmarks. Discusses innovative measures and the need to implement truly universal health insurance
