1,096 research outputs found

    Reflectance Hashing for Material Recognition

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    We introduce a novel method for using reflectance to identify materials. Reflectance offers a unique signature of the material but is challenging to measure and use for recognizing materials due to its high-dimensionality. In this work, one-shot reflectance is captured using a unique optical camera measuring {\it reflectance disks} where the pixel coordinates correspond to surface viewing angles. The reflectance has class-specific stucture and angular gradients computed in this reflectance space reveal the material class. These reflectance disks encode discriminative information for efficient and accurate material recognition. We introduce a framework called reflectance hashing that models the reflectance disks with dictionary learning and binary hashing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of reflectance hashing for material recognition with a number of real-world materials

    DeepLSH: Deep Locality-Sensitive Hash Learning for Fast and Efficient Near-Duplicate Crash Report Detection

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    Automatic crash bucketing is a crucial phase in the software development process for efficiently triaging bug reports. It generally consists in grouping similar reports through clustering techniques. However, with real-time streaming bug collection, systems are needed to quickly answer the question: What are the most similar bugs to a new one?, that is, efficiently find near-duplicates. It is thus natural to consider nearest neighbors search to tackle this problem and especially the well-known locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to deal with large datasets due to its sublinear performance and theoretical guarantees on the similarity search accuracy. Surprisingly, LSH has not been considered in the crash bucketing literature. It is indeed not trivial to derive hash functions that satisfy the so-called locality-sensitive property for the most advanced crash bucketing metrics. Consequently, we study in this paper how to leverage LSH for this task. To be able to consider the most relevant metrics used in the literature, we introduce DeepLSH, a Siamese DNN architecture with an original loss function, that perfectly approximates the locality-sensitivity property even for Jaccard and Cosine metrics for which exact LSH solutions exist. We support this claim with a series of experiments on an original dataset, which we make available

    Adding Cues to Binary Feature Descriptors for Visual Place Recognition

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    In this paper we propose an approach to embed continuous and selector cues in binary feature descriptors used for visual place recognition. The embedding is achieved by extending each feature descriptor with a binary string that encodes a cue and supports the Hamming distance metric. Augmenting the descriptors in such a way has the advantage of being transparent to the procedure used to compare them. We present two concrete applications of our methodology, demonstrating the two considered types of cues. In addition to that, we conducted on these applications a broad quantitative and comparative evaluation covering five benchmark datasets and several state-of-the-art image retrieval approaches in combination with various binary descriptor types.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, source: www.gitlab.com/srrg-software/srrg_bench, submitted to ICRA 201
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