60 research outputs found

    A Unified Algorithm Framework for Unsupervised Discovery of Skills based on Determinantal Point Process

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    Learning rich skills through temporal abstractions without supervision of external rewards is at the frontier of Reinforcement Learning research. Existing works mainly fall into two distinctive categories: variational and Laplacian-based skill (a.k.a., option) discovery. The former maximizes the diversity of the discovered options through a mutual information loss but overlooks coverage of the state space, while the latter focuses on improving the coverage of options by increasing connectivity during exploration, but does not consider diversity. In this paper, we propose a unified framework that quantifies diversity and coverage through a novel use of the Determinantal Point Process (DPP) and enables unsupervised option discovery explicitly optimizing both objectives. Specifically, we define the DPP kernel matrix with the Laplacian spectrum of the state transition graph and use the expected mode number in the trajectories as the objective to capture and enhance both diversity and coverage of the learned options. The proposed option discovery algorithm is extensively evaluated using challenging tasks built with Mujoco and Atari, demonstrating that our proposed algorithm substantially outperforms SOTA baselines from both diversity- and coverage-driven categories. The codes are available at https://github.com/LucasCJYSDL/ODPP

    LookOut: Diverse Multi-Future Prediction and Planning for Self-Driving

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    Self-driving vehicles need to anticipate a diverse set of future traffic scenarios in order to safely share the road with other traffic participants that may exhibit rare but dangerous driving. In this paper, we present LookOut, an approach to jointly perceive the environment and predict a diverse set of futures from sensor data, estimate their probability, and optimize a contingency plan over these diverse future realizations. In particular, we learn a diverse joint distribution over multi-agent future trajectories in a traffic scene that allows us to cover a wide range of future modes with high sample efficiency while leveraging the expressive power of generative models. Unlike previous work in diverse motion forecasting, our diversity objective explicitly rewards sampling future scenarios that require distinct reactions from the self-driving vehicle for improved safety. Our contingency planner then finds comfortable trajectories that ensure safe reactions to a wide range of future scenarios. Through extensive evaluations, we show that our model demonstrates significantly more diverse and sample-efficient motion forecasting in a large-scale self-driving dataset as well as safer and more comfortable motion plans in long-term closed-loop simulations than current state-of-the-art models
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