3 research outputs found

    Disturbance decoupled observers for systems with unknown inputs

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    This note deals with the design of reduced-order disturbance decoupled scalar functional observers for linear systems with unknown inputs. Based on a parametric approach, existence conditions are derived and a design procedure for finding reduced-order scalar functional observers is given. The derived existence conditions are relaxed and the procedure can find first-order disturbance decoupled scalar functional observers for some cases where the number of unknown inputs is more than the number of outputs. Also, the observer matching condition, which is the necessary requirement for the design of state observers for linear systems with unknown inputs, is not required. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the attractiveness of the proposed design method.<br /

    Numerical implementation of a functional observability algorithm : a singular value decomposition approach

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    The paper outlines a numerical algorithm to implement the concept of Functional Observability introduced in [6] based on a Singular Value Decomposition approach. The key feature of this algorithm is in outputting a minimum number of additional linear functions of the state vector when the system is Functional Observable, these additional functions are required to design the smallest possible order functional observer as stated in [6]