508,117 research outputs found

    Bureaucratic Governance For Developing Administration İn Madrasah Aliyah Ma’arif

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    This research aims to explore bureaucratic governance in the development of educational administration at Madrasah Ma'arif Ambulu, a religious educational institution belonging to LP Ma'arif NU. In the context of globalization, religious education faces competitive challenges, especially in terms of bureaucratic governance which is considered less professional. The research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis includes stages of condensation, collection, display, and conclusion of findings. Research findings produce a bureaucratic governance model consisting of three main elements: governance rules, authority, and work distribution. Regulatory governance involves internal and external assessment processes. Authority governance consists of custom authority which integrates rational legal and transformative charisma authority models. Work distribution governance includes quality assurance of madrasa leaders, resource support, staff supervision, internal-external analysis, and preserving work values while meeting modernization needs. All staff are distributed according to their commitment and competence in the areas of quality achievement, administration and religion. This model aims to increase the effectiveness of educational administration at Madrasah Ma'arif Ambulu and contribute to the context of the development of religious education more broadly

    The Role of Notaries in Implementing the Provisions of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) on the Distribution of Inheritance to Orphans, Victims of Natural Disasters Who are in Trusteeship

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of the provisions of the Islamic Law Compilation regarding the distribution of inheritance to orphans who are victims of natural disasters who are in guardianship. To find out and analyze the role of the notary in the implementation of the distribution of inheritance to orphans victims of natural disasters who are in guardianship. And to find out and analyze the obstacles and solutions to the distribution of inheritance experienced by orphans who are victims of natural disasters who are in guardianship. The research method used in this research is juridical empirical, while the data collection method uses library research and field research. The data analysis method was carried outqualitative then presented descriptively. This research resulted in the main notary's responsibility in making inheritance deeds for the share of orphans who are victims of natural disasters who are in guardianship, still following the perspective provisions of Article 106 of Act No. 23 of 2006 as amended by Act No. 24 of 2013 concerning Population Administration. , because population classification has no longer been applied since the enactment of the Population Administration Law. Notaries have the authority to make a Certificate of Inheritance regardless of population classification. The authority of the Notary in making the Certificate of Inheritance for Indonesian Citizens is based on the provisions of Article 15 of the UUJN, so that the Certificate of Inheritance for Indonesian Citizens is made in the form of this authentic deed based on the provisions of Article 1868 of the Civil Code. The role of the notary in making SKW is only to confirm that the existence of an SKW is very authentic evidence. In addition, the role of the notary in the distribution of Islamic inheritance, but the one who has full authority to determine legal recognition and termination is the Religious Court. Notary in the distribution of inheritance plays a role in making the Deed of Inheritance Statement and Certificate of Inheritance Rights. If there is a dispute, the notary can make peace deeds and/or an agreement to relinquish the rights of claim. The notary in the distribution of inheritance plays a role in making the Deed of Inheritance and Certificate of Inheritance If there is a dispute, the notary can make peace deeds and/or an agreement to relinquish the rights of claim. The notary in the distribution of inheritance plays a role in making the Deed of Inheritance and Certificate of Inheritance If there is a dispute, the notary can make peace deeds and/or an agreement to relinquish the rights of claim

    Peran Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan terhadap Peredaran Obat Tradisional yang Mengandung Bahan Kimia Obat Berbahaya dalam Perlindungan Konsumen

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     The role of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) in carrying out its duties, functions and authority is solely to protect the rights of every consumer. The supervision carried out by BPOM is Pre-Market (preliminary supervision carried out before a product is circulated in the community) and Post Market supervision (supervision carried out after the product is circulated in the community). The supervision that has been carried out is still not running optimally and it is not possible to know the distribution of traditional medicinal products containing medicinal chemicals. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Food and Drug Administration in dealing with the distribution of traditional medicines containing chemicals. This research is a normative juridical research by obtaining data from books, journals, research results and related laws and regulations. The results of the study show various statutory regulations, government regulations and regional regulations. In order to supervise the distribution of traditional medicines containing medicinal chemicals, the food and drug supervisory agency should be tightened and carry out routine checks in every district or city.Keywords: Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Traditional Medicine, Medicinal Chemistr

    The emergence of Saudi Arabian administrative areas: a study in political geography

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    The present study is the first effort at tracing the evolution and examining the factors involved in the emergence and delimitation of the territorial administrative divisions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the General Introduction, the geographical approach is distinguished, and data sources, their limitations and the difficulties encountered by the research student are stated. Part one is a review of the historical divisions of the area occupied at present by the Saudi state. Emphasis is laid on the traditional geographical and administrative divisions (Chapter One); the territorial administrative divisions during Egyptian and Ottoman rule (Chapter Two); and on the socio-political entities of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Chapter Three). Part Two is an examination of the authority and distribution of Saudi Arabian administrative areas. The development of central government and provincial organisations is discussed (Chapter Four). The authority, evolution and geographical distribution of the Saudi provinces, and the territorial administrative units of selected central government ministries are examined in Chapters Five, Six and Seven. The third and final part is a detailed and critical examination of one province (al-Bahah). The evolution of the province in time and space is discussed (Chapter Eight) and followed by a geographical analysis of the nature and base of district delimitation and administration (Chapter Nine). Finally, the thesis ends with some concluding remarks, containing the most significant and broad findings of the study

    Solid waste management in urban areas of Vientiane Capital City using GIS

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    The purpose of this project was to research solid waste management in urban areas of Vientiane Capital City; to survey about waste collection, composition of waste and recycling for the economy; to establish waste data for monitoring and management using GIS; to improve aesthetics of the city and increase public awareness. The map created by geographic information system (GIS) was proposed to generate GIS database of solid waste with data entry of the details - spatial and attributes - bins, routes, quantity of dry waste etc. The analysis techniques were composed of database generation and map visualization. Map overlay techniques were used to study the general sources of solid waste and waste distribution boundaries. The waste collected by the Vientiane Cleaning Unit under the Vientiane Urban Development and Administration Authority, and waste pickers is thought to be different from the landfill waste. There is a lack of a data sharing and also a lack of database generation using geographic information system. Therefore, good methods of waste management and appropriate technology are needed to improve this trend

    Challenges of Value Added Tax Administration: The Case of East Wollega Zone

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    Developed and developing countries of the world generate most of their government’s revenues from taxes. Tax can be classified as direct tax and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are taxes, which suffered by tax payers and are one that cannot be shifted by the taxpayers to someone else, whereas indirect taxes are paid to tax collector by some others and can be shifted by other taxpayers. Value Added Tax is a types of indirect tax levied on consumption where value of goods and services increases as they charge in course of distribution and the end sales of consumers. In Ethiopia Value Added Tax Administration was introduced in January, 2003 primary to raise increasing Revenue, modernizing tax implementation. The study was particularly focused on challenges of Value Added Tax Administration regarding the Value Added Tax assessment, collection and implementation of Value Added Tax and to assess the main problems related to the Value Added Tax administration activities performance tax office, service delivery of tax office and voluntary compliance of tax payers in the case of East Wollega Zone. To achieve this objective, the researcher used types of research design and sample of Value Added Tax Registrants taxpayers and Tax officials of the Authority were selected using stratified random sampling method and judgmental sampling method respectively. The research used questionnaire and relevant documents to collect primary data and secondary data from sources of data. Charts, and figure and percentage by computer using (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) SPSS software to were used to analyzing the collected data. Value Added Tax is a tax system that has replaced the sales tax in Ethiopia and has applied a uniform rate of 15% on most consumption of goods and services. Value added Tax Administration in East Wollega Z one has faced different challenges. The main problems that encountered are the following such as: Lack of Awareness of Taxpayers, resistance against registrations for Value Added Tax by some traders, weak culture of taxpayers, poor Value Added Tax administration system.  All these problems hinder the Administration of Value Added Tax of the Zone. Keywords: Challenge, Value Added Tax, East Wollega, Ethiopia

    Alaska Energy Statistics 1960-2011 Final Report

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    This twenty-sixth edition of the Alaska Energy Statistics reconciles energy data from public sources and makes that data more easily available to the public and stakeholders. It primarily presents 2011 data on electricity produced by certified utilities in Alaska. It includes a brief introduction, highlights, and summary data tables. The first major section describes basic statistical indicators for Alaska utilities, and the second discusses renewable energy in Alaska. After that we look more broadly at the big picture of energy in Alaska, describing production and consumption of various energy sources. A series of appendixes defines terms, lists references, and describes data sources. This report presents data for the state and for the 11 Alaska Energy Authority energy regions. In an accompanying workbook, we also present data by U.S. census areas, Alaska Native corporation regions, and regions used in earlier Alaska Electric Energy Statistics reports.8 Unlike the preliminary version of this report, issued in fall 2012, this final report includes installed capacity data tables for 2011, as well as additional chapters on renewable energy and other Alaska energy information.Alaska Energy AuthorityTable of Contents / List of Tables / List of Figures / Summary and Highlights / Introduction / Electric Sector / Renewable-Sourced Energy in Alaska / Energy in Alaska / Appendix A/ Glossary of Terms / Appendix B. References / Appendix C. RCA Utility Regulatory Codes Summary / Appendix D. Data Sources for Electric Energy Statistics / Appendix E. Reporting Requirement

    Modernizing waqf performance evaluation by waqf management efficiency index / Jaafar Pyeman, Hazriah Hasan and Ismail Ahmad.

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    A strong Waqf system will not only complete the equality for a comprehensive Islamic financial system that supports a more equitable distribution of wealth to ensure justice, it will also use Islamic financial services, particularly in the management and investment of the Waqf funds. Waqf assets in Malaysia are set under the legislation of the religious authority in each state. The diversity of Waqf assets resulted to the disuniformity of Waqf administration and management, and a huge gap existed in the collection and distribution of Waqf funds. This paper aims to measure the efficiency scores of Waqf departments in all states that run Waqf funds in their State Islamic Religion Councils (SIRCs). Data envelopment analysis (DEA) can best measure the Waqf management efficiency (WME) index measurement. In assessing the technical efficiency score of each state, WME index using DEA analysis was applied with the consecutive periods of years of the whole state precisely. The findings showed that the most improving Waqf department of SIRCs is Penang state, which has seen increasing WME Index in four periods of investigation; therefore, this state became the benchmark for the rest of the states in Malaysia

    Alaska Energy Statistics 1960‐2009

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    This report has had various publishers. Before 1985, the federal Alaska Power Administration published Alaska Electric Power Statistics. Then, the Alaska Energy Authority (formerly the Alaska Power Authority) began gathering statistical data and publishing this annual report. In 1988, the Alaska Electric Power Statistics report became a combined effort of the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council and the Alaska Energy Authority. Beginning in 1993, the report became a joint effort of the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council and the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. After the 1995 report, no reports were issued until 2003, when the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), published a report, with funding from the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA), and the Denali Commission. ISER prepared this twenty‐fourth edition of the Alaska Electric Energy Statistics in collaboration with the Alaska Energy Authority. Unlike previous reports, data tables are presented solely in digital form in an MS Excel file. The workbook containing the data tables is available on the ISER website at http://iser.uaa.alaska.edu/Publications/AlaskaEnergyStatisticsCY2009Tables.xlsx) and the AEA website (http://www.akenergyauthority.org/).The data tables are presented in a dataset format for convenient use and manipulation. All data presented are identified by the geographic regions used in previous Alaska Electric Energy Statistics,1 as well as AEA energy regions, Alaska Native corporation regions, and census areas.Alaska Energy Authority.Introduction / Summary and Highlight

    After Heparin: Protecting Consumers From the Risks of Substandard and Counterfeit Drugs

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    Based on case studies, examines globalization and quality management trends in pharmaceutical manufacturing, barriers to Federal Drug Administration oversight, and the security of pharmaceutical distribution. Makes policy recommendations to ensure safety
