2 research outputs found

    Scaling Up Differentially Private LASSO Regularized Logistic Regression via Faster Frank-Wolfe Iterations

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    To the best of our knowledge, there are no methods today for training differentially private regression models on sparse input data. To remedy this, we adapt the Frank-Wolfe algorithm for L1L_1 penalized linear regression to be aware of sparse inputs and to use them effectively. In doing so, we reduce the training time of the algorithm from O(TDS+TNS)\mathcal{O}( T D S + T N S) to O(NS+TDlogD+TS2)\mathcal{O}(N S + T \sqrt{D} \log{D} + T S^2), where TT is the number of iterations and a sparsity rate SS of a dataset with NN rows and DD features. Our results demonstrate that this procedure can reduce runtime by a factor of up to 2,200×2,200\times, depending on the value of the privacy parameter ϵ\epsilon and the sparsity of the dataset.Comment: To appear in the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023

    Conditional Gradient Methods

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    The purpose of this survey is to serve both as a gentle introduction and a coherent overview of state-of-the-art Frank--Wolfe algorithms, also called conditional gradient algorithms, for function minimization. These algorithms are especially useful in convex optimization when linear optimization is cheaper than projections. The selection of the material has been guided by the principle of highlighting crucial ideas as well as presenting new approaches that we believe might become important in the future, with ample citations even of old works imperative in the development of newer methods. Yet, our selection is sometimes biased, and need not reflect consensus of the research community, and we have certainly missed recent important contributions. After all the research area of Frank--Wolfe is very active, making it a moving target. We apologize sincerely in advance for any such distortions and we fully acknowledge: We stand on the shoulder of giants.Comment: 238 pages with many figures. The FrankWolfe.jl Julia package (https://github.com/ZIB-IOL/FrankWolfe.jl) providces state-of-the-art implementations of many Frank--Wolfe method