58 research outputs found

    Adaptive Multi-objective Optimization for Energy Efficient Interference Coordination in Multi-Cell Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the distributed power allocation for multi-cell OFDMA networks taking both energy efficiency and inter-cell interference (ICI) mitigation into account. A performance metric termed as throughput contribution is exploited to measure how ICI is effectively coordinated. To achieve a distributed power allocation scheme for each base station (BS), the throughput contribution of each BS to the network is first given based on a pricing mechanism. Different from existing works, a biobjective problem is formulated based on multi-objective optimization theory, which aims at maximizing the throughput contribution of the BS to the network and minimizing its total power consumption at the same time. Using the method of Pascoletti and Serafini scalarization, the relationship between the varying parameters and minimal solutions is revealed. Furthermore, to exploit the relationship an algorithm is proposed based on which all the solutions on the boundary of the efficient set can be achieved by adaptively adjusting the involved parameters. With the obtained solution set, the decision maker has more choices on power allocation schemes in terms of both energy consumption and throughput. Finally, the performance of the algorithm is assessed by the simulation results.Comment: 29 page

    Optimal Distributed Scheduling in Wireless Networks under the SINR interference model

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    Radio resource sharing mechanisms are key to ensuring good performance in wireless networks. In their seminal paper \cite{tassiulas1}, Tassiulas and Ephremides introduced the Maximum Weighted Scheduling algorithm, and proved its throughput-optimality. Since then, there have been extensive research efforts to devise distributed implementations of this algorithm. Recently, distributed adaptive CSMA scheduling schemes \cite{jiang08} have been proposed and shown to be optimal, without the need of message passing among transmitters. However their analysis relies on the assumption that interference can be accurately modelled by a simple interference graph. In this paper, we consider the more realistic and challenging SINR interference model. We present {\it the first distributed scheduling algorithms that (i) are optimal under the SINR interference model, and (ii) that do not require any message passing}. They are based on a combination of a simple and efficient power allocation strategy referred to as {\it Power Packing} and randomization techniques. We first devise algorithms that are rate-optimal in the sense that they perform as well as the best centralized scheduling schemes in scenarios where each transmitter is aware of the rate at which it should send packets to the corresponding receiver. We then extend these algorithms so that they reach throughput-optimality

    Using Dedicated and Opportunistic Networks in Synergy for a Cost-effective Distributed Stream Processing Platform

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    This paper presents a case for exploiting the synergy of dedicated and opportunistic network resources in a distributed hosting platform for data stream processing applications. Our previous studies have demonstrated the benefits of combining dedicated reliable resources with opportunistic resources in case of high-throughput computing applications, where timely allocation of the processing units is the primary concern. Since distributed stream processing applications demand large volume of data transmission between the processing sites at a consistent rate, adequate control over the network resources is important here to assure a steady flow of processing. In this paper, we propose a system model for the hybrid hosting platform where stream processing servers installed at distributed sites are interconnected with a combination of dedicated links and public Internet. Decentralized algorithms have been developed for allocation of the two classes of network resources among the competing tasks with an objective towards higher task throughput and better utilization of expensive dedicated resources. Results from extensive simulation study show that with proper management, systems exploiting the synergy of dedicated and opportunistic resources yield considerably higher task throughput and thus, higher return on investment over the systems solely using expensive dedicated resources.Comment: 9 page

    Cooperative Precoding with Limited Feedback for MIMO Interference Channels

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    Multi-antenna precoding effectively mitigates the interference in wireless networks. However, the resultant performance gains can be significantly compromised in practice if the precoder design fails to account for the inaccuracy in the channel state information (CSI) feedback. This paper addresses this issue by considering finite-rate CSI feedback from receivers to their interfering transmitters in the two-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) interference channel, called cooperative feedback, and proposing a systematic method for designing transceivers comprising linear precoders and equalizers. Specifically, each precoder/equalizer is decomposed into inner and outer components for nulling the cross-link interference and achieving array gain, respectively. The inner precoders/equalizers are further optimized to suppress the residual interference resulting from finite-rate cooperative feedback. Further- more, the residual interference is regulated by additional scalar cooperative feedback signals that are designed to control transmission power using different criteria including fixed interference margin and maximum sum throughput. Finally, the required number of cooperative precoder feedback bits is derived for limiting the throughput loss due to precoder quantization.Comment: 23 pages; 5 figures; this work was presented in part at Asilomar 2011 and will appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Com

    Multicell Coordinated Beamforming with Rate Outage Constraint--Part I: Complexity Analysis

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    This paper studies the coordinated beamforming (CoBF) design in the multiple-input single-output interference channel, assuming only channel distribution information given a priori at the transmitters. The CoBF design is formulated as an optimization problem that maximizes a predefined system utility, e.g., the weighted sum rate or the weighted max-min-fairness (MMF) rate, subject to constraints on the individual probability of rate outage and power budget. While the problem is non-convex and appears difficult to handle due to the intricate outage probability constraints, so far it is still unknown if this outage constrained problem is computationally tractable. To answer this, we conduct computational complexity analysis of the outage constrained CoBF problem. Specifically, we show that the outage constrained CoBF problem with the weighted sum rate utility is intrinsically difficult, i.e., NP-hard. Moreover, the outage constrained CoBF problem with the weighted MMF rate utility is also NP-hard except the case when all the transmitters are equipped with single antenna. The presented analysis results confirm that efficient approximation methods are indispensable to the outage constrained CoBF problem.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin