4,680 research outputs found

    GIANT: Globally Improved Approximate Newton Method for Distributed Optimization

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    For distributed computing environment, we consider the empirical risk minimization problem and propose a distributed and communication-efficient Newton-type optimization method. At every iteration, each worker locally finds an Approximate NewTon (ANT) direction, which is sent to the main driver. The main driver, then, averages all the ANT directions received from workers to form a {\it Globally Improved ANT} (GIANT) direction. GIANT is highly communication efficient and naturally exploits the trade-offs between local computations and global communications in that more local computations result in fewer overall rounds of communications. Theoretically, we show that GIANT enjoys an improved convergence rate as compared with first-order methods and existing distributed Newton-type methods. Further, and in sharp contrast with many existing distributed Newton-type methods, as well as popular first-order methods, a highly advantageous practical feature of GIANT is that it only involves one tuning parameter. We conduct large-scale experiments on a computer cluster and, empirically, demonstrate the superior performance of GIANT.Comment: Fixed some typos. Improved writin

    Structure-Aware Dynamic Scheduler for Parallel Machine Learning

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    Training large machine learning (ML) models with many variables or parameters can take a long time if one employs sequential procedures even with stochastic updates. A natural solution is to turn to distributed computing on a cluster; however, naive, unstructured parallelization of ML algorithms does not usually lead to a proportional speedup and can even result in divergence, because dependencies between model elements can attenuate the computational gains from parallelization and compromise correctness of inference. Recent efforts toward this issue have benefited from exploiting the static, a priori block structures residing in ML algorithms. In this paper, we take this path further by exploring the dynamic block structures and workloads therein present during ML program execution, which offers new opportunities for improving convergence, correctness, and load balancing in distributed ML. We propose and showcase a general-purpose scheduler, STRADS, for coordinating distributed updates in ML algorithms, which harnesses the aforementioned opportunities in a systematic way. We provide theoretical guarantees for our scheduler, and demonstrate its efficacy versus static block structures on Lasso and Matrix Factorization

    Distributed Bayesian Learning with Stochastic Natural-gradient Expectation Propagation and the Posterior Server

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    This paper makes two contributions to Bayesian machine learning algorithms. Firstly, we propose stochastic natural gradient expectation propagation (SNEP), a novel alternative to expectation propagation (EP), a popular variational inference algorithm. SNEP is a black box variational algorithm, in that it does not require any simplifying assumptions on the distribution of interest, beyond the existence of some Monte Carlo sampler for estimating the moments of the EP tilted distributions. Further, as opposed to EP which has no guarantee of convergence, SNEP can be shown to be convergent, even when using Monte Carlo moment estimates. Secondly, we propose a novel architecture for distributed Bayesian learning which we call the posterior server. The posterior server allows scalable and robust Bayesian learning in cases where a data set is stored in a distributed manner across a cluster, with each compute node containing a disjoint subset of data. An independent Monte Carlo sampler is run on each compute node, with direct access only to the local data subset, but which targets an approximation to the global posterior distribution given all data across the whole cluster. This is achieved by using a distributed asynchronous implementation of SNEP to pass messages across the cluster. We demonstrate SNEP and the posterior server on distributed Bayesian learning of logistic regression and neural networks. Keywords: Distributed Learning, Large Scale Learning, Deep Learning, Bayesian Learn- ing, Variational Inference, Expectation Propagation, Stochastic Approximation, Natural Gradient, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Parameter Server, Posterior Server.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figure

    Stochastic Dual Ascent for Solving Linear Systems

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    We develop a new randomized iterative algorithm---stochastic dual ascent (SDA)---for finding the projection of a given vector onto the solution space of a linear system. The method is dual in nature: with the dual being a non-strongly concave quadratic maximization problem without constraints. In each iteration of SDA, a dual variable is updated by a carefully chosen point in a subspace spanned by the columns of a random matrix drawn independently from a fixed distribution. The distribution plays the role of a parameter of the method. Our complexity results hold for a wide family of distributions of random matrices, which opens the possibility to fine-tune the stochasticity of the method to particular applications. We prove that primal iterates associated with the dual process converge to the projection exponentially fast in expectation, and give a formula and an insightful lower bound for the convergence rate. We also prove that the same rate applies to dual function values, primal function values and the duality gap. Unlike traditional iterative methods, SDA converges under no additional assumptions on the system (e.g., rank, diagonal dominance) beyond consistency. In fact, our lower bound improves as the rank of the system matrix drops. Many existing randomized methods for linear systems arise as special cases of SDA, including randomized Kaczmarz, randomized Newton, randomized coordinate descent, Gaussian descent, and their variants. In special cases where our method specializes to a known algorithm, we either recover the best known rates, or improve upon them. Finally, we show that the framework can be applied to the distributed average consensus problem to obtain an array of new algorithms. The randomized gossip algorithm arises as a special case.Comment: This is a slightly refreshed version of the paper originally submitted on Dec 21, 2015. We have added a numerical experiment involving randomized Kaczmarz for rank-deficient systems, added a few relevant references, and corrected a few typos. Stats: 29 pages, 2 algorithms, 1 figur

    Asynchronous Approximation of a Single Component of the Solution to a Linear System

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    We present a distributed asynchronous algorithm for approximating a single component of the solution to a system of linear equations Ax=bAx = b, where AA is a positive definite real matrix, and bRnb \in \mathbb{R}^n. This is equivalent to solving for xix_i in x=Gx+zx = Gx + z for some GG and zz such that the spectral radius of GG is less than 1. Our algorithm relies on the Neumann series characterization of the component xix_i, and is based on residual updates. We analyze our algorithm within the context of a cloud computation model, in which the computation is split into small update tasks performed by small processors with shared access to a distributed file system. We prove a robust asymptotic convergence result when the spectral radius ρ(G)<1\rho(|G|) < 1, regardless of the precise order and frequency in which the update tasks are performed. We provide convergence rate bounds which depend on the order of update tasks performed, analyzing both deterministic update rules via counting weighted random walks, as well as probabilistic update rules via concentration bounds. The probabilistic analysis requires analyzing the product of random matrices which are drawn from distributions that are time and path dependent. We specifically consider the setting where nn is large, yet GG is sparse, e.g., each row has at most dd nonzero entries. This is motivated by applications in which GG is derived from the edge structure of an underlying graph. Our results prove that if the local neighborhood of the graph does not grow too quickly as a function of nn, our algorithm can provide significant reduction in computation cost as opposed to any algorithm which computes the global solution vector xx. Our algorithm obtains an ϵx2\epsilon \|x\|_2 additive approximation for xix_i in constant time with respect to the size of the matrix when the maximum row sparsity d=O(1)d = O(1) and 1/(1G2)=O(1)1/(1-\|G\|_2) = O(1)