8 research outputs found

    On the Throughput Maximization in Dencentralized Wireless Networks

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    A distributed single-hop wireless network with KK links is considered, where the links are partitioned into a fixed number (MM) of clusters each operating in a subchannel with bandwidth WM\frac{W}{M}. The subchannels are assumed to be orthogonal to each other. A general shadow-fading model, described by parameters (α,ϖ)(\alpha,\varpi), is considered where α\alpha denotes the probability of shadowing and ϖ\varpi (ϖ1\varpi \leq 1) represents the average cross-link gains. The main goal of this paper is to find the maximum network throughput in the asymptotic regime of KK \to \infty, which is achieved by: i) proposing a distributed and non-iterative power allocation strategy, where the objective of each user is to maximize its best estimate (based on its local information, i.e., direct channel gain) of the average network throughput, and ii) choosing the optimum value for MM. In the first part of the paper, the network hroughput is defined as the \textit{average sum-rate} of the network, which is shown to scale as Θ(logK)\Theta (\log K). Moreover, it is proved that in the strong interference scenario, the optimum power allocation strategy for each user is a threshold-based on-off scheme. In the second part, the network throughput is defined as the \textit{guaranteed sum-rate}, when the outage probability approaches zero. In this scenario, it is demonstrated that the on-off power allocation scheme maximizes the throughput, which scales as WαϖlogK\frac{W}{\alpha \varpi} \log K. Moreover, the optimum spectrum sharing for maximizing the average sum-rate and the guaranteed sum-rate is achieved at M=1.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Power control for predictable communication reliability in wireless cyber-physical systems

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    Wireless networks are being applied in various cyber-physical systems and posed to support mission-critical cyber-physical systems applications. When those applications require reliable and low-latency wireless communication, ensuring predictable per-packet communication reliability is a basis. Due to co-channel interference and wireless channel dynamics (e.g. multi-path fading), however, wireless communication is inherently dynamic and subject to complex uncertainties. Power control and MAC-layer scheduling are two enablers. In this dissertation, cross-layer optimization of joint power control and scheduling for ensuring predictable reliability has been studied. With an emphasis on distributed approaches, we propose a general framework and additionally a distributed algorithm in static networks to address small channel variations and satisfy the requirements on receiver-side signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR). Moreover, toward addressing reliability in the settings of large-scale channel dynamics, we conduct an analysis of the strategy of joint scheduling and power control and demonstrate the challenges. First, a general framework for distributed power control is considered. Given a set of links subject to co-channel interference and channel dynamics, the goal is to adjust each link\u27s transmission power on-the-fly so that all the links\u27 instantaneous packet delivery ratio requirements can be satised. By adopting the SINR high-delity model, this problem can be formulated as a Linear Programming problem. Furthermore, Perron-Frobenius theory indicates the characteristic of infeasibility, which means that not all links can nd a transmission power to meet all the SINR requirements. This nding provides a theoretical foundation for the Physical-Ratio-K (PRK) model. We build our framework based on the PRK model and NAMA scheduling. In the proposed framework, we dene the optimal K as a measurement for feasibility. Transmission power and scheduling will be adjusted by K and achieve near-optimal performance in terms of reliability and concurrency. Second, we propose a distributed power control and scheduling algorithm for mission-critical Internet-of-Things (IoT) communications. Existing solutions are mostly based on heuristic algorithms or asymptotic analysis of network performance, and there lack eld-deployable algorithms for ensuring predictable communication reliability. When IoT systems are mostly static or low mobility, we model the wireless channel with small channel variations. For this setting, our approach adopts the framework mentioned above and employs feedback control for online K adaptation and transmission power update. At each time instant, each sender will run NAMA scheduling to determine if it can obtain channel access or not. When each sender gets the channel access and sends a packet, its receiver will measure the current SINR and calculate the scheduling K and transmission power for the next time slot according to current K, transmission power and SINR. This adaptive distributed approach has demonstrated a signicant improvement compared to state-of-the-art technique. The proposed algorithm is expected to serve as a foundation for distributed scheduling and power control as the penetration of IoT applications expands to levels at which both the network capacity and communication reliability become critical. Finally, we address the challenges of power control and scheduling in the presence of large-scale channel dynamics. Distributed approaches generally require time to converge, and this becomes a major issue in large-scale dynamics where channel may change faster than the convergence time of algorithms. We dene the cumulative interference factor as a measurement of impact of a single link\u27s interference. We examine the characteristic of the interference matrix and propose that scheduling with close-by links silent will be still an ecient way of constructing a set of links whose required reliability is feasible with proper transmission power control even in the situation of large-scale channel dynamics. Given that scheduling alone is unable to ensure predictable communication reliability while ensuring high throughput and addressing fast-varying channel dynamics, we demonstrate how power control can help improve both reliability at each time instant and throughput in the long-term. Collectively, these ndings provide insight into the cross-layer design of joint scheduling and power control for ensuring predictable per-packet reliability in the presence of wireless network dynamics and uncertainties

    Randomized Resource Allocaion in Decentralized Wireless Networks

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    Ad hoc networks and bluetooth systems operating over the unlicensed ISM band are in-stances of decentralized wireless networks. By definition, a decentralized network is com-posed of separate transmitter-receiver pairs where there is no central controller to assign the resources to the users. As such, resource allocation must be performed locally at each node. Users are anonymous to each other, i.e., they are not aware of each other's code-books. This implies that multiuser detection is not possible and users treat each other as noise. Multiuser interference is known to be the main factor that limits the achievable rates in such networks particularly in the high Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) regime. Therefore, all users must follow a distributed signaling scheme such that the destructive effect of interference on each user is minimized, while the resources are fairly shared. In chapter 2 we consider a decentralized wireless communication network with a fixed number of frequency sub-bands to be shared among several transmitter-receiver pairs. It is assumed that the number of active users is a realization of a random variable with a given probability mass function. Moreover, users are unaware of each other's codebooks and hence, no multiuser detection is possible. We propose a randomized Frequency Hopping (FH) scheme in which each transmitter randomly hops over a subset of sub-bands from transmission slot to transmission slot. Assuming all users transmit Gaussian signals, the distribution of the noise plus interference is mixed Gaussian, which makes calculation of the mutual information between the transmitted and received signals of each user intractable. We derive lower and upper bounds on the mutual information of each user and demonstrate that, for large SNR values, the two bounds coincide. This observation enables us to compute the sum multiplexing gain of the system and obtain the optimum hopping strategy for maximizing this quantity. We compare the performance of the FH system with that of the Frequency Division (FD) system in terms of the following performance measures: average sum multiplexing gain and average minimum multiplexing gain per user. We show that (depending on the probability mass function of the number of active users) the FH system can offer a significant improvement in terms of the aforementioned measures. In the sequel, we consider a scenario where the transmitters are unaware of the number of active users in the network as well as the channel gains. Developing a new upper bound on the differential entropy of a mixed Gaussian random vector and using entropy power inequality, we obtain lower bounds on the maximum transmission rate per user to ensure a specified outage probability at a given SNR level. We demonstrate that the so-called outage capacity can be considerably higher in the FH scheme than in the FD scenario for reasonable distributions on the number of active users. This guarantees a higher spectral efficiency in FH compared to FD. Chapter 3 addresses spectral efficiency in decentralized wireless networks of separate transmitter-receiver pairs by generalizing the ideas developed in chapter 2. Motivated by random spreading in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), a signaling scheme is introduced where each user's code-book consists of two groups of codewords, referred to as signal codewords and signature codewords. Each signal codeword is a sequence of independent Gaussian random variables and each signature codeword is a sequence of independent random vectors constructed over a globally known alphabet. Using a conditional entropy power inequality and a key upper bound on the differential entropy of a mixed Gaussian random vector, we develop an inner bound on the capacity region of the decentralized network. To guarantee consistency and fairness, each user designs its signature codewords based on maximizing the average (with respect to a globally known distribution on the channel gains) of the achievable rate per user. It is demonstrated how the Sum Multiplexing Gain (SMG) in the network (regardless of the number of users) can be made arbitrarily close to the SMG of a centralized network with an orthogonal scheme such as Time Division (TD). An interesting observation is that in general the elements of the vectors in a signature codeword must not be equiprobable over the underlying alphabet in contrast to the use of binary Pseudo-random Noise (PN) signatures in randomly spread CDMA where the chip elements are +1 or -1 with equal probability. The main reason for this phenomenon is the interplay between two factors appearing in the expression of the achievable rate, i.e., multiplexing gain and the so-called interference entropy factor. In the sequel, invoking an information theoretic extremal inequality, we present an optimality result by showing that in randomized frequency hopping which is the main idea in the prevailing bluetooth devices in decentralized networks, transmission of independent signals in consecutive transmission slots is in general suboptimal regardless of the distribution of the signals. Finally, chapter 4 addresses a decentralized Gaussian interference channel consisting of two block-asynchronous transmitter-receiver pairs. We consider a scenario where the rate of data arrival at the encoders is considerably low and codewords of each user are transmitted at random instants depending on the availability of enough data for transmission. This makes the transmitted signals by each user look like scattered bursts along the time axis. Users are block-asynchronous meaning there exists a delay between their transmitted signal bursts. The proposed model for asynchrony assumes the starting point of an interference burst is uniformly distributed along the transmitted codeword of any user. There is also the possibility that each user does not experience interference on a transmitted codeword at all. Due to the randomness of delay, the channels are non-ergodic in the sense that the transmitters are unaware of the location of interference bursts along their transmitted codewords. In the proposed scheme, upon availability of enough data in its queue, each user follows a locally Randomized Masking (RM) strategy where the transmitter quits transmitting the Gaussian symbols in its codeword independently from symbol interval to symbol interval. An upper bound on the probability of outage per user is developed using entropy power inequality and a key upper bound on the differential entropy of a mixed Gaussian random variable. It is shown that by adopting the RM scheme, the probability of outage is considerably less than the case where both users transmit the Gaussian symbols in their codewords in consecutive symbol intervals, referred to as Continuous Transmission (CT)

    Network Management and Decision Making for 5G Heterogeneous Networks

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    Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) will form an integral part of future cellular communications. With the proper management of network resources and decisions, the coexistence of small cells with macro base stations will improve coverage, data rate and quality of service for users. This thesis investigates critical issues that will arise in HetNets. The first half of this thesis studies major consequences of the disparity between HetNet tier transmit powers, namely that of interference and load balancing. To reduce the effects of harmful interference to small cell users arising from powerful macro transmissions, we first design a precoding matrix in the form of a generalized inverse, which, unlike conventional precoding methods, allows the base station to target a user specifically to reduce its own interference to that user. Even with a transmit power constraint, the affected user can achieve significant improvement in its interference reduction at the slightly compromise of existing macro users. Next, we study load balancing by showing the benefits of a dynamic biasing function for cell range expansion over a static bias value. Our findings indicate that a dynamic bias is a more intuitive way to prevent small cell overloading, and that associating closest users first is a preferred association order. We conclude our study into load balancing by proposing a new notion of network balance. We describe how network balance is different to user fairness, and subsequently define a new metric called the network balance index which measures the deviation of the actual base station load distribution with the expected load distribution. We show using an algorithm that the network balance index is more useful than fairness in improving sum rate for clustered networks. The second half of this thesis explores more advanced user-centric issues for HetNets. Chapter 5 proposes a user association scheme that achieves high fairness, and considers user association behaviour with network dynamics. In order to reduce the computation needed to re-associate a large network, we study the probabilities that each user will have to switch associations when a user or base station enters or leaves. In the process, we find that a shrinking network has more effect on user association than a growing one. Finally, Chapter 6 extends the conventional idea of HetNets to include device-to-device (D2D) communications. We propose a D2D decision making framework that more suitably selects D2D modes for potential D2D pairs by using a two-stage criteria that leads to fewer incorrect D2D mode selections. Once a suitable D2D mode is selected, we demonstrate how to determine optimal or near-optimal power and resource parameters for each mode in order to maximize sum rate. We present a geometric approach to solving the co-channel power control problem, and closed form expressions where possible for orthogonal frequency allocation. Our comprehensive study validates the potential for D2D integration in future cellular communications. The proposed techniques and insights gained from this thesis aims to illustrate how networks can be better managed and improve their decision making processes in order to successfully serve future users

    Distributed power and admission control for time-varying wireless networks

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    Abstract — This paper presents new distributed power and admission control algorithms for ad-hoc wireless networks in random channel environments. Previous work in this area has focused on distributed control for ad-hoc networks with fixed channels. We show that the algorithms resulting from such formulations do not accurately capture the dynamics of a time-varying channel. The performance of the network in terms of power consumption and generated interference, can be severely degraded when power and admission control algorithms that are designed for deterministic channels are applied to random channels. In particular, some well-known optimality results for deterministic channels no longer hold. In order to address these problems we propose a new criterion for power optimality in ad-hoc wireless networks. We then show that the optimal power allocation for this new criterion can be found through an appropriate stochastic approximation algorithm. We also present a modified version of this algorithm for tracking non-stationary equilibria, which allows us to perform admission control. Ultimately, the iterations of the stochastic approximation algorithms can be decoupled to form fully distributed online power and admission control algorithms for ad-hoc wireless networks with time-varying channels. I