3 research outputs found

    A Finite-Time Algorithm for the Distributed Tracking of Maneuvering Target

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    This paper presents a novel distributed algorithm for tracking a maneuvering target using bearing or direction of arrival measurements collected by a networked sensor array. The proposed approach is built on the dynamic average-consensus algorithm, which allows a networked group of agents (nodes) to reach consensus on the global average of a set of local time-varying signals in a distributed fashion. Since the average-consensus error corresponding to the presented dynamic average-consensus algorithm converges to zero in finite time, the proposed distributed algorithm guarantees that the tracking error converges to zero in finite time. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Distributed Algorithms that Solve Boolean Equations with Local and Differential Privacies

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    In this paper, we propose distributed algorithms that solve a system of Boolean equations over a network, where each node in the network possesses only one Boolean equation from the system. The Boolean equation assigned at any particular node is a {\em private} equation known to this node only, and the nodes aim to compute the exact set of solutions to the system without exchanging their local equations. We show that each private Boolean equation can be locally lifted to a linear algebraic equation under a basis of Boolean vectors, leading to a network linear equation that is distributedly solvable using existing distributed linear equation algorithms as a subroutine. A number of exact or approximate solutions to the induced linear equation are then computed at each node from different initial values. The solutions to the original Boolean equations are eventually computed locally via a Boolean vector search algorithm. We prove that given solvable Boolean equations, when the initial values of the nodes for the distributed linear equation solving step are i.i.d selected according to a uniform distribution in a high-dimensional cube, our algorithms return the exact solution set of the Boolean equations at each node with high probability. Furthermore, we present an algorithm for distributed verification of the satisfiability of Boolean equations, and prove its correctness. Finally, we show that by utilizing linear equation solvers with differential privacy to replace the in-network computing routines, the overall distributed Boolean equation algorithms can be made differentially private. Under the standard Laplace mechanism, we prove an explicit level of noises that can be injected in the linear equation steps for ensuring a prescribed level of differential privacy.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Distributed Linear Equations over Random Networks

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    Distributed linear algebraic equation over networks, where nodes hold a part of problem data and cooperatively solve the equation via node-to-node communications, is a basic distributed computation task receiving an increasing research attention. Communications over a network have a stochastic nature, with both temporal and spatial dependence due to link failures, packet dropouts or node recreation, etc. In this paper, we study the convergence and convergence rate of distributed linear equation protocols over a ∗\ast-mixing random network, where the temporal and spatial dependencies between the node-to-node communications are allowed. When the network linear equation admits exact solutions, we prove the mean-squared exponential convergence rate of the distributed projection consensus algorithm, while the lower and upper bound estimations of the convergence rate are also given for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random graphs. Motivated by the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm, we also propose a distributed randomized projection consensus algorithm, where each node randomly selects one row of local linear equations for projection per iteration, and establish an exponential convergence rate for this algorithm. When the network linear equation admits no exact solution, we prove that a distributed gradient-descent-like algorithm with diminishing step-sizes can drive all nodes' states to a least-squares solution at a sublinear rate. These results collectively illustrate that distributed computations may overcome communication correlations if the prototype algorithms enjoy certain contractive properties or are designed with suitable parameters.Comment: 35 page