1 research outputs found

    Customer active power consumption prediction for the next day based on historical profile

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    Energy consumption prediction application is one of the most important fieldsthat is artificially controlled with Artificial Intelligence technologies to maintainaccuracy for electricity market costs reduction. This work presents a way to buildand apply a model to each costumer in residential buildings. This model is built by using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks to address a demonstration of time-series prediction problem and Deep Learning to take into consideration the historical consumption of customers and hourly load profiles in order to predict future consumption. Using this model, the most probable sequence of a certain industrial customer’s consumption levels for a coming day is predicted. In the case of residential customers, determining the particular period of the prediction in terms of either a year or a month would be helpful and more accurate due to changes in consumption according to the changes in temperature and weather conditions in general. Both of them are used together in this research work to make a wide or narrow prediction window.A test data set for a set of customers is used. Consumption readings for anycustomer in the test data set applying LSTM model are varying between minimum and maximum values of active power consumption. These values are always alternating during the day according to customer consumption behavior. This consumption variation leads to leveling all readings to be determined in a finite set and deterministic values. These levels could be then used in building the prediction model. Levels of consumption’s are modeling states in the transition matrix. Twenty five readings are recorded per day on each hour and cover leap years extra ones. Emission matrix is built using twenty five values numbered from one to twenty five and represent the observations. Calculating probabilities of being in each level (node) is also covered. Logistic Regression Algorithm is used to determine the most probable nodes for the next 25 hours in case of residential or industrial customers.Index Terms—Smart Grids, Load Forecasting, Consumption Prediction, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Logistic Regression Algorithm, Load Profile, Electrical Consumption.</p