1 research outputs found

    Minimax representation of nonexpansive functions and application to zero-sum recursive games

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    We show that a real-valued function on a topological vector space is positively homogeneous of degree one and nonexpansive with respect to a weak Minkowski norm if and only if it can be written as a minimax of linear forms that are nonexpansive with respect to the same norm. We derive a representation of monotone, additively and positively homogeneous functions on L∞L^\infty spaces and on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, which extend results of Kolokoltsov, Rubinov, Singer, and others. We apply this representation to nonconvex risk measures and to zero-sum games. We derive in particular results of representation and polyhedral approximation for the class of Shapley operators arising from games without instantaneous payments (Everett's recursive games)