3,083 research outputs found

    Noisy Network Coding with Partial DF

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    In this paper, we propose a noisy network coding integrated with partial decode-and-forward relaying for single-source multicast discrete memoryless networks (DMN's). Our coding scheme generalizes the partial-decode-compress-and-forward scheme (Theorem 7) by Cover and El Gamal. This is the first time the theorem is generalized for DMN's such that each relay performs both partial decode-and-forward and compress-and-forward simultaneously. Our coding scheme simultaneously generalizes both noisy network coding by Lim, Kim, El Gamal, and Chung and distributed decode-and-forward by Lim, Kim, and Kim. It is not trivial to combine the two schemes because of inherent incompatibility in their encoding and decoding strategies. We solve this problem by sending the same long message over multiple blocks at the source and at the same time by letting the source find the auxiliary covering indices that carry information about the message simultaneously over all blocks.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Proc. IEEE ISIT 201

    Capacity of wireless erasure networks

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    In this paper, a special class of wireless networks, called wireless erasure networks, is considered. In these networks, each node is connected to a set of nodes by possibly correlated erasure channels. The network model incorporates the broadcast nature of the wireless environment by requiring each node to send the same signal on all outgoing channels. However, we assume there is no interference in reception. Such models are therefore appropriate for wireless networks where all information transmission is packetized and where some mechanism for interference avoidance is already built in. This paper looks at multicast problems over these networks. The capacity under the assumption that erasure locations on all the links of the network are provided to the destinations is obtained. It turns out that the capacity region has a nice max-flow min-cut interpretation. The definition of cut-capacity in these networks incorporates the broadcast property of the wireless medium. It is further shown that linear coding at nodes in the network suffices to achieve the capacity region. Finally, the performance of different coding schemes in these networks when no side information is available to the destinations is analyzed

    Reliable multicast transport by satellite: a hybrid satellite/terrestrial solution with erasure codes

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    Geostationary satellites are an efficient way to provide a large scale multipoint communication service. In the context of reliable multicast communications, a new hybrid satellite/terrestrial approach is proposed. It aims at reducing the overall communication cost using satellite broadcasting only when enough receivers are present, and terrestrial transmissions otherwise. This approach has been statistically evaluated for a particular cost function and seems interesting. Then since the hybrid approach relies on Forward Error Correction, several practical aspects of MDS codes and LDPC codes are investigated in order to select a code

    The Three Node Wireless Network: Achievable Rates and Cooperation Strategies

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    We consider a wireless network composed of three nodes and limited by the half-duplex and total power constraints. This formulation encompasses many of the special cases studied in the literature and allows for capturing the common features shared by them. Here, we focus on three special cases, namely 1) Relay Channel, 2) Multicast Channel, and 3) Conference Channel. These special cases are judicially chosen to reflect varying degrees of complexity while highlighting the common ground shared by the different variants of the three node wireless network. For the relay channel, we propose a new cooperation scheme that exploits the wireless feedback gain. This scheme combines the benefits of decode-and-forward and compress-and-forward strategies and avoids the idealistic feedback assumption adopted in earlier works. Our analysis of the achievable rate of this scheme reveals the diminishing feedback gain at both the low and high signal-to-noise ratio regimes. Inspired by the proposed feedback strategy, we identify a greedy cooperation framework applicable to both the multicast and conference channels. Our performance analysis reveals several nice properties of the proposed greedy approach and the central role of cooperative source-channel coding in exploiting the receiver side information in the wireless network setting. Our proofs for the cooperative multicast with side-information rely on novel nested and independent binning encoders along with a list decoder.Comment: 52 page

    Wireless Network Information Flow: A Deterministic Approach

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    In a wireless network with a single source and a single destination and an arbitrary number of relay nodes, what is the maximum rate of information flow achievable? We make progress on this long standing problem through a two-step approach. First we propose a deterministic channel model which captures the key wireless properties of signal strength, broadcast and superposition. We obtain an exact characterization of the capacity of a network with nodes connected by such deterministic channels. This result is a natural generalization of the celebrated max-flow min-cut theorem for wired networks. Second, we use the insights obtained from the deterministic analysis to design a new quantize-map-and-forward scheme for Gaussian networks. In this scheme, each relay quantizes the received signal at the noise level and maps it to a random Gaussian codeword for forwarding, and the final destination decodes the source's message based on the received signal. We show that, in contrast to existing schemes, this scheme can achieve the cut-set upper bound to within a gap which is independent of the channel parameters. In the case of the relay channel with a single relay as well as the two-relay Gaussian diamond network, the gap is 1 bit/s/Hz. Moreover, the scheme is universal in the sense that the relays need no knowledge of the values of the channel parameters to (approximately) achieve the rate supportable by the network. We also present extensions of the results to multicast networks, half-duplex networks and ergodic networks.Comment: To appear in IEEE transactions on Information Theory, Vol 57, No 4, April 201
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