29,921 research outputs found

    Optimal Dynamic Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems in Environments with Obstacles

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    We address the optimal dynamic formation problem in mobile leader-follower networks where an optimal formation is generated to maximize a given objective function while continuously preserving connectivity. We show that in a convex mission space, the connectivity constraints can be satisfied by any feasible solution to a mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem. When the optimal formation objective is to maximize coverage in a mission space cluttered with obstacles, we separate the process into intervals with no obstacles detected and intervals where one or more obstacles are detected. In the latter case, we propose a minimum-effort reconfiguration approach for the formation which still optimizes the objective function while avoiding the obstacles and ensuring connectivity. We include simulation results illustrating this dynamic formation process

    Decentralized Ergodic Control: Distribution-Driven Sensing and Exploration for Multi-Agent Systems

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    We present a decentralized ergodic control policy for time-varying area coverage problems for multiple agents with nonlinear dynamics. Ergodic control allows us to specify distributions as objectives for area coverage problems for nonlinear robotic systems as a closed-form controller. We derive a variation to the ergodic control policy that can be used with consensus to enable a fully decentralized multi-agent control policy. Examples are presented to illustrate the applicability of our method for multi-agent terrain mapping as well as target localization. An analysis on ergodic policies as a Nash equilibrium is provided for game theoretic applications.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    A Survey on Open Problems for Mobile Robots

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    Gathering mobile robots is a widely studied problem in robotic research. This survey first introduces the related work, summarizing models and results. Then, the focus shifts on the open problem of gathering fat robots. In this context, "fat" means that the robot is not represented by a point in a bidimensional space, but it has an extent. Moreover, it can be opaque in the sense that other robots cannot "see through" it. All these issues lead to a redefinition of the original problem and an extension of the CORDA model. For at most 4 robots an algorithm is provided in the literature, but is gathering always possible for n>4 fat robots? Another open problem is considered: Boundary Patrolling by mobile robots. A set of mobile robots with constraints only on speed and visibility is working in a polygonal environment having boundary and possibly obstacles. The robots have to perform a perpetual movement (possibly within the environment) so that the maximum timespan in which a point of the boundary is not being watched by any robot is minimized.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Deployment of mobile routers ensuring coverage and connectivity

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    Maintaining connectivity among a group of autonomous agents exploring an area is very important, as it promotes cooperation between the agents and also helps message exchanges which are very critical for their mission. Creating an underlying Ad-hoc Mobile Router Network (AMRoNet) using simple robotic routers is an approach that facilitates communication between the agents without restricting their movements. We address the following question in our paper: How to create an AMRoNet with local information and with minimum number of routers? We propose two new localized and distributed algorithms 1) agent-assisted router deployment and 2) a self-spreading for creating AMRoNet. The algorithms use a greedy deployment strategy for deploying routers effectively into the area maximizing coverage and a triangular deployment strategy to connect different connected component of routers from different base stations. Empirical analysis shows that the proposed algorithms are the two best localized approaches to create AMRoNets.Comment: International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC

    Multi-robot motion planning via optimal transport theory

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    In this work we establish a simple yet effective strategy, based on optimal transport theory, for enabling a group of robots to accomplish complex tasks, such as shape formation and assembly. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach and rigorously prove collision avoidance and convergence properties of the proposed algorithms

    Local Interactions for Cohesive Flexible Swarms

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    Distributed gathering algorithms aim to achieve complete visibility graphs via a "never lose a neighbour" policy. We suggest a method to maintain connected graph topologies, while reducing the number of effective edges in the graph to order n. This allows to achieve different goals and swarming behaviours: the system remains connected but flexible, hence can maneuver in environments that are replete with obstacles and narrow passages, etc

    Distributed Communication-aware Motion Planning for Multi-agent Systems from STL and SpaTeL Specifications

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    In future intelligent transportation systems, networked vehicles coordinate with each other to achieve safe operations based on an assumption that communications among vehicles and infrastructure are reliable. Traditional methods usually deal with the design of control systems and communication networks in a separated manner. However, control and communication systems are tightly coupled as the motions of vehicles will affect the overall communication quality. Hence, we are motivated to study the co-design of both control and communication systems. In particular, we propose a control theoretical framework for distributed motion planning for multi-agent systems which satisfies complex and high-level spatial and temporal specifications while accounting for communication quality at the same time. Towards this end, desired motion specifications and communication performances are formulated as signal temporal logic (STL) and spatial-temporal logic (SpaTeL) formulas, respectively. The specifications are encoded as constraints on system and environment state variables of mixed integer linear programs (MILP), and upon which control strategies satisfying both STL and SpaTeL specifications are generated for each agent by employing a distributed model predictive control (MPC) framework. Effectiveness of the proposed framework is validated by a simulation of distributed communication-aware motion planning for multi-agent systems.Comment: Submitted for publication on 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2017

    Connectivity maintenance by robotic Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork

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    The problem of maintaining a wireless communication link between a fixed base station and an autonomous agent by means of a team of mobile robots is addressed in this work. Such problem can be of interest for search and rescue missions in post disaster scenario where the autonomous agent can be used for remote monitoring and first hand knowledge of the aftermath, while the mobile robots can be used to provide the agent the possibility to dynamically send its collected information to an external base station. To study the problem, a distributed multi-robot system with wifi communication capabilities has been developed and used to implement a Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET) to guarantee the required multi-hop communication. None of the robots of the team possess the knowledge of agent's movement, neither they hold a pre-assigned position in the ad-hoc network but they adapt with respect to the dynamic environmental situations. This adaptation only requires the robots to have the knowledge of their position and the possibility to exchange such information with their one-hop neighbours. Robots' motion is achieved by implementing a behavioural control, namely the Null-Space based Behavioural control, embedding the collective mission to achieve the required self-configuration. Validation of the approach is performed by means of demanding experimental tests involving five ground mobile robots capable of self localization and dynamic obstacle avoidance

    Multi-Robot Data Gathering Under Buffer Constraints and Intermittent Communication

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    We consider a team of heterogeneous robots which are deployed within a common workspace to gather different types of data. The robots have different roles due to different capabilities: some gather data from the workspace (source robots) and others receive data from source robots and upload them to a data center (relay robots). The data-gathering tasks are specified locally to each source robot as high-level Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas, that capture the different types of data that need to be gathered at different regions of interest. All robots have a limited buffer to store the data. Thus the data gathered by source robots should be transferred to relay robots before their buffers overflow, respecting at the same time limited communication range for all robots. The main contribution of this work is a distributed motion coordination and intermittent communication scheme that guarantees the satisfaction of all local tasks, while obeying the above constraints. The robot motion and inter-robot communication are closely coupled and coordinated during run time by scheduling intermittent meeting events to facilitate the local plan execution. We present both numerical simulations and experimental studies to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method over existing approaches that predominantly require all-time network connectivity.Comment: 14 Pages, 16 figure

    Distributed Cohesive Control for Robot Swarms: Maintaining Good Connectivity in the Presence of Exterior Forces

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    We present a number of powerful local mechanisms for maintaining a dynamic swarm of robots with limited capabilities and information, in the presence of external forces and permanent node failures. We propose a set of local continuous algorithms that together produce a generalization of a Euclidean Steiner tree. At any stage, the resulting overall shape achieves a good compromise between local thickness, global connectivity, and flexibility to further continuous motion of the terminals. The resulting swarm behavior scales well, is robust against node failures, and performs close to the best known approximation bound for a corresponding centralized static optimization problem
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