13,325 research outputs found

    Distributed Detection and Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this article we consider the problems of distributed detection and estimation in wireless sensor networks. In the first part, we provide a general framework aimed to show how an efficient design of a sensor network requires a joint organization of in-network processing and communication. Then, we recall the basic features of consensus algorithm, which is a basic tool to reach globally optimal decisions through a distributed approach. The main part of the paper starts addressing the distributed estimation problem. We show first an entirely decentralized approach, where observations and estimations are performed without the intervention of a fusion center. Then, we consider the case where the estimation is performed at a fusion center, showing how to allocate quantization bits and transmit powers in the links between the nodes and the fusion center, in order to accommodate the requirement on the maximum estimation variance, under a constraint on the global transmit power. We extend the approach to the detection problem. Also in this case, we consider the distributed approach, where every node can achieve a globally optimal decision, and the case where the decision is taken at a central node. In the latter case, we show how to allocate coding bits and transmit power in order to maximize the detection probability, under constraints on the false alarm rate and the global transmit power. Then, we generalize consensus algorithms illustrating a distributed procedure that converges to the projection of the observation vector onto a signal subspace. We then address the issue of energy consumption in sensor networks, thus showing how to optimize the network topology in order to minimize the energy necessary to achieve a global consensus. Finally, we address the problem of matching the topology of the network to the graph describing the statistical dependencies among the observed variables.Comment: 92 pages, 24 figures. To appear in E-Reference Signal Processing, R. Chellapa and S. Theodoridis, Eds., Elsevier, 201

    Distributed Estimation of a Parametric Field Using Sparse Noisy Data

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    The problem of distributed estimation of a parametric physical field is stated as a maximum likelihood estimation problem. Sensor observations are distorted by additive white Gaussian noise. Prior to data transmission, each sensor quantizes its observation to MM levels. The quantized data are then communicated over parallel additive white Gaussian channels to a fusion center for a joint estimation. An iterative expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the unknown parameter is formulated, and its linearized version is adopted for numerical analysis. The numerical examples are provided for the case of the field modeled as a Gaussian bell. The dependence of the integrated mean-square error on the number of quantization levels, the number of sensors in the network and the SNR in observation and transmission channels is analyzed.Comment: to appear at Milcom-201

    Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Signal Processing

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    Gossip algorithms are attractive for in-network processing in sensor networks because they do not require any specialized routing, there is no bottleneck or single point of failure, and they are robust to unreliable wireless network conditions. Recently, there has been a surge of activity in the computer science, control, signal processing, and information theory communities, developing faster and more robust gossip algorithms and deriving theoretical performance guarantees. This article presents an overview of recent work in the area. We describe convergence rate results, which are related to the number of transmitted messages and thus the amount of energy consumed in the network for gossiping. We discuss issues related to gossiping over wireless links, including the effects of quantization and noise, and we illustrate the use of gossip algorithms for canonical signal processing tasks including distributed estimation, source localization, and compression.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the IEEE, 29 page

    On Distributed Linear Estimation With Observation Model Uncertainties

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    We consider distributed estimation of a Gaussian source in a heterogenous bandwidth constrained sensor network, where the source is corrupted by independent multiplicative and additive observation noises, with incomplete statistical knowledge of the multiplicative noise. For multi-bit quantizers, we derive the closed-form mean-square-error (MSE) expression for the linear minimum MSE (LMMSE) estimator at the FC. For both error-free and erroneous communication channels, we propose several rate allocation methods named as longest root to leaf path, greedy and integer relaxation to (i) minimize the MSE given a network bandwidth constraint, and (ii) minimize the required network bandwidth given a target MSE. We also derive the Bayesian Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) and compare the MSE performance of our proposed methods against the CRLB. Our results corroborate that, for low power multiplicative observation noises and adequate network bandwidth, the gaps between the MSE of our proposed methods and the CRLB are negligible, while the performance of other methods like individual rate allocation and uniform is not satisfactory

    Limited-Feedback-Based Channel-Aware Power Allocation for Linear Distributed Estimation

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    This paper investigates the problem of distributed best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) of a random parameter at the fusion center (FC) of a wireless sensor network (WSN). In particular, the application of limited-feedback strategies for the optimal power allocation in distributed estimation is studied. In order to find the BLUE estimator of the unknown parameter, the FC combines spatially distributed, linearly processed, noisy observations of local sensors received through orthogonal channels corrupted by fading and additive Gaussian noise. Most optimal power-allocation schemes proposed in the literature require the feedback of the exact instantaneous channel state information from the FC to local sensors. This paper proposes a limited-feedback strategy in which the FC designs an optimal codebook containing the optimal power-allocation vectors, in an iterative offline process, based on the generalized Lloyd algorithm with modified distortion functions. Upon observing a realization of the channel vector, the FC finds the closest codeword to its corresponding optimal power-allocation vector and broadcasts the index of the codeword. Each sensor will then transmit its analog observations using its optimal quantized amplification gain. This approach eliminates the requirement for infinite-rate digital feedback links and is scalable, especially in large WSNs.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 Figures, 1 Algorithm, Forty Seventh Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR 2013
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