3,483 research outputs found

    Distributed Training of Structured SVM

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    Training structured prediction models is time-consuming. However, most existing approaches only use a single machine, thus, the advantage of computing power and the capacity for larger data sets of multiple machines have not been exploited. In this work, we propose an efficient algorithm for distributedly training structured support vector machines based on a distributed block-coordinate descent method. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that our method is efficient.Comment: NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, 201

    Distributed Training Large-Scale Deep Architectures

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    Scale of data and scale of computation infrastructures together enable the current deep learning renaissance. However, training large-scale deep architectures demands both algorithmic improvement and careful system configuration. In this paper, we focus on employing the system approach to speed up large-scale training. Via lessons learned from our routine benchmarking effort, we first identify bottlenecks and overheads that hinter data parallelism. We then devise guidelines that help practitioners to configure an effective system and fine-tune parameters to achieve desired speedup. Specifically, we develop a procedure for setting minibatch size and choosing computation algorithms. We also derive lemmas for determining the quantity of key components such as the number of GPUs and parameter servers. Experiments and examples show that these guidelines help effectively speed up large-scale deep learning training

    Theano-MPI: a Theano-based Distributed Training Framework

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    We develop a scalable and extendable training framework that can utilize GPUs across nodes in a cluster and accelerate the training of deep learning models based on data parallelism. Both synchronous and asynchronous training are implemented in our framework, where parameter exchange among GPUs is based on CUDA-aware MPI. In this report, we analyze the convergence and capability of the framework to reduce training time when scaling the synchronous training of AlexNet and GoogLeNet from 2 GPUs to 8 GPUs. In addition, we explore novel ways to reduce the communication overhead caused by exchanging parameters. Finally, we release the framework as open-source for further research on distributed deep learnin

    Nested Dithered Quantization for Communication Reduction in Distributed Training

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    In distributed training, the communication cost due to the transmission of gradients or the parameters of the deep model is a major bottleneck in scaling up the number of processing nodes. To address this issue, we propose \emph{dithered quantization} for the transmission of the stochastic gradients and show that training with \emph{Dithered Quantized Stochastic Gradients (DQSG)} is similar to the training with unquantized SGs perturbed by an independent bounded uniform noise, in contrast to the other quantization methods where the perturbation depends on the gradients and hence, complicating the convergence analysis. We study the convergence of training algorithms using DQSG and the trade off between the number of quantization levels and the training time. Next, we observe that there is a correlation among the SGs computed by workers that can be utilized to further reduce the communication overhead without any performance loss. Hence, we develop a simple yet effective quantization scheme, nested dithered quantized SG (NDQSG), that can reduce the communication significantly \emph{without requiring the workers communicating extra information to each other}. We prove that although NDQSG requires significantly less bits, it can achieve the same quantization variance bound as DQSG. Our simulation results confirm the effectiveness of training using DQSG and NDQSG in reducing the communication bits or the convergence time compared to the existing methods without sacrificing the accuracy of the trained model

    Deep Gradient Compression: Reducing the Communication Bandwidth for Distributed Training

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    Large-scale distributed training requires significant communication bandwidth for gradient exchange that limits the scalability of multi-node training, and requires expensive high-bandwidth network infrastructure. The situation gets even worse with distributed training on mobile devices (federated learning), which suffers from higher latency, lower throughput, and intermittent poor connections. In this paper, we find 99.9% of the gradient exchange in distributed SGD is redundant, and propose Deep Gradient Compression (DGC) to greatly reduce the communication bandwidth. To preserve accuracy during compression, DGC employs four methods: momentum correction, local gradient clipping, momentum factor masking, and warm-up training. We have applied Deep Gradient Compression to image classification, speech recognition, and language modeling with multiple datasets including Cifar10, ImageNet, Penn Treebank, and Librispeech Corpus. On these scenarios, Deep Gradient Compression achieves a gradient compression ratio from 270x to 600x without losing accuracy, cutting the gradient size of ResNet-50 from 97MB to 0.35MB, and for DeepSpeech from 488MB to 0.74MB. Deep gradient compression enables large-scale distributed training on inexpensive commodity 1Gbps Ethernet and facilitates distributed training on mobile. Code is available at: https://github.com/synxlin/deep-gradient-compression.Comment: we find 99.9% of the gradient exchange in distributed SGD is redundant; we reduce the communication bandwidth by two orders of magnitude without losing accuracy. Code is available at: https://github.com/synxlin/deep-gradient-compressio

    A Hitchhiker's Guide On Distributed Training of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep learning has led to tremendous advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence. One caveat however is the substantial amount of compute needed to train these deep learning models. Training a benchmark dataset like ImageNet on a single machine with a modern GPU can take upto a week, distributing training on multiple machines has been observed to drastically bring this time down. Recent work has brought down ImageNet training time to a time as low as 4 minutes by using a cluster of 2048 GPUs. This paper surveys the various algorithms and techniques used to distribute training and presents the current state of the art for a modern distributed training framework. More specifically, we explore the synchronous and asynchronous variants of distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent, various All Reduce gradient aggregation strategies and best practices for obtaining higher throughout and lower latency over a cluster such as mixed precision training, large batch training and gradient compression.Comment: 14 page

    An MPI-Based Python Framework for Distributed Training with Keras

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    We present a lightweight Python framework for distributed training of neural networks on multiple GPUs or CPUs. The framework is built on the popular Keras machine learning library. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) protocol is used to coordinate the training process, and the system is well suited for job submission at supercomputing sites. We detail the software's features, describe its use, and demonstrate its performance on systems of varying sizes on a benchmark problem drawn from high-energy physics research.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, DS@HEP, SC1

    AdaComp : Adaptive Residual Gradient Compression for Data-Parallel Distributed Training

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    Highly distributed training of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on future compute platforms (offering 100 of TeraOps/s of computational capacity) is expected to be severely communication constrained. To overcome this limitation, new gradient compression techniques are needed that are computationally friendly, applicable to a wide variety of layers seen in Deep Neural Networks and adaptable to variations in network architectures as well as their hyper-parameters. In this paper we introduce a novel technique - the Adaptive Residual Gradient Compression (AdaComp) scheme. AdaComp is based on localized selection of gradient residues and automatically tunes the compression rate depending on local activity. We show excellent results on a wide spectrum of state of the art Deep Learning models in multiple domains (vision, speech, language), datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, ImageNet, BN50, Shakespeare), optimizers (SGD with momentum, Adam) and network parameters (number of learners, minibatch-size etc.). Exploiting both sparsity and quantization, we demonstrate end-to-end compression rates of ~200X for fully-connected and recurrent layers, and ~40X for convolutional layers, without any noticeable degradation in model accuracies.Comment: IBM Research AI, 9 pages, 7 figures, AAAI18 accepte

    High-Rate, Distributed Training-Embedded Complex Orthogonal Designs for Relay Networks

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    Distributed Space-Time Block Codes (DSTBCs) from Complex Orthogonal Designs (CODs) (both square and non-square CODs other than the Alamouti design) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using amplify and forward protocol. For such a network, in this paper, a new class of high rate, training-embedded (TE) SSD DSTBCs are constructed from TE-CODs. The proposed codes include the training symbols in the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain high rate as well as the SSD property. TE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations. Non-square TE-CODs are shown to provide higher rates (in symbols per channel use) compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks with number of relays less than 10.10.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    OD-SGD: One-step Delay Stochastic Gradient Descent for Distributed Training

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    The training of modern deep learning neural network calls for large amounts of computation, which is often provided by GPUs or other specific accelerators. To scale out to achieve faster training speed, two update algorithms are mainly applied in the distributed training process, i.e. the Synchronous SGD algorithm (SSGD) and Asynchronous SGD algorithm (ASGD). SSGD obtains good convergence point while the training speed is slowed down by the synchronous barrier. ASGD has faster training speed but the convergence point is lower when compared to SSGD. To sufficiently utilize the advantages of SSGD and ASGD, we propose a novel technology named One-step Delay SGD (OD-SGD) to combine their strengths in the training process. Therefore, we can achieve similar convergence point and training speed as SSGD and ASGD separately. To the best of our knowledge, we make the first attempt to combine the features of SSGD and ASGD to improve distributed training performance. Each iteration of OD-SGD contains a global update in the parameter server node and local updates in the worker nodes, the local update is introduced to update and compensate the delayed local weights. We evaluate our proposed algorithm on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Experimental results show that OD-SGD can obtain similar or even slightly better accuracy than SSGD, while its training speed is much faster, which even exceeds the training speed of ASGD