2 research outputs found

    Feat-SKSJ: Fast and Exact Algorithm for Top-k Spatial-Keyword Similarity Join

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    Due to the proliferation of GPS-enabled mobile devices and IoT environments, location-based services are generating a large number of objects that contain both spatial and keyword information, and spatial-keyword databases are receiving much attention. This paper addresses the problem of top-k spatial-keyword similarity join, which outputs k object pairs with the highest similarity. This query is a primitive operator for important applications, including duplicate detection, recommendation, and clustering. The main bottleneck of the top-k spatial-keyword similarity join is to compute the similarity of a given object pair. To avoid this computation as much as possible, a state-of-the-art algorithm utilizes a filter that can skip the exact similarity computation of a given pair. However, this algorithm suffers from a loose threshold at the first stage, a high filtering cost, and the impossibility of filtering many pairs in a batch. We propose Feat-SKSJ, which removes these drawbacks and quickly outputs the exact result. Extensive experiments on real datasets show that Feat-SKSJ is significantly faster than the state-of-the-art algorithm

    Distributed streaming set similarity join

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    © 2020 IEEE. With the prevalence of Internet access and user generated content, a large number of documents/records, such as news and web pages, have been continuously generated in an unprecedented manner. In this paper, we study the problem of efficient stream set similarity join over distributed systems, which has broad applications in data cleaning and data integration tasks, such as on-line near-duplicate detection. In contrast to prefix-based distribution strategy which is widely adopted in offline distributed processing, we propose a simple yet efficient length-based distribution framework which dispatches incoming records by their length. A load-aware length partition method is developed to find a balanced partition by effectively estimating local join cost to achieve good load balance. Our length-based scheme is surprisingly superior to its competitors since it has no replication, small communication cost, and high throughput. We further observe that the join results from the current incoming record can be utilized to guide the index construction, which in turn can facilitate the join processing of future records. Inspired by this observation, we propose a novel bundle-based join algorithm by grouping similar records on-the-fly to reduce filtering cost. A by-product of this algorithm is an efficient verification technique, which verifies a batch of records by utilizing their token differences to share verification costs, rather than verifying them individually. Extensive experiments conducted on Storm, a popular distributed stream processing system, suggest that our methods can achieve up to one order of magnitude throughput improvement over baselines