7 research outputs found

    ACO-Based Routing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) are an outstanding solution to improve efficiency of spectrum usage. Secondary users in cognitive networks may select from a set of available channels to use provided that the occupancy does not affect the prioritized licensed users. However, CRNs produce unique routing challenges due to the high fluctuation in the available spectrum as well as diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. In CRNs, distributed multihop architecture and time varying spectrum availability are some of the key factors in design of routing algorithms. In this paper, we develop an ant-colony-optimization- (ACO-) based on-demand cognitive routing algorithm (ACO-OCR), jointly consider path and spectrum scheduling, and take advantage of the availability of multiple channels, to improve the delivery latency and packet loss rate. Then, an analytical framework based on M/G/1 queuing theory is introduced to illustrate the relay node queuing model. The performances of ACO-OCR have been evaluated by means of numerical simulations, and the experimental results confirm its effectiveness. Simulation results show that ACO-OCR outperforms other routing approaches in end-to-end path latency and package loss rate

    A Distributed Joint Channel and Time Slot Assignment for Convergecast in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audienceIn this work, we study raw convergecast in multichannel wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where the sink may be equipped with multiple radio interfaces. We propose Wave, a simple and practical distributed joint channel and time slot assignment. We evaluate the number of slots needed to complete the convergecast by simulation and compare it to the optimal schedule and to a centralized solution

    DiSCA: a Distributed Scheduling for Convergecast in Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audience—The new IEEE 802.15.4e standard does not specify how the schedule of medium accesses followed by wireless sensors is built. That is why, we propose a distributed interference-aware joint channel and time slot assignment, called DiSCA, for a traffic-aware convergecast in multichannel wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Unlike most previous studies, we consider two cases of transmissions: without acknowledgment and with immediate acknowledgment. We provide the minimum bound on the number of time slots needed for a convergecast with a sink equipped with multiple radio interfaces. Simulations results show that DiSCA is close to the optimal in terms of the number of slots and outperforms TMCP

    Ordonnancement de l'activité des noeuds dans les réseaux ad hoc et les réseaux de capteurs sans fil

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    National audienceL'efficacité énergétique est une exigence majeure pour les réseaux sans fil où certains noeuds opèrent sur batterie. L'ordonnancement de l'activité des noeuds permet de distinguer périodes actives où la communication radio est possible et périodes inactives où la radio est arrêtée. Cet ordonnancement contribue largement à améliorer l'efficacité énergétique : d'une part en évitant les collisions entre transmissions conflictuelles et donc les retransmissions associées et d'autre part en permettant aux noeuds non concernés par la transmission de dormir pour économiser leur énergie. Parmi les solutions possibles, nous étudierons plus particulièrement le coloriage des noeuds. Après avoir défini le problème et ses différentes déclinaisons, nous donnerons sa complexité et proposerons SERENA, un algorithme de coloriage distribué qui s'adapte à la collecte de données. Nous présenterons OSERENA, l'optimisation de SERENA pour les réseaux denses et son utilisation dans le réseau de capteurs sans fil OCARI. Lorsque les noeuds ont des charges de trafic fortement hétérogènes, il devient plus intéressant d'effectuer une assignation de slots. Disposer d'un accès au médium multicanal et d'un puits multi-interfaces permet de gagner en nombre de slots nécessaires à la collecte de données, de réduire les interférences et d'améliorer la résistance aux perturbations. Nous présenterons une formalisation en ILP (Integer Linear Programming) du problème d'assignation de slots visant à minimiser le nombre de slots en profitant d'un environnement mono ou multicanal et d'un puits mono ou multi-interfaces. Nous donnerons des bornes théoriques sur le nombre optimal de slots dans diverses configurations et divers environnements (mono ou multicanal, puits mono ou multi-interfaces). Nous présenterons MODESA un algorithme centralisé d'allocatoion conjointe de canaux et slots temporels. Nous terminerons par quelques questions ouvertes

    Distributed Strategies for Channel Allocation and Scheduling in Software-Defined Radio Networks

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    Abstract—Equipping wireless nodes with multiple radios can significantly increase the capacity of wireless networks, by making these radios simultaneously transmit over multiple nonoverlapping channels. However, due to the limited number of radios and available orthogonal channels, designing efficient channel assignment and scheduling algorithms in such networks is a major challenge. In this paper, we present provablygood distributed algorithms for simultaneous channel allocation of individual links and packet-scheduling, in Software-Defined Radio (SDR) wireless networks. Our distributed algorithms are very simple to implement, and do not require any coordination even among neighboring nodes. A novel access hash function or random oracle methodology is one of the key drivers of our results. With this access hash function, each radio can know the transmitters ’ decisions for links in its interference set for each time slot without introducing any extra communication overhead between them. Further, by utilizing the inductivescheduling technique, each radio can also backoff appropriately to avoid collisions. Extensive simulations demonstrate that our bounds are valid in practice. I