26 research outputs found

    Distributed Smooth Projective Hashing and its Application to Two-Server PAKE

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    Smooth projective hash functions have been used as building block for various cryptographic applications, in particular for password-based authentication. In this work we propose the extended concept of distributed smooth projective hash functions where the computation of the hash value is distributed across nn parties and show how to instantiate the underlying approach for languages consisting of Cramer-Shoup ciphertexts. As an application of distributed smooth projective hashing we build a new framework for the design of two-server password authenticated key exchange protocols, which we believe can help to explain the design of earlier two-server password authenticated key exchange protocols

    Structure-Preserving Smooth Projective Hashing

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    International audienceSmooth projective hashing has proven to be an extremely useful primitive, in particular when used in conjunction with commitments to provide implicit decommitment. This has lead to applications proven secure in the UC framework, even in presence of an adversary which can do adaptive corruptions, like for example Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE), and 1-out-of-m Oblivious Transfer (OT). However such solutions still lack in efficiency, since they heavily scale on the underlying message length. Structure-preserving cryptography aims at providing elegant and efficient schemes based on classical assumptions and standard group operations on group elements. Recent trend focuses on constructions of structure- preserving signatures, which require message, signature and verification keys to lie in the base group, while the verification equations only consist of pairing-product equations. Classical constructions of Smooth Projective Hash Function suffer from the same limitation as classical signatures: at least one part of the computation (messages for signature, witnesses for SPHF) is a scalar. In this work, we introduce and instantiate the concept of Structure- Preserving Smooth Projective Hash Function, and give as applications more efficient instantiations for one-round PAKE and three-round OT, and information retrieval thanks to Anonymous Credentials, all UC- secure against adaptive adversaries

    A new framework for efficient password-based authenticated key exchange

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    Protocols for password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allow two users who share only a short, low-entropy password to agree on a cryptographically strong session key. The challenge in designing such protocols is that they must be immune to off-line dictionary attacks in which an eavesdropping adversary exhaustively enumerates the dictionary of likely passwords in an attempt to match a password to the set of observed transcripts. To date, few general frameworks for constructing PAKE protocols in the standard model are known. Here, we abstract and generalize a protocol by Jiang and Gong to give a new methodology for realizing PAKE without random oracles, in the common reference string model. In addition to giving a new approach to the problem, the resulting construction offers several advantages over prior work. We also describe an extension of our protocol that is secure within the universal composability (UC) framework and, when instantiated using El Gamal encryption, is more efficient than a previous protocol of Canetti et al.

    Universally Composable Two-Server PAKE

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    Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange (2PAKE) protocols apply secret shar-ing techniques to achieve protection against server-compromise attacks. 2PAKE protocols eliminate the need for password hashing and remain secure as long as one of the servers remains honest. This concept has also been explored in connection with two-server password authenticated secret sharing (2PASS) protocols for which game-based and universally composable versions have been proposed. In contrast, universally composable PAKE protocols exist currently only in the single-server scenario and all proposed 2PAKE protocols use game-based security definitions. In this paper we propose the first construction of an universally composable 2PAKE protocol, alongside with its ideal functionality. The protocol is proven UC-secure in the standard model, assuming a common reference string which is a common assumption to many UC-secure PAKE and PASS protocols. The proposed protocol remains secure for arbitrary password distributions. As one of the building blocks we define and construct a new cryptographic primitive, called Trapdoor Distributed Smooth Projective Hash Function (TD-SPHF), which could be of independent interest

    Smooth NIZK Arguments with Applications to Asymmetric UC-PAKE and Threshold-IBE

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    We introduce a novel notion of smooth (-verifier) non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (NIZK) which parallels the familiar notion of smooth projective hash functions (SPHF). We also show that the recent single group element quasi-adaptive NIZK (QA-NIZK) of Jutla and Roy (CRYPTO 2014) for linear subspaces can be easily extended to be computationally smooth. One important distinction of the new notion from SPHFs is that in a smooth NIZK the public evaluation of the hash on a language member using the projection key does not require the witness of the language member, but instead just requires its NIZK proof. This has the remarkable consequence that in the Gennaro-Lindell paradigm of designing universally-composable password-authenticated key-exchange (UC-PAKE) protocols, if one replaces the traditionally employed SPHFs with the novel smooth QA-NIZK, one gets highly efficient UC-PAKE protocols that are secure even under dynamic corruption. This simpler and modular design methodology allows us to give the first single-round asymmetric UC-PAKE protocol, which is also secure under dynamic corruption in the erasure model. We also define a related concept of smooth signatures, which we show is black-box equivalent to identity-based encryption (IBE). The novel abstraction allows us to give the first threshold (private-key generation) fully-secure IBE in the standard model

    New Smooth Projective Hashing For Oblivious Transfer

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    Oblivious transfer is an important tool against malicious cloud server providers. Halevi-Kalai OT, which is based on smooth projective hash(SPH), is a famous and the most efficient framework for 11-out-of-22 oblivious transfer (\mbox{OT}^{2}_{1}) against malicious adversaries in plain model. A natural question however, which so far has not been answered, is whether its security level can be improved, i.e., whether it can be made fully-simulatable. In this paper, we press a new SPH variant, which enables a positive answer to above question. In more details, it even makes fully-simulatable \mbox{OT}^{n}_{t} (n,tNn,t\in \mathbb{N} and n>tn>t) possible. We instantiate this new SPH variant under not only the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption, the decisional NN-th residuosity assumption and the decisional quadratic residuosity assumption as currently existing SPH constructions, but also the learning with errors (LWE) problem. Before this paper, there is a folklore that it is technically difficult to instantiate SPH under the lattice assumption (e.g., LWE). Considering quantum adversaries in the future, lattice-based SPH makes important sense

    Blind Password Registration for Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange and Secret Sharing Protocols

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    Many organisations enforce policies on the length and formation of passwords to encourage selection of strong passwords and protect their multi-user systems. For Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange (2PAKE) and Two-Server Password Authenticated Secret Sharing (2PASS) protocols, where the password chosen by the client is secretly shared between the two servers, the initial remote registration of policy-compliant passwords represents a major problem because none of the servers is supposed to know the password in clear. We solve this problem by introducing Two-Server Blind Password Registration (2BPR) protocols that can be executed between a client and the two servers as part of the remote registration procedure. 2BPR protocols guarantee that secret shares sent to the servers belong to a password that matches their combined password policy and that the plain password remains hidden from any attacker that is in control of at most one server. We propose a security model for 2BPR protocols capturing the requirements of policy compliance for client passwords and their blindness against the servers. Our model extends the adversarial setting of 2PAKE/2PASS protocols to the registration phase and hence closes the gap in the formal treatment of such protocols. We construct an efficient 2BPR protocol for ASCII-based password policies, prove its security in the standard model, give a proof of concept implementation, and discuss its performance

    Cryptanalysis of an oblivious PRF from supersingular isogenies

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    We cryptanalyse the SIDH-based oblivious pseudorandom function from supersingular isogenies proposed at Asiacrypt’20 by Boneh, Kogan and Woo. To this end, we give an attack on an assumption, the auxiliary one-more assumption, that was introduced by Boneh et al. and we show that this leads to an attack on the oblivious PRF itself. The attack breaks the pseudorandomness as it allows adversaries to evaluate the OPRF without further interactions with the server after some initial OPRF evaluations and some offline computations. More specifically, we first propose a polynomial-time attack. Then, we argue it is easy to change the OPRF protocol to include some countermeasures, and present a second subexponential attack that succeeds in the presence of said countermeasures. Both attacks break the security parameters suggested by Boneh et al. Furthermore, we provide a proof of concept implementation as well as some timings of our attack. Finally, we examine the generation of one of the OPRF parameters and argue that a trusted third party is needed to guarantee provable security.SCOPUS: cp.kinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe