8,967 research outputs found

    Distributed Phishing Attacks

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    We identify and describe a new type of phishing attack that circumvents what is probably today\u27s most efficient defense mechanism in the war against phishing, namely the shutting down of sites run by the phisher. This attack is carried out using what we call a distributed phishing attack (DPA). The attack works by a per-victim personalization of the location of sites collecting credentials and a covert transmission of credentials to a hidden coordination center run by the phisher. We show how our attack can be simply and efficiently implemented and how it can increase the success rate of attacks while at the same time concealing the tracks of the phisher. We briefly describe a technique that may be helpful to combat DPAs

    A Reputation Score Driven E-Mail Mitigation System

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    E-mail inspection and mitigation systems are necessary in today\u27s world due to frequent bombardment of adversarial attacks leverage phishing techniques. The process and accuracy in identifying a phishing attack present significant challenges due to data encryption hindering the ability to conduct signature matching, context analysis of a message, and synchronization of alerts in distributed detection systems. The author recognizes a grand challenge that the increase in the number of data analysis systems corresponds to an overall increase in the delivery time delay of an e-mail message. This work enhances PhishLimiter as a solution to combat phishing attacks using machine learning techniques to analyze 27 e-mail features and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) to optimize network transactions. PhishLimiter uses a two-lane inspection approach of Store-and-Forward (SF) and Forward-and-Inspect (FI) to distinguish whether traffic is held for analysis or immediately forwarded to the destination. The results of the work demonstrated PhishLimiter as a viable solution to combat Phishing attacks while minimizing delivery time of e-mail messages

    A Large-Scale Study of Phishing PDF Documents

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    Phishing PDFs are malicious PDF documents that do not embed malware but trick victims into visiting malicious web pages leading to password theft or drive-by downloads. While recent reports indicate a surge of phishing PDFs, prior works have largely neglected this new threat, positioning phishing PDFs as accessories distributed via email phishing campaigns. This paper challenges this belief and presents the first systematic and comprehensive study centered on phishing PDFs. Starting from a real-world dataset, we first identify 44 phishing PDF campaigns via clustering and characterize them by looking at their volumetric, temporal, and visual features. Among these, we identify three large campaigns covering 89% of the dataset, exhibiting significantly different volumetric and temporal properties compared to classical email phishing, and relying on web UI elements as visual baits. Finally, we look at the distribution vectors and show that phishing PDFs are not only distributed via attachments but also via SEO attacks, placing phishing PDFs outside the email distribution ecosystem. This paper also assesses the usefulness of the VirusTotal scoring system, showing that phishing PDFs are ranked considerably low, creating a blind spot for organizations. While URL blocklists can help to prevent victims from visiting the attack web pages, PDF documents seem not subjected to any form of content-based filtering or detection

    Reaction to New Security Threat Class

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    Each new identified security threat class triggers new research and development efforts by the scientific and professional communities. In this study, we investigate the rate at which the scientific and professional communities react to new identified threat classes as it is reflected in the number of patents, scientific articles and professional publications over a long period of time. The following threat classes were studied: Phishing; SQL Injection; BotNet; Distributed Denial of Service; and Advanced Persistent Threat. Our findings suggest that in most cases it takes a year for the scientific community and more than two years for industry to react to a new threat class with patents. Since new products follow patents, it is reasonable to expect that there will be a window of approximately two to three years in which no effective product is available to cope with the new threat class

    Scalable Detection and Isolation of Phishing

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    This paper presents a proposal for scalable detection and isolation of phishing. The main ideas are to move the protection from end users towards the network provider and to employ the novel bad neighborhood concept, in order to detect and isolate both phishing e-mail senders and phishing web servers. In addition, we propose to develop a self-management architecture that enables ISPs to protect their users against phishing attacks, and explain how this architecture could be evaluated. This proposal is the result of half a year of research work at the University of Twente (UT), and it is aimed at a Ph.D. thesis in 2012

    Experimental Case Studies for Investigating E-Banking Phishing Techniques and Attack Strategies

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    Phishing is a form of electronic identity theft in which a combination of social engineering and web site spoofing techniques are used to trick a user into revealing confidential information with economic value. The problem of social engineering attack is that there is no single solution to eliminate it completely, since it deals largely with the human factor. This is why implementing empirical experiments is very crucial in order to study and to analyze all malicious and deceiving phishing website attack techniques and strategies. In this paper, three different kinds of phishing experiment case studies have been conducted to shed some light into social engineering attacks, such as phone phishing and phishing website attacks for designing effective countermeasures and analyzing the efficiency of performing security awareness about phishing threats. Results and reactions to our experiments show the importance of conducting phishing training awareness for all users and doubling our efforts in developing phishing prevention techniques. Results also suggest that traditional standard security phishing factor indicators are not always effective for detecting phishing websites, and alternative intelligent phishing detection approaches are needed