31,762 research outputs found

    RLlib: Abstractions for Distributed Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms involve the deep nesting of highly irregular computation patterns, each of which typically exhibits opportunities for distributed computation. We argue for distributing RL components in a composable way by adapting algorithms for top-down hierarchical control, thereby encapsulating parallelism and resource requirements within short-running compute tasks. We demonstrate the benefits of this principle through RLlib: a library that provides scalable software primitives for RL. These primitives enable a broad range of algorithms to be implemented with high performance, scalability, and substantial code reuse. RLlib is available at https://rllib.io/.Comment: Published in the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2018), 10 page

    TensorFlow: A system for large-scale machine learning

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    TensorFlow is a machine learning system that operates at large scale and in heterogeneous environments. TensorFlow uses dataflow graphs to represent computation, shared state, and the operations that mutate that state. It maps the nodes of a dataflow graph across many machines in a cluster, and within a machine across multiple computational devices, including multicore CPUs, general-purpose GPUs, and custom designed ASICs known as Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). This architecture gives flexibility to the application developer: whereas in previous "parameter server" designs the management of shared state is built into the system, TensorFlow enables developers to experiment with novel optimizations and training algorithms. TensorFlow supports a variety of applications, with particularly strong support for training and inference on deep neural networks. Several Google services use TensorFlow in production, we have released it as an open-source project, and it has become widely used for machine learning research. In this paper, we describe the TensorFlow dataflow model in contrast to existing systems, and demonstrate the compelling performance that TensorFlow achieves for several real-world applications.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; v2 has a spelling correction in the metadat

    AdaNet: A Scalable and Flexible Framework for Automatically Learning Ensembles

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    AdaNet is a lightweight TensorFlow-based (Abadi et al., 2015) framework for automatically learning high-quality ensembles with minimal expert intervention. Our framework is inspired by the AdaNet algorithm (Cortes et al., 2017) which learns the structure of a neural network as an ensemble of subnetworks. We designed it to: (1) integrate with the existing TensorFlow ecosystem, (2) offer sensible default search spaces to perform well on novel datasets, (3) present a flexible API to utilize expert information when available, and (4) efficiently accelerate training with distributed CPU, GPU, and TPU hardware. The code is open-source and available at: https://github.com/tensorflow/adanet

    MLlib: Machine Learning in Apache Spark

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    Apache Spark is a popular open-source platform for large-scale data processing that is well-suited for iterative machine learning tasks. In this paper we present MLlib, Spark's open-source distributed machine learning library. MLlib provides efficient functionality for a wide range of learning settings and includes several underlying statistical, optimization, and linear algebra primitives. Shipped with Spark, MLlib supports several languages and provides a high-level API that leverages Spark's rich ecosystem to simplify the development of end-to-end machine learning pipelines. MLlib has experienced a rapid growth due to its vibrant open-source community of over 140 contributors, and includes extensive documentation to support further growth and to let users quickly get up to speed

    Execution Templates: Caching Control Plane Decisions for Strong Scaling of Data Analytics

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    Control planes of cloud frameworks trade off between scheduling granularity and performance. Centralized systems schedule at task granularity, but only schedule a few thousand tasks per second. Distributed systems schedule hundreds of thousands of tasks per second but changing the schedule is costly. We present execution templates, a control plane abstraction that can schedule hundreds of thousands of tasks per second while supporting fine-grained, per-task scheduling decisions. Execution templates leverage a program's repetitive control flow to cache blocks of frequently-executed tasks. Executing a task in a template requires sending a single message. Large-scale scheduling changes install new templates, while small changes apply edits to existing templates. Evaluations of execution templates in Nimbus, a data analytics framework, find that they provide the fine-grained scheduling flexibility of centralized control planes while matching the strong scaling of distributed ones. Execution templates support complex, real-world applications, such as a fluid simulation with a triply nested loop and data dependent branches.Comment: To appear at USENIX ATC 201

    FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs on an Array of Commodity SSDs

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    Graph analysis performs many random reads and writes, thus, these workloads are typically performed in memory. Traditionally, analyzing large graphs requires a cluster of machines so the aggregate memory exceeds the graph size. We demonstrate that a multicore server can process graphs with billions of vertices and hundreds of billions of edges, utilizing commodity SSDs with minimal performance loss. We do so by implementing a graph-processing engine on top of a user-space SSD file system designed for high IOPS and extreme parallelism. Our semi-external memory graph engine called FlashGraph stores vertex state in memory and edge lists on SSDs. It hides latency by overlapping computation with I/O. To save I/O bandwidth, FlashGraph only accesses edge lists requested by applications from SSDs; to increase I/O throughput and reduce CPU overhead for I/O, it conservatively merges I/O requests. These designs maximize performance for applications with different I/O characteristics. FlashGraph exposes a general and flexible vertex-centric programming interface that can express a wide variety of graph algorithms and their optimizations. We demonstrate that FlashGraph in semi-external memory performs many algorithms with performance up to 80% of its in-memory implementation and significantly outperforms PowerGraph, a popular distributed in-memory graph engine.Comment: published in FAST'1

    ZenLDA: An Efficient and Scalable Topic Model Training System on Distributed Data-Parallel Platform

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    This paper presents our recent efforts, zenLDA, an efficient and scalable Collapsed Gibbs Sampling system for Latent Dirichlet Allocation training, which is thought to be challenging that both data parallelism and model parallelism are required because of the Big sampling data with up to billions of documents and Big model size with up to trillions of parameters. zenLDA combines both algorithm level improvements and system level optimizations. It first presents a novel CGS algorithm that balances the time complexity, model accuracy and parallelization flexibility. The input corpus in zenLDA is represented as a directed graph and model parameters are annotated as the corresponding vertex attributes. The distributed training is parallelized by partitioning the graph that in each iteration it first applies CGS step for all partitions in parallel, followed by synchronizing the computed model each other. In this way, both data parallelism and model parallelism are achieved by converting them to graph parallelism. We revisited the tradeoff between system efficiency and model accuracy and presented approximations such as unsynchronized model, sparse model initialization and "converged" token exclusion. zenLDA is built on GraphX in Spark that provides distributed data abstraction (RDD) and expressive APIs to simplify the programming efforts and simultaneously hides the system complexities. This enables us to implement other CGS algorithm with a few lines of code change. To better fit in distributed data-parallel framework and achieve comparable performance with contemporary systems, we also presented several system level optimizations to push the performance limit. zenLDA was evaluated it against web-scale corpus, and the result indicates that zenLDA can achieve about much better performance than other CGS algorithm we implemented, and simultaneously achieve better model accuracy.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1412.4986 by other author

    Theano-MPI: a Theano-based Distributed Training Framework

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    We develop a scalable and extendable training framework that can utilize GPUs across nodes in a cluster and accelerate the training of deep learning models based on data parallelism. Both synchronous and asynchronous training are implemented in our framework, where parameter exchange among GPUs is based on CUDA-aware MPI. In this report, we analyze the convergence and capability of the framework to reduce training time when scaling the synchronous training of AlexNet and GoogLeNet from 2 GPUs to 8 GPUs. In addition, we explore novel ways to reduce the communication overhead caused by exchanging parameters. Finally, we release the framework as open-source for further research on distributed deep learnin

    C3LESC^{3}LES: Codes for Coded Computation that Leverage Stragglers

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    In distributed computing systems, it is well recognized that worker nodes that are slow (called stragglers) tend to dominate the overall job execution time. Coded computation utilizes concepts from erasure coding to mitigate the effect of stragglers by running "coded" copies of tasks comprising a job. Stragglers are typically treated as erasures in this process. While this is useful, there are issues with applying, e.g., MDS codes in a straightforward manner. Specifically, several applications such as matrix-vector products deal with sparse matrices. MDS codes typically require dense linear combinations of submatrices of the original matrix which destroy their inherent sparsity. This is problematic as it results in significantly higher processing times for computing the submatrix-vector products in coded computation. Furthermore, it also ignores partial computations at stragglers. In this work, we propose a fine-grained model that quantifies the level of non-trivial coding needed to obtain the benefits of coding in matrix-vector computation. Simultaneously, it allows us to leverage partial computations performed by the straggler nodes. For this model, we propose and evaluate several code designs and discuss their properties.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear at the 2018 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), in Guangzhou, Chin

    Big Data Computing Using Cloud-Based Technologies, Challenges and Future Perspectives

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    The excessive amounts of data generated by devices and Internet-based sources at a regular basis constitute, big data. This data can be processed and analyzed to develop useful applications for specific domains. Several mathematical and data analytics techniques have found use in this sphere. This has given rise to the development of computing models and tools for big data computing. However, the storage and processing requirements are overwhelming for traditional systems and technologies. Therefore, there is a need for infrastructures that can adjust the storage and processing capability in accordance with the changing data dimensions. Cloud Computing serves as a potential solution to this problem. However, big data computing in the cloud has its own set of challenges and research issues. This chapter surveys the big data concept, discusses the mathematical and data analytics techniques that can be used for big data and gives taxonomy of the existing tools, frameworks and platforms available for different big data computing models. Besides this, it also evaluates the viability of cloud-based big data computing, examines existing challenges and opportunities, and provides future research directions in this field
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