2,777 research outputs found

    Benets of tight coupled architectures for the integration of GNSS receiver and Vanet transceiver

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    Vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs) are one emerging type of networks that will enable a broad range of applications such as public safety, traffic management, traveler information support and entertain ment. Whether wireless access may be asynchronous or synchronous (respectively as in the upcoming IEEE 8021.11p standard or in some alternative emerging solutions), a synchronization among nodes is required. Moreover, the information on position is needed to let vehicular services work and to correctly forward the messages. As a result, timing and positioning are a strong prerequisite of VANETs. Also the diffusion of enhanced GNSS Navigators paves the way to the integration between GNSS receivers and VANET transceiv ers. This position paper presents an analysis on potential benefits coming from a tightcoupling between the two: the dissertation is meant to show to what extent Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services could benefit from the proposed architectur

    A Low Cost UWB Based Solution for Direct Georeferencing UAV Photogrammetry

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    Thanks to their flexibility and availability at reduced costs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been recently used on a wide range of applications and conditions. Among these, they can play an important role in monitoring critical events (e.g., disaster monitoring) when the presence of humans close to the scene shall be avoided for safety reasons, in precision farming and surveying. Despite the very large number of possible applications, their usage is mainly limited by the availability of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in the considered environment: indeed, GNSS is of fundamental importance in order to reduce positioning error derived by the drift of (low-cost) Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) internal sensors. In order to make the usage of UAVs possible even in critical environments (when GNSS is not available or not reliable, e.g., close to mountains or in city centers, close to high buildings), this paper considers the use of a low cost Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) system as the positioning method. Furthermore, assuming the use of a calibrated camera, UWB positioning is exploited to achieve metric reconstruction on a local coordinate system. Once the georeferenced position of at least three points (e.g., positions of three UWB devices) is known, then georeferencing can be obtained, as well. The proposed approach is validated on a specific case study, the reconstruction of the façade of a university building. Average error on 90 check points distributed over the building façade, obtained by georeferencing by means of the georeferenced positions of four UWB devices at fixed positions, is 0.29 m. For comparison, the average error obtained by using four ground control points is 0.18 m


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    This paper considers Leica backpack and photogrammetric surveys of a mediaeval bastion in Padua, Italy. Furhtermore, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) survey is considered in order to provide a state of the art reconstruction of the bastion. Despite control points are typically used to avoid deformations in photogrammetric surveys and ensure correct scaling of the reconstruction, in this paper a different approach is considered: this work is part of a project aiming at the development of a system exploiting ultra-wide band (UWB) devices to provide correct scaling of the reconstruction. In particular, low cost Pozyx UWB devices are used to estimate camera positions during image acquisitions. Then, in order to obtain a metric reconstruction, scale factor in the photogrammetric survey is estimated by comparing camera positions obtained from UWB measurements with those obtained from photogrammetric reconstruction. Compared with the TLS survey, the considered photogrammetric model of the bastion results in a RMSE of 21.9cm, average error 13.4cm, and standard deviation 13.5cm. Excluding the final part of the bastion left wing, where the presence of several poles make reconstruction more difficult, (RMSE) fitting error is 17.3cm, average error 11.5cm, and standard deviation 9.5cm. Instead, comparison of Leica backpack and TLS surveys leads to an average error of 4.7cm and standard deviation 0.6cm (4.2 cm and 0.3 cm, respectively, by excluding the final part of the left wing)

    Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks

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    Absolute positioning of vehicles is based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) combined with on-board sensors and high-resolution maps. In Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS), the positioning performance can be augmented by means of vehicular networks that enable vehicles to share location-related information. This paper presents an Implicit Cooperative Positioning (ICP) algorithm that exploits the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) connectivity in an innovative manner, avoiding the use of explicit V2V measurements such as ranging. In the ICP approach, vehicles jointly localize non-cooperative physical features (such as people, traffic lights or inactive cars) in the surrounding areas, and use them as common noisy reference points to refine their location estimates. Information on sensed features are fused through V2V links by a consensus procedure, nested within a message passing algorithm, to enhance the vehicle localization accuracy. As positioning does not rely on explicit ranging information between vehicles, the proposed ICP method is amenable to implementation with off-the-shelf vehicular communication hardware. The localization algorithm is validated in different traffic scenarios, including a crossroad area with heterogeneous conditions in terms of feature density and V2V connectivity, as well as a real urban area by using Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) for traffic data generation. Performance results show that the proposed ICP method can significantly improve the vehicle location accuracy compared to the stand-alone GNSS, especially in harsh environments, such as in urban canyons, where the GNSS signal is highly degraded or denied.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, in review, 201

    A Multi Antenna Receiver for Galileo SoL Applications

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    One of the main features of the Galileo Satellite Navigation System is integrity. To ensure a reliable and robust navigation for Safety of Life applications, like CAT III aircraft landings, new receiver technologies are indispensable. Therefore, the German Aerospace Centre originated the development of a complete safety-of-life Galileo receiver to demonstrate the capabilities of new digital beam-forming and signal-processing algorithms for the detection and mitigation of interference. To take full advantage of those algorithms a carefully designed analogue signal processing is needed. The development addresses several challenging questions in the field of antenna design, frontend development and digital signal processing. The paper will give an insight in the activity and will present latest results
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