4,488 research outputs found

    Limits on the Network Sensitivity Function for Multi-Agent Systems on a Graph

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    This report explores the tradeoffs and limits of performance in feedback control of interconnected multi-agent systems, focused on the network sensitivity functions. We consider the interaction topology described by a directed graph and we prove that the sensitivity transfer functions between every pair of agents, arbitrarily connected, can be derived using a version of the Mason's Direct Rule. Explicit forms for special types of graphs are presented. An analysis of the role of cycles points out that these structures influence and limit considerably the performance of the system. The more the cycles are equally distributed among the formation, the better performance the system can achieve, but they are always worse than the single agent case. We also prove the networked version of Bode's integral formula, showing that it still holds for multi-agent systems

    Differential Inequalities in Multi-Agent Coordination and Opinion Dynamics Modeling

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    Distributed algorithms of multi-agent coordination have attracted substantial attention from the research community; the simplest and most thoroughly studied of them are consensus protocols in the form of differential or difference equations over general time-varying weighted graphs. These graphs are usually characterized algebraically by their associated Laplacian matrices. Network algorithms with similar algebraic graph theoretic structures, called being of Laplacian-type in this paper, also arise in other related multi-agent control problems, such as aggregation and containment control, target surrounding, distributed optimization and modeling of opinion evolution in social groups. In spite of their similarities, each of such algorithms has often been studied using separate mathematical techniques. In this paper, a novel approach is offered, allowing a unified and elegant way to examine many Laplacian-type algorithms for multi-agent coordination. This approach is based on the analysis of some differential or difference inequalities that have to be satisfied by the some "outputs" of the agents (e.g. the distances to the desired set in aggregation problems). Although such inequalities may have many unbounded solutions, under natural graphic connectivity conditions all their bounded solutions converge (and even reach consensus), entailing the convergence of the corresponding distributed algorithms. In the theory of differential equations the absence of bounded non-convergent solutions is referred to as the equation's dichotomy. In this paper, we establish the dichotomy criteria of Laplacian-type differential and difference inequalities and show that these criteria enable one to extend a number of recent results, concerned with Laplacian-type algorithms for multi-agent coordination and modeling opinion formation in social groups.Comment: accepted to Automatic
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