19 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Approach to Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning

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    Federated learning facilitates the collaborative training of models without the sharing of raw data. However, recent attacks demonstrate that simply maintaining data locality during training processes does not provide sufficient privacy guarantees. Rather, we need a federated learning system capable of preventing inference over both the messages exchanged during training and the final trained model while ensuring the resulting model also has acceptable predictive accuracy. Existing federated learning approaches either use secure multiparty computation (SMC) which is vulnerable to inference or differential privacy which can lead to low accuracy given a large number of parties with relatively small amounts of data each. In this paper, we present an alternative approach that utilizes both differential privacy and SMC to balance these trade-offs. Combining differential privacy with secure multiparty computation enables us to reduce the growth of noise injection as the number of parties increases without sacrificing privacy while maintaining a pre-defined rate of trust. Our system is therefore a scalable approach that protects against inference threats and produces models with high accuracy. Additionally, our system can be used to train a variety of machine learning models, which we validate with experimental results on 3 different machine learning algorithms. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach out-performs state of the art solutions

    A Novel Privacy-Preserved Recommender System Framework based on Federated Learning

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    Recommender System (RS) is currently an effective way to solve information overload. To meet users' next click behavior, RS needs to collect users' personal information and behavior to achieve a comprehensive and profound user preference perception. However, these centrally collected data are privacy-sensitive, and any leakage may cause severe problems to both users and service providers. This paper proposed a novel privacy-preserved recommender system framework (PPRSF), through the application of federated learning paradigm, to enable the recommendation algorithm to be trained and carry out inference without centrally collecting users' private data. The PPRSF not only able to reduces the privacy leakage risk, satisfies legal and regulatory requirements but also allows various recommendation algorithms to be applied

    Differentially Private ERM Based on Data Perturbation

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    In this paper, after observing that different training data instances affect the machine learning model to different extents, we attempt to improve the performance of differentially private empirical risk minimization (DP-ERM) from a new perspective. Specifically, we measure the contributions of various training data instances on the final machine learning model, and select some of them to add random noise. Considering that the key of our method is to measure each data instance separately, we propose a new `Data perturbation' based (DB) paradigm for DP-ERM: adding random noise to the original training data and achieving (ϵ,δ\epsilon,\delta)-differential privacy on the final machine learning model, along with the preservation on the original data. By introducing the Influence Function (IF), we quantitatively measure the impact of the training data on the final model. Theoretical and experimental results show that our proposed DBDP-ERM paradigm enhances the model performance significantly

    Security and privacy for data mining of RFID-enabled product supply chains

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    The e-Pedigree used for verifying the authenticity of the products in RFID-enabled product supply chains plays a very important role in product anti-counterfeiting and risk management, but it is also vulnerable to malicious attacks and privacy leakage. While the radio frequency identification (RFID) technology bears merits such as automatic wireless identification without direct eye-sight contact, its security has been one of the main concerns in recent researches such as tag data tampering and cloning. Moreover, privacy leakage of the partners along the supply chains may lead to complete compromise of the whole system, and in consequence all authenticated products may be replaced by the faked ones! Quite different from other conventional databases, datasets in supply chain scenarios are temporally correlated, and every party of the system can only be semi-trusted. In this paper, a system that incorporates merits of both the secure multi-party computing and differential privacy is proposed to address the security and privacy issues, focusing on the vulnerability analysis of the data mining with distributed EPCIS datasets of e-pedigree having temporal relations from multiple range and aggregate queries in typical supply chain scenarios and the related algorithms. Theoretical analysis shows that our proposed system meets perfectly our preset design goals, while some of the other problems leave for future research

    Classification with Partially Private Features

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    In this paper, we consider differentially private classification when some features are sensitive, while the rest of the features and the label are not. We adapt the definition of differential privacy naturally to this setting. Our main contribution is a novel adaptation of AdaBoost that is not only provably differentially private, but also significantly outperforms a natural benchmark that assumes the entire data of the individual is sensitive in the experiments. As a surprising observation, we show that boosting randomly generated classifiers suffices to achieve high accuracy. Our approach easily adapts to the classical setting where all the features are sensitive, providing an alternate algorithm for differentially private linear classification with a much simpler privacy proof and comparable or higher accuracy than differentially private logistic regression on real-world datasets

    Effective and Efficient Federated Tree Learning on Hybrid Data

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    Federated learning has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm that facilitates collaborative learning among multiple parties without transferring raw data. However, most existing federated learning studies focus on either horizontal or vertical data settings, where the data of different parties are assumed to be from the same feature or sample space. In practice, a common scenario is the hybrid data setting, where data from different parties may differ both in the features and samples. To address this, we propose HybridTree, a novel federated learning approach that enables federated tree learning on hybrid data. We observe the existence of consistent split rules in trees. With the help of these split rules, we theoretically show that the knowledge of parties can be incorporated into the lower layers of a tree. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose a layer-level solution that does not need frequent communication traffic to train a tree. Our experiments demonstrate that HybridTree can achieve comparable accuracy to the centralized setting with low computational and communication overhead. HybridTree can achieve up to 8 times speedup compared with the other baselines

    Data Analytics with Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is the state-of-the-art definition for privacy, guaranteeing that any analysis performed on a sensitive dataset leaks no information about the individuals whose data are contained therein. In this thesis, we develop differentially private algorithms to analyze distributed and streaming data. In the distributed model, we consider the particular problem of learning -- in a distributed fashion -- a global model of the data, that can subsequently be used for arbitrary analyses. We build upon PrivBayes, a differentially private method that approximates the high-dimensional distribution of a centralized dataset as a product of low-order distributions, utilizing a Bayesian Network model. We examine three novel approaches to learning a global Bayesian Network from distributed data, while offering the differential privacy guarantee to all local datasets. Our work includes a detailed theoretical analysis of the distributed, differentially private entropy estimator which we use in one of our algorithms, as well as a detailed experimental evaluation, using both synthetic and real-world data. In the streaming model, we focus on the problem of estimating the density of a stream of users, which expresses the fraction of all users that actually appear in the stream. We offer one of the strongest privacy guarantees for the streaming model, user-level pan-privacy, which ensures that the privacy of any user is protected, even against an adversary that observes the internal state of the algorithm. We provide a detailed analysis of an existing, sampling-based algorithm for the problem and propose two novel modifications that significantly improve it, both theoretically and experimentally, by optimally using all the allocated "privacy budget."Comment: Diploma Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 201