89,107 research outputs found

    GraphR: Accelerating Graph Processing Using ReRAM

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    This paper presents GRAPHR, the first ReRAM-based graph processing accelerator. GRAPHR follows the principle of near-data processing and explores the opportunity of performing massive parallel analog operations with low hardware and energy cost. The analog computation is suit- able for graph processing because: 1) The algorithms are iterative and could inherently tolerate the imprecision; 2) Both probability calculation (e.g., PageRank and Collaborative Filtering) and typical graph algorithms involving integers (e.g., BFS/SSSP) are resilient to errors. The key insight of GRAPHR is that if a vertex program of a graph algorithm can be expressed in sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMV), it can be efficiently performed by ReRAM crossbar. We show that this assumption is generally true for a large set of graph algorithms. GRAPHR is a novel accelerator architecture consisting of two components: memory ReRAM and graph engine (GE). The core graph computations are performed in sparse matrix format in GEs (ReRAM crossbars). The vector/matrix-based graph computation is not new, but ReRAM offers the unique opportunity to realize the massive parallelism with unprecedented energy efficiency and low hardware cost. With small subgraphs processed by GEs, the gain of performing parallel operations overshadows the wastes due to sparsity. The experiment results show that GRAPHR achieves a 16.01x (up to 132.67x) speedup and a 33.82x energy saving on geometric mean compared to a CPU baseline system. Com- pared to GPU, GRAPHR achieves 1.69x to 2.19x speedup and consumes 4.77x to 8.91x less energy. GRAPHR gains a speedup of 1.16x to 4.12x, and is 3.67x to 10.96x more energy efficiency compared to PIM-based architecture.Comment: Accepted to HPCA 201

    Conclave: secure multi-party computation on big data (extended TR)

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    Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) allows mutually distrusting parties to run joint computations without revealing private data. Current MPC algorithms scale poorly with data size, which makes MPC on "big data" prohibitively slow and inhibits its practical use. Many relational analytics queries can maintain MPC's end-to-end security guarantee without using cryptographic MPC techniques for all operations. Conclave is a query compiler that accelerates such queries by transforming them into a combination of data-parallel, local cleartext processing and small MPC steps. When parties trust others with specific subsets of the data, Conclave applies new hybrid MPC-cleartext protocols to run additional steps outside of MPC and improve scalability further. Our Conclave prototype generates code for cleartext processing in Python and Spark, and for secure MPC using the Sharemind and Obliv-C frameworks. Conclave scales to data sets between three and six orders of magnitude larger than state-of-the-art MPC frameworks support on their own. Thanks to its hybrid protocols, Conclave also substantially outperforms SMCQL, the most similar existing system.Comment: Extended technical report for EuroSys 2019 pape

    OverSketch: Approximate Matrix Multiplication for the Cloud

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    We propose OverSketch, an approximate algorithm for distributed matrix multiplication in serverless computing. OverSketch leverages ideas from matrix sketching and high-performance computing to enable cost-efficient multiplication that is resilient to faults and straggling nodes pervasive in low-cost serverless architectures. We establish statistical guarantees on the accuracy of OverSketch and empirically validate our results by solving a large-scale linear program using interior-point methods and demonstrate a 34% reduction in compute time on AWS Lambda.Comment: Published in Proc. IEEE Big Data 2018. Updated version provides details of distributed sketching and highlights other advantages of OverSketc

    Fast Parallel Randomized QR with Column Pivoting Algorithms for Reliable Low-rank Matrix Approximations

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    Factorizing large matrices by QR with column pivoting (QRCP) is substantially more expensive than QR without pivoting, owing to communication costs required for pivoting decisions. In contrast, randomized QRCP (RQRCP) algorithms have proven themselves empirically to be highly competitive with high-performance implementations of QR in processing time, on uniprocessor and shared memory machines, and as reliable as QRCP in pivot quality. We show that RQRCP algorithms can be as reliable as QRCP with failure probabilities exponentially decaying in oversampling size. We also analyze efficiency differences among different RQRCP algorithms. More importantly, we develop distributed memory implementations of RQRCP that are significantly better than QRCP implementations in ScaLAPACK. As a further development, we introduce the concept of and develop algorithms for computing spectrum-revealing QR factorizations for low-rank matrix approximations, and demonstrate their effectiveness against leading low-rank approximation methods in both theoretical and numerical reliability and efficiency.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted by 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), awarded the best paper priz

    Alpha Entanglement Codes: Practical Erasure Codes to Archive Data in Unreliable Environments

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    Data centres that use consumer-grade disks drives and distributed peer-to-peer systems are unreliable environments to archive data without enough redundancy. Most redundancy schemes are not completely effective for providing high availability, durability and integrity in the long-term. We propose alpha entanglement codes, a mechanism that creates a virtual layer of highly interconnected storage devices to propagate redundant information across a large scale storage system. Our motivation is to design flexible and practical erasure codes with high fault-tolerance to improve data durability and availability even in catastrophic scenarios. By flexible and practical, we mean code settings that can be adapted to future requirements and practical implementations with reasonable trade-offs between security, resource usage and performance. The codes have three parameters. Alpha increases storage overhead linearly but increases the possible paths to recover data exponentially. Two other parameters increase fault-tolerance even further without the need of additional storage. As a result, an entangled storage system can provide high availability, durability and offer additional integrity: it is more difficult to modify data undetectably. We evaluate how several redundancy schemes perform in unreliable environments and show that alpha entanglement codes are flexible and practical codes. Remarkably, they excel at code locality, hence, they reduce repair costs and become less dependent on storage locations with poor availability. Our solution outperforms Reed-Solomon codes in many disaster recovery scenarios.Comment: The publication has 12 pages and 13 figures. This work was partially supported by Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF Doc.Mobility 162014, 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN