270 research outputs found

    A Douglas-Rachford splitting for semi-decentralized equilibrium seeking in generalized aggregative games

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    We address the generalized aggregative equilibrium seeking problem for noncooperative agents playing average aggregative games with affine coupling constraints. First, we use operator theory to characterize the generalized aggregative equilibria of the game as the zeros of a monotone set-valued operator. Then, we massage the Douglas-Rachford splitting to solve the monotone inclusion problem and derive a single layer, semi-decentralized algorithm whose global convergence is guaranteed under mild assumptions. The potential of the proposed Douglas-Rachford algorithm is shown on a simplified resource allocation game, where we observe faster convergence with respect to forward-backward algorithms.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.1044

    Probably Approximately Correct Nash Equilibrium Learning

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    We consider a multi-agent noncooperative game with agents' objective functions being affected by uncertainty. Following a data driven paradigm, we represent uncertainty by means of scenarios and seek a robust Nash equilibrium solution. We treat the Nash equilibrium computation problem within the realm of probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. Building upon recent developments in scenario-based optimization, we accompany the computed Nash equilibrium with a priori and a posteriori probabilistic robustness certificates, providing confidence that the computed equilibrium remains unaffected (in probabilistic terms) when a new uncertainty realization is encountered. For a wide class of games, we also show that the computation of the so called compression set - a key concept in scenario-based optimization - can be directly obtained as a byproduct of the proposed solution methodology. Finally, we illustrate how to overcome differentiability issues, arising due to the introduction of scenarios, and compute a Nash equilibrium solution in a decentralized manner. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach on an electric vehicle charging control problem.Comment: Preprint submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Real and Complex Monotone Communication Games

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    Noncooperative game-theoretic tools have been increasingly used to study many important resource allocation problems in communications, networking, smart grids, and portfolio optimization. In this paper, we consider a general class of convex Nash Equilibrium Problems (NEPs), where each player aims to solve an arbitrary smooth convex optimization problem. Differently from most of current works, we do not assume any specific structure for the players' problems, and we allow the optimization variables of the players to be matrices in the complex domain. Our main contribution is the design of a novel class of distributed (asynchronous) best-response- algorithms suitable for solving the proposed NEPs, even in the presence of multiple solutions. The new methods, whose convergence analysis is based on Variational Inequality (VI) techniques, can select, among all the equilibria of a game, those that optimize a given performance criterion, at the cost of limited signaling among the players. This is a major departure from existing best-response algorithms, whose convergence conditions imply the uniqueness of the NE. Some of our results hinge on the use of VI problems directly in the complex domain; the study of these new kind of VIs also represents a noteworthy innovative contribution. We then apply the developed methods to solve some new generalizations of SISO and MIMO games in cognitive radios and femtocell systems, showing a considerable performance improvement over classical pure noncooperative schemes.Comment: to appear on IEEE Transactions in Information Theor

    Distributed Learning for Stochastic Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems

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    This work examines a stochastic formulation of the generalized Nash equilibrium problem (GNEP) where agents are subject to randomness in the environment of unknown statistical distribution. We focus on fully-distributed online learning by agents and employ penalized individual cost functions to deal with coupled constraints. Three stochastic gradient strategies are developed with constant step-sizes. We allow the agents to use heterogeneous step-sizes and show that the penalty solution is able to approach the Nash equilibrium in a stable manner within O(ÎŒmax)O(\mu_\text{max}), for small step-size value ÎŒmax\mu_\text{max} and sufficiently large penalty parameters. The operation of the algorithm is illustrated by considering the network Cournot competition problem

    Single timescale regularized stochastic approximation schemes for monotone Nash games under uncertainty

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    Abstract—In this paper, we consider the distributed compu-tation of equilibria arising in monotone stochastic Nash games over continuous strategy sets. Such games arise in settings when the gradient map of the player objectives is a monotone mapping over the cartesian product of strategy sets, leading to a monotone stochastic variational inequality. We consider the application of projection-based stochastic approximation schemes. However, such techniques are characterized by a key shortcoming: they can accommodate strongly monotone mappings only. In fact, standard extensions of stochastic ap-proximation schemes for merely monotone mappings require the solution of a sequence of related strongly monotone prob-lems, a natively two-timescale scheme. Accordingly, we consider the development of single timescale techniques for computing equilibria when the associated gradient map does not admit strong monotonicity. We first show that, under suitable assump-tions, standard projection schemes can indeed be extended to allow for strict, rather than strong monotonicity. Furthermore, we introduce a class of regularized stochastic approximation schemes, in which the regularization parameter is updated at every step, leading to a single timescale method. The scheme is a stochastic extension of an iterative Tikhonov regularization method and its global convergence is established. To aid in networked implementations, we consider an extension to this result where players are allowed to choose their steplengths independently and show if the deviation across their choices is suitably constrained, then the convergence of the scheme may be claimed. I

    Autonomous Demand Side Management Based on Energy Consumption Scheduling and Instantaneous Load Billing: An Aggregative Game Approach

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    In this paper, we investigate a practical demand side management scenario where the selfish consumers compete to minimize their individual energy cost through scheduling their future energy consumption profiles. We propose an instantaneous load billing scheme to effectively convince the consumers to shift their peak-time consumption and to fairly charge the consumers for their energy consumption. For the considered DSM scenario, an aggregative game is first formulated to model the strategic behaviors of the selfish consumers. By resorting to the variational inequality theory, we analyze the conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium (NE) of the formulated game. Subsequently, for the scenario where there is a central unit calculating and sending the real-time aggregated load to all consumers, we develop a one timescale distributed iterative proximal-point algorithm with provable convergence to achieve the NE of the formulated game. Finally, considering the alternative situation where the central unit does not exist, but the consumers are connected and they would like to share their estimated information with others, we present a distributed agreement-based algorithm, by which the consumers can achieve the NE of the formulated game through exchanging information with their immediate neighbors.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
