3 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma baseada em agentes para a interoperabilidade

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)Nas últimas décadas e com os avanços tecnológicos, a quantidade de dados e de sistemas de informação existentes nas unidades de saúde têm vindo a aumentar exponencialmente. A acessibilidade e disponibilidade da informação clínica dos pacientes é uma necessidade constante neste tipo de ambiente. A Agência para a Integração, Difusão e Arquivo de Informação Médica (AIDA) foi então desenvolvida com o intuito de contornar esta necessidade, e encontra-se implementada no Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP) há alguns anos, revelando um elevado sucesso, garantindo a interoperabilidade entre os sistemas de informação hospitalares lá existentes. A AIDA é um sistema baseado em agente que tem demonstrado ao longo do tempo a necessidade de um maior controlo sobre essas entidades e sobre a atividade que executam. A construção e implementação de uma plataforma que integre todos os agentes e que controle a sua atividade é o principal objetivo deste projeto. Dessa forma foi criada a Biomedical Multiagent Platform for Interoperability (BMaPI) que facilita ao utilizador a criação de novos agentes localmente ou remotamente, permite ativar e desativar determinados serviços, simplifica a programação e reprogramação da atividade do agente e ainda possibilita ao utilizador monitorizar as atividades do agente em tempo real. A BMaPI implementada no CHP revelou fornecer ao utilizador e consequentemente ao hospital, as funcionalidades e os dados necessários para que seja feita uma monitorização e gestão completa das atividades de cada agente e desse modo contribuir para um ambiente mais interoperável. Foi considerado ainda, um sistema eficiente, na medida em que não compromete os recursos da máquina onde foi implementado. Para além desses contributos a BMaPI quando integrada na AIDA eleva a sua funcionalidade e usabilidade global, pois fornece novas funcionalidades que revelam ser importantes para o ambiente, para o auxilio ao utilizador e constitui um sistema simples e de fácil compreensão.In the last decades, with technological advances, the amount of data and the information systems in health units has been increasing exponentially. The accessibility and availability of patient clinical information are a constant need in this type of environment. The AIDA was then developed in order to circumvent this need and it was implemented at the CHP a few years ago, revealing a highly successful, ensuring interoperability among CHP’s healthcare information systems. AIDA is an agent based system that has demonstrated over time the need for greater control over these entities and on the activity they perform. The construction and implementation of a platform that integrates all the agents and control their activity is the main objective of this project. Thus was created the BMaPI that facilitates the user to create new agents locally or remotely, it allows to enable and disable certain services, it simplifies the scheduling and rescheduling of agent activity and it enables the user to monitor the activities agent in real time. The BMaPI implemented in CHP revealed provide the user the functionalities and the necessary data for it to make a complete monitoring and management of the activities of each agent and thereby contribute to a more interoperable environment. It was still considered an efficient system, since it does not compromise the resources of the machine where it was implemented. In addition to these contributions, the BMaPI when integrated in AIDA increases its functionality and overall usability, because it provides new features that prove to be important for the environment, for the aid to the user and represents a simple system and easy to understand

    An Intelligent Multi-Agent System Approach to Automating Safety Features for On-Line Real Time Communications: Agent Mediated Information Exchange

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    Child safety online is a growing problem, governmental attempts to highlight and combat this issue have not been as successful as it was hoped, and still there are highly publicised cases of children, young people and vulnerable adults coming to harm as a result of unsafe online practices. This thesis presents the research, design and development of a prototype system called SafeChat, which will provide a safer environment for children interacting in online environments. In order to combat such a complex problem, it is necessary to integrate various artificial intelligent technologies and autonomous systems. The SafeChat prototype system discussed within this research has been implemented in Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) and utilises Protégé Ontology development, reasoning and natural language processing techniques. To evaluate our system performance, comprehensive testing to measure its effectiveness in detecting potential risk to the user (e.g. child) is in constant development. Initial results of system testing are encouraging and demonstrate its effectiveness in identifying different levels of threat during online conversation. The potential impact of this work is immense, when used as a plug-in to popular communications software, such as Facebook Messenger, Skype and WhatsApp. SafeChat provides a safer environment for children to communicate, identifying potential and actual threats, whilst maintaining the privacy of their discourse. The SafeChat system could be easily adapted to provide autonomous solutions in other areas of online threat, such as cyberbullying and radicalisation