3 research outputs found

    Sequential Recommendation in Online Games with Multiple Sequences, Tasks and User Levels

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    Online gaming is a multi-billion-dollar industry, which is growing faster than ever before. Recommender systems (RS) for online games face unique challenges since they must fulfill players' distinct desires, at different user levels, based on their action sequences of various action types. Although many sequential RS already exist, they are mainly single-sequence, single-task, and single-user-level. In this paper, we introduce a new sequential recommendation model for multiple sequences, multiple tasks, and multiple user levels (abbreviated as M3^3Rec) in Tencent Games platform, which can fully utilize complex data in online games. We leverage Graph Neural Network and multi-task learning to design M3^3Rec in order to model the complex information in the heterogeneous sequential recommendation scenario of Tencent Games. We verify the effectiveness of M3^3Rec on three online games of Tencent Games platform, in both offline and online evaluations. The results show that M3^3Rec successfully addresses the challenges of recommendation in online games, and it generates superior recommendations compared with state-of-the-art sequential recommendation approaches.Comment: 10 pages,4 figure

    Efficient Algorithms for Approximate Single-Source Personalized PageRank Queries

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    Given a graph GG, a source node ss and a target node tt, the personalized PageRank (PPR) of tt with respect to ss is the probability that a random walk starting from ss terminates at tt. An important variant of the PPR query is single-source PPR (SSPPR), which enumerates all nodes in GG, and returns the top-kk nodes with the highest PPR values with respect to a given source ss. PPR in general and SSPPR in particular have important applications in web search and social networks, e.g., in Twitter's Who-To-Follow recommendation service. However, PPR computation is known to be expensive on large graphs, and resistant to indexing. Consequently, previous solutions either use heuristics, which do not guarantee result quality, or rely on the strong computing power of modern data centers, which is costly. Motivated by this, we propose effective index-free and index-based algorithms for approximate PPR processing, with rigorous guarantees on result quality. We first present FORA, an approximate SSPPR solution that combines two existing methods Forward Push (which is fast but does not guarantee quality) and Monte Carlo Random Walk (accurate but slow) in a simple and yet non-trivial way, leading to both high accuracy and efficiency. Further, FORA includes a simple and effective indexing scheme, as well as a module for top-kk selection with high pruning power. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed solutions are orders of magnitude more efficient than their respective competitors. Notably, on a billion-edge Twitter dataset, FORA answers a top-500 approximate SSPPR query within 1 second, using a single commodity server.Comment: Accepted in the ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS

    C-SAW: A Framework for Graph Sampling and Random Walk on GPUs

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    Many applications require to learn, mine, analyze and visualize large-scale graphs. These graphs are often too large to be addressed efficiently using conventional graph processing technologies. Many applications have requirements to analyze, transform, visualize and learn large scale graphs. These graphs are often too large to be addressed efficiently using conventional graph processing technologies. Recent literatures convey that graph sampling/random walk could be an efficient solution. In this paper, we propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first GPU-based framework for graph sampling/random walk. First, our framework provides a generic API which allows users to implement a wide range of sampling and random walk algorithms with ease. Second, offloading this framework on GPU, we introduce warp-centric parallel selection, and two optimizations for collision migration. Third, towards supporting graphs that exceed GPU memory capacity, we introduce efficient data transfer optimizations for out-of-memory sampling, such as workload-aware scheduling and batched multi-instance sampling. In its entirety, our framework constantly outperforms the state-of-the-art projects. First, our framework provides a generic API which allows users to implement a wide range of sampling and random walk algorithms with ease. Second, offloading this framework on GPU, we introduce warp-centric parallel selection, and two novel optimizations for collision migration. Third, towards supporting graphs that exceed the GPU memory capacity, we introduce efficient data transfer optimizations for out-of-memory and multi-GPU sampling, such as workload-aware scheduling and batched multi-instance sampling. Taken together, our framework constantly outperforms the state of the art projects in addition to the capability of supporting a wide range of sampling and random walk algorithms.Comment: 12 pages,IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC20