2 research outputs found

    Distributed, partially collapsed MCMC for Bayesian Nonparametrics

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    Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) models provide elegant methods for discovering underlying latent features within a data set, but inference in such models can be slow. We exploit the fact that completely random measures, which commonly used models like the Dirichlet process and the beta-Bernoulli process can be expressed as, are decomposable into independent sub-measures. We use this decomposition to partition the latent measure into a finite measure containing only instantiated components, and an infinite measure containing all other components. We then select different inference algorithms for the two components: uncollapsed samplers mix well on the finite measure, while collapsed samplers mix well on the infinite, sparsely occupied tail. The resulting hybrid algorithm can be applied to a wide class of models, and can be easily distributed to allow scalable inference without sacrificing asymptotic convergence guarantees.Comment: To appear in the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistic

    Scalable Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

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    The applicability of agglomerative clustering, for inferring both hierarchical and flat clustering, is limited by its scalability. Existing scalable hierarchical clustering methods sacrifice quality for speed and often lead to over-merging of clusters. In this paper, we present a scalable, agglomerative method for hierarchical clustering that does not sacrifice quality and scales to billions of data points. We perform a detailed theoretical analysis, showing that under mild separability conditions our algorithm can not only recover the optimal flat partition, but also provide a two-approximation to non-parametric DP-Means objective. This introduces a novel application of hierarchical clustering as an approximation algorithm for the non-parametric clustering objective. We additionally relate our algorithm to the classic hierarchical agglomerative clustering method. We perform extensive empirical experiments in both hierarchical and flat clustering settings and show that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results on publicly available clustering benchmarks. Finally, we demonstrate our method's scalability by applying it to a dataset of 30 billion queries. Human evaluation of the discovered clusters show that our method finds better quality of clusters than the current state-of-the-art.Comment: Appeared in KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Minin