2 research outputs found

    Iterative Surface Mapping Using Local Geometry Approximation with Sparse Measurements During Robotic Tooling Tasks

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    We present a cost-efficient and versatile method to map an unknown 3D freeform surface using only sparse measurements while the end-effector of a robotic manipulator moves along the surface. The geometry is locally approximated by a plane, which is defined by measured points on the surface. The method relies on linear Kalman filters, estimating the height of each point on a 2D grid. Therefore, the approximation covariance for each grid point is determined using a radial basis function to consider the measured point positions. We propose different update strategies for the grid points exploiting the locality of the planar approximation in combination with a projection method. The approach is experimentally validated by tracking the surface with a robotic manipulator. Three laser distance sensors mounted on the end-effector continuously measure points on the surface during the motion to determine the approximation plane. It is shown that the surface geometry can be mapped reasonably accurate with a mean absolute error below 1 mm. The mapping error mainly depends on the size of the approximation area and the curvature of the surface.Comment: Accepted for presentation at and publication in the proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 7 pages, 6 figure

    Multi-Pen Robust Robotic 3D Drawing Using Closed-Loop Planning

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    This paper develops a flexible and robust robotic system for autonomous drawing on 3D surfaces. The system takes 2D drawing strokes and a 3D target surface (mesh or point clouds) as input. It maps the 2D strokes onto the 3D surface and generates a robot motion to draw the mapped strokes using visual recognition, grasp pose reasoning, and motion planning. The system is flexible compared to conventional robotic drawing systems as we do not fix drawing tools to the end of a robot arm. Instead, a robot selects drawing tools using a vision system and holds drawing tools for painting using its hand. Meanwhile, with the flexibility, the system has high robustness thanks to the following crafts: First, a high-quality mapping method is developed to minimize deformation in the strokes. Second, visual detection is used to re-estimate the drawing tool's pose before executing each drawing motion. Third, force control is employed to avoid noisy visual detection and calibration, and ensure a firm touch between the pen tip and a target surface. Fourth, error detection and recovery are implemented to deal with unexpected problems. The planning and executions are performed in a closed-loop manner until the strokes are successfully drawn. We evaluate the system and analyze the necessity of the various crafts using different real-word tasks. The results show that the proposed system is flexible and robust to generate a robot motion from picking and placing the pens to successfully drawing 3D strokes on given surfaces