11 research outputs found

    Distinctiveness Centrality in Social Networks

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    The determination of node centrality is a fundamental topic in social network studies. As an addition to established metrics, which identify central nodes based on their brokerage power, the number and weight of their connections, and the ability to quickly reach all other nodes, we introduce five new measures of Distinctiveness Centrality. These new metrics attribute a higher score to nodes keeping a connection with the network periphery. They penalize links to highly-connected nodes and serve the identification of social actors with more distinctive network ties. We discuss some possible applications and properties of these newly introduced metrics, such as their upper and lower bounds. Distinctiveness centrality provides a viewpoint of centrality alternative to that of established metrics

    Brand Network Booster: A New System for Improving Brand Connectivity

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    This paper presents a new decision support system offered for an in-depth analysis of semantic networks, which can provide insights for a better exploration of a brand's image and the improvement of its connectivity. In terms of network analysis, we show that this goal is achieved by solving an extended version of the Maximum Betweenness Improvement problem, which includes the possibility of considering adversarial nodes, constrained budgets, and weighted networks - where connectivity improvement can be obtained by adding links or increasing the weight of existing connections. We present this new system together with two case studies, also discussing its performance. Our tool and approach are useful both for network scholars and for supporting the strategic decision-making processes of marketing and communication managers

    Analyzing the Spread of Misinformation on Social Networks:A Process and Software Architecture for Detection and Analysis

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    The rapid dissemination of misinformation on social networks, particularly during public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, has become a significant concern. This study investigates the spread of misinformation on social network data using social network analysis (SNA) metrics, and more generally by using well known network science metrics. Moreover, we propose a process design that utilizes social network data from Twitter, to analyze the involvement of non-trusted accounts in spreading misinformation supported by a proof-of-concept prototype. The proposed prototype includes modules for data collection, data preprocessing, network creation, centrality calculation, community detection, and misinformation spreading analysis. We conducted an experimental study on a COVID-19-related Twitter dataset using the modules. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and process steps, and provides valuable insight into the application of network science metrics on social network data for analysing various influence-parameters in misinformation spreading.</p

    Evaluating and improving social awareness of energy communities through semantic network analysis of online news

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    The implementation of energy communities represents a cross-disciplinary phenomenon that has the potential to support the energy transition while fostering citizens' participation throughout the energy system and their exploitation of renewables. An important role is played by online information sources in engaging people in this process and increasing their awareness of associated benefits. In this view, this work analyses online news data on energy communities to understand people's awareness and the media importance of this topic. We use the Semantic Brand Score (SBS) indicator as an innovative measure of semantic importance, combining social network analysis and text mining methods. Results show different importance trends for energy communities and other energy and society-related topics, also allowing the identification of their connections. Our approach gives evidence to information gaps and possible actions that could be taken to promote a low-carbon energy transition

    Forecasting consumer confidence through semantic network analysis of online news

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    This research studies the impact of online news on social and economic consumer perceptions through semantic network analysis. Using over 1.8 million online articles on Italian media covering four years, we calculate the semantic importance of specific economic-related keywords to see if words appearing in the articles could anticipate consumers' judgments about the economic situation and the Consumer Confidence Index. We use an innovative approach to analyze big textual data, combining methods and tools of text mining and social network analysis. Results show a strong predictive power for the judgments about the current households and national situation. Our indicator offers a complementary approach to estimating consumer confidence, lessening the limitations of traditional survey-based methods

    The language and social behavior of innovators

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    Innovators are creative people who can conjure the ground-breaking ideas that represent the main engine of innovative organizations. Past research has extensively investigated who innovators are and how they behave in work-related activities. In this paper, we suggest that it is necessary to analyze how innovators behave in other contexts, such as in informal communication spaces, where knowledge is shared without formal structure, rules, and work obligations. Drawing on communication and network theory, we analyze about 38,000 posts available in the intranet forum of a large multinational company. From this, we explain how innovators differ from other employees in terms of social network behavior and language characteristics. Through text mining, we find that innovators write more, use a more complex language, introduce new concepts/ideas, and use positive but factual-based language. Understanding how innovators behave and communicate can support the decision-making processes of managers who want to foster innovation