18 research outputs found

    IDa-Det: An Information Discrepancy-aware Distillation for 1-bit Detectors

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    Knowledge distillation (KD) has been proven to be useful for training compact object detection models. However, we observe that KD is often effective when the teacher model and student counterpart share similar proposal information. This explains why existing KD methods are less effective for 1-bit detectors, caused by a significant information discrepancy between the real-valued teacher and the 1-bit student. This paper presents an Information Discrepancy-aware strategy (IDa-Det) to distill 1-bit detectors that can effectively eliminate information discrepancies and significantly reduce the performance gap between a 1-bit detector and its real-valued counterpart. We formulate the distillation process as a bi-level optimization formulation. At the inner level, we select the representative proposals with maximum information discrepancy. We then introduce a novel entropy distillation loss to reduce the disparity based on the selected proposals. Extensive experiments demonstrate IDa-Det's superiority over state-of-the-art 1-bit detectors and KD methods on both PASCAL VOC and COCO datasets. IDa-Det achieves a 76.9% mAP for a 1-bit Faster-RCNN with ResNet-18 backbone. Our code is open-sourced on https://github.com/SteveTsui/IDa-Det

    Dual Relation Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection

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    Knowledge distillation is an effective method for model compression. However, it is still a challenging topic to apply knowledge distillation to detection tasks. There are two key points resulting in poor distillation performance for detection tasks. One is the serious imbalance between foreground and background features, another one is that small object lacks enough feature representation. To solve the above issues, we propose a new distillation method named dual relation knowledge distillation (DRKD), including pixel-wise relation distillation and instance-wise relation distillation. The pixel-wise relation distillation embeds pixel-wise features in the graph space and applies graph convolution to capture the global pixel relation. By distilling the global pixel relation, the student detector can learn the relation between foreground and background features, and avoid the difficulty of distilling features directly for the feature imbalance issue. Besides, we find that instance-wise relation supplements valuable knowledge beyond independent features for small objects. Thus, the instance-wise relation distillation is designed, which calculates the similarity of different instances to obtain a relation matrix. More importantly, a relation filter module is designed to highlight valuable instance relations. The proposed dual relation knowledge distillation is general and can be easily applied for both one-stage and two-stage detectors. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, which improves Faster R-CNN based on ResNet50 from 38.4% to 41.6% mAP and improves RetinaNet based on ResNet50 from 37.4% to 40.3% mAP on COCO 2017.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI-202

    HEAD: HEtero-Assists Distillation for Heterogeneous Object Detectors

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    Conventional knowledge distillation (KD) methods for object detection mainly concentrate on homogeneous teacher-student detectors. However, the design of a lightweight detector for deployment is often significantly different from a high-capacity detector. Thus, we investigate KD among heterogeneous teacher-student pairs for a wide application. We observe that the core difficulty for heterogeneous KD (hetero-KD) is the significant semantic gap between the backbone features of heterogeneous detectors due to the different optimization manners. Conventional homogeneous KD (homo-KD) methods suffer from such a gap and are hard to directly obtain satisfactory performance for hetero-KD. In this paper, we propose the HEtero-Assists Distillation (HEAD) framework, leveraging heterogeneous detection heads as assistants to guide the optimization of the student detector to reduce this gap. In HEAD, the assistant is an additional detection head with the architecture homogeneous to the teacher head attached to the student backbone. Thus, a hetero-KD is transformed into a homo-KD, allowing efficient knowledge transfer from the teacher to the student. Moreover, we extend HEAD into a Teacher-Free HEAD (TF-HEAD) framework when a well-trained teacher detector is unavailable. Our method has achieved significant improvement compared to current detection KD methods. For example, on the MS-COCO dataset, TF-HEAD helps R18 RetinaNet achieve 33.9 mAP (+2.2), while HEAD further pushes the limit to 36.2 mAP (+4.5).Comment: ECCV 2022, Code: https://github.com/LutingWang/HEA

    Overlooked Poses Actually Make Sense: Distilling Privileged Knowledge for Human Motion Prediction

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    Previous works on human motion prediction follow the pattern of building a mapping relation between the sequence observed and the one to be predicted. However, due to the inherent complexity of multivariate time series data, it still remains a challenge to find the extrapolation relation between motion sequences. In this paper, we present a new prediction pattern, which introduces previously overlooked human poses, to implement the prediction task from the view of interpolation. These poses exist after the predicted sequence, and form the privileged sequence. To be specific, we first propose an InTerPolation learning Network (ITP-Network) that encodes both the observed sequence and the privileged sequence to interpolate the in-between predicted sequence, wherein the embedded Privileged-sequence-Encoder (Priv-Encoder) learns the privileged knowledge (PK) simultaneously. Then, we propose a Final Prediction Network (FP-Network) for which the privileged sequence is not observable, but is equipped with a novel PK-Simulator that distills PK learned from the previous network. This simulator takes as input the observed sequence, but approximates the behavior of Priv-Encoder, enabling FP-Network to imitate the interpolation process. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our prediction pattern achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmarked H3.6M, CMU-Mocap and 3DPW datasets in both short-term and long-term predictions.Comment: accepted by ECCV202