10 research outputs found

    Large Unicellular maps in high genus

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    We study the geometry of a random unicellular map which is uniformly distributed on the set of all unicellular maps whose genus size is proportional to the number of edges of the map. We prove that the distance between two uniformly selected vertices of such a map is of order logn\log n and the diameter is also of order logn\log n with high probability. We further prove that the map is locally planar with high probability. The main ingredient of the proofs is an exploration procedure which uses a bijection due to Chapuy, Feray and Fusy.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures, revised file taking into account referee's comment

    A decorated tree approach to random permutations in substitution-closed classes

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    We establish a novel bijective encoding that represents permutations as forests of decorated (or enriched) trees. This allows us to prove local convergence of uniform random permutations from substitution-closed classes satisfying a criticality constraint. It also enables us to reprove and strengthen permuton limits for these classes in a new way, that uses a semi-local version of Aldous' skeleton decomposition for size-constrained Galton--Watson trees.Comment: New version including referee's corrections, accepted for publication in Electronic Journal of Probabilit

    Cutting down trees with a Markov chainsaw

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    We provide simplified proofs for the asymptotic distribution of the number of cuts required to cut down a Galton-Watson tree with critical, finite-variance offspring distribution, conditioned to have total progeny nn. Our proof is based on a coupling which yields a precise, nonasymptotic distributional result for the case of uniformly random rooted labeled trees (or, equivalently, Poisson Galton-Watson trees conditioned on their size). Our approach also provides a new, random reversible transformation between Brownian excursion and Brownian bridge.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AAP978 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The vertical profile of embedded trees

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    Consider a rooted binary tree with n nodes. Assign with the root the abscissa 0, and with the left (resp. right) child of a node of abscissa i the abscissa i-1 (resp. i+1). We prove that the number of binary trees of size n having exactly n_i nodes at abscissa i, for l =< i =< r (with n = sum_i n_i), is n0nlnr(n1+n1n01)liri0(ni1+ni+11ni1), \frac{n_0}{n_l n_r} {{n_{-1}+n_1} \choose {n_0-1}} \prod_{l\le i\le r \atop i\not = 0}{{n_{i-1}+n_{i+1}-1} \choose {n_i-1}}, with n_{l-1}=n_{r+1}=0. The sequence (n_l, ..., n_{-1};n_0, ..., n_r) is called the vertical profile of the tree. The vertical profile of a uniform random tree of size n is known to converge, in a certain sense and after normalization, to a random mesure called the integrated superbrownian excursion, which motivates our interest in the profile. We prove similar looking formulas for other families of trees whose nodes are embedded in Z. We also refine these formulas by taking into account the number of nodes at abscissa j whose parent lies at abscissa i, and/or the number of vertices at abscissa i having a prescribed number of children at abscissa j, for all i and j. Our proofs are bijective.Comment: 47 page

    Random enriched trees with applications to random graphs

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    We establish limit theorems that describe the asymptotic local and global geometric behaviour of random enriched trees considered up to symmetry. We apply these general results to random unlabelled weighted rooted graphs and uniform random unlabelled kk-trees that are rooted at a kk-clique of distinguishable vertices. For both models we establish a Gromov--Hausdorff scaling limit, a Benjamini--Schramm limit, and a local weak limit that describes the asymptotic shape near the fixed root