925 research outputs found

    Saber: window-based hybrid stream processing for heterogeneous architectures

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    Modern servers have become heterogeneous, often combining multicore CPUs with many-core GPGPUs. Such heterogeneous architectures have the potential to improve the performance of data-intensive stream processing applications, but they are not supported by current relational stream processing engines. For an engine to exploit a heterogeneous architecture, it must execute streaming SQL queries with sufficient data-parallelism to fully utilise all available heterogeneous processors, and decide how to use each in the most effective way. It must do this while respecting the semantics of streaming SQL queries, in particular with regard to window handling. We describe SABER, a hybrid high-performance relational stream processing engine for CPUs and GPGPUs. SABER executes windowbased streaming SQL queries in a data-parallel fashion using all available CPU and GPGPU cores. Instead of statically assigning query operators to heterogeneous processors, SABER employs a new adaptive heterogeneous lookahead scheduling strategy, which increases the share of queries executing on the processor that yields the highest performance. To hide data movement costs, SABER pipelines the transfer of stream data between different memory types and the CPU/GPGPU. Our experimental comparison against state-ofthe-art engines shows that SABER increases processing throughput while maintaining low latency for a wide range of streaming SQL queries with small and large windows sizes

    Blazes: Coordination Analysis for Distributed Programs

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    Distributed consistency is perhaps the most discussed topic in distributed systems today. Coordination protocols can ensure consistency, but in practice they cause undesirable performance unless used judiciously. Scalable distributed architectures avoid coordination whenever possible, but under-coordinated systems can exhibit behavioral anomalies under fault, which are often extremely difficult to debug. This raises significant challenges for distributed system architects and developers. In this paper we present Blazes, a cross-platform program analysis framework that (a) identifies program locations that require coordination to ensure consistent executions, and (b) automatically synthesizes application-specific coordination code that can significantly outperform general-purpose techniques. We present two case studies, one using annotated programs in the Twitter Storm system, and another using the Bloom declarative language.Comment: Updated to include additional materials from the original technical report: derivation rules, output stream label

    Provenance Management over Linked Data Streams

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    Provenance describes how results are produced starting from data sources, curation, recovery, intermediate processing, to the final results. Provenance has been applied to solve many problems and in particular to understand how errors are propagated in large-scale environments such as Internet of Things, Smart Cities. In fact, in such environments operations on data are often performed by multiple uncoordinated parties, each potentially introducing or propagating errors. These errors cause uncertainty of the overall data analytics process that is further amplified when many data sources are combined and errors get propagated across multiple parties. The ability to properly identify how such errors influence the results is crucial to assess the quality of the results. This problem becomes even more challenging in the case of Linked Data Streams, where data is dynamic and often incomplete. In this paper, we introduce methods to compute provenance over Linked Data Streams. More specifically, we propose provenance management techniques to compute provenance of continuous queries executed over complete Linked Data streams. Unlike traditional provenance management techniques, which are applied on static data, we focus strictly on the dynamicity and heterogeneity of Linked Data streams. Specifically, in this paper we describe: i) means to deliver a dynamic provenance trace of the results to the user, ii) a system capable to execute queries over dynamic Linked Data and compute provenance of these queries, and iii) an empirical evaluation of our approach using real-world datasets

    MxTasks: a novel processing model to support data processing on modern hardware

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    The hardware landscape has changed rapidly in recent years. Modern hardware in today's servers is characterized by many CPU cores, multiple sockets, and vast amounts of main memory structured in NUMA hierarchies. In order to benefit from these highly parallel systems, the software has to adapt and actively engage with newly available features. However, the processing models forming the foundation for many performance-oriented applications have remained essentially unchanged. Threads, which serve as the central processing abstractions, can be considered a "black box" that hardly allows any transparency between the application and the system underneath. On the one hand, applications are aware of the knowledge that could assist the system in optimizing the execution, such as accessed data objects and access patterns. On the other hand, the limited opportunities for information exchange cause operating systems to make assumptions about the applications' intentions to optimize their execution, e.g., for local data access. Applications, on the contrary, implement optimizations tailored to specific situations, such as sophisticated synchronization mechanisms and hardware-conscious data structures. This work presents MxTasking, a task-based runtime environment that assists the design of data structures and applications for contemporary hardware. MxTasking rethinks the interfaces between performance-oriented applications and the execution substrate, streamlining the information exchange between both layers. By breaking patterns of processing models designed with past generations of hardware in mind, MxTasking creates novel opportunities to manage resources in a hardware- and application-conscious way. Accordingly, we question the granularity of "conventional" threads and show that fine-granular MxTasks are a viable abstraction unit for characterizing and optimizing the execution in a general way. Using various demonstrators in the context of database management systems, we illustrate the practical benefits and explore how challenges like memory access latencies and error-prone synchronization of concurrency can be addressed straightforwardly and effectively

    Cloud Computing Strategies for Enhancing Smart Grid Performance in Developing Countries

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    In developing countries, the awareness and development of Smart Grids are in the introductory stage and the full realisation needs more time and effort. Besides, the partially introduced Smart Grids are inefficient, unreliable, and environmentally unfriendly. As the global economy crucially depends on energy sustainability, there is a requirement to revamp the existing energy systems. Hence, this research work aims at cost-effective optimisation and communication strategies for enhancing Smart Grid performance on Cloud platforms

    Prototyping a scalable Aggregate Computing cluster with open-source solutions

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    L'Internet of Things è un concetto che è stato ora adottato in modo pervasivo per descrivere un vasto insieme di dispositivi connessi attraverso Internet. Comunemente, i sistemi IoT vengono creati con un approccio bottom-up e si concentrano principalmente sul singolo dispositivo, il quale è visto come la basilare unità programmabile. Da questo metodo può emergere un comportamento comune trovato in molti sistemi esistenti che deriva dall'interazione di singoli dispositivi. Tuttavia, questo crea un'applicazione distribuita spesso dove i componenti sono strettamente legati tra di loro. Quando tali applicazioni crescono in complessità, tendono a soffrire di problemi di progettazione, mancanza di modularità e riusabilità, difficoltà di implementazione e problemi di test e manutenzione. L'Aggregate Programming fornisce un approccio top-down a questi sistemi, in cui l'unità di calcolo di base è un'aggregazione anziché un singolo dispositivo. Questa tesi consiste nella progettazione e nella distribuzione di una piattaforma, basata su tecnologie open-source, per supportare l'Aggregate Computing nel cloud, in cui i dispositivi saranno in grado di scegliere dinamicamente se il calcolo si trova su se stessi o nel cloud. Anche se Aggregate Computing è intrinsecamente progettato per un calcolo distribuito, il Cloud Computing introduce un'alternativa scalabile, affidabile e altamente disponibile come strategia di esecuzione. Quest'opera descrive come sfruttare una Reactive Platform per creare un'applicazione scalabile nel cloud. Dopo che la struttura, l'interazione e il comportamento dell'applicazione sono stati progettati, viene descritto come la distribuzione dei suoi componenti viene effettuata attraverso un approccio di containerizzazione con Kubernetes come orchestratore per gestire lo stato desiderato del sistema con una strategia di Continuous Delivery

    Big Data Management Challenges, Approaches, Tools and their limitations

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    International audienceBig Data is the buzzword everyone talks about. Independently of the application domain, today there is a consensus about the V's characterizing Big Data: Volume, Variety, and Velocity. By focusing on Data Management issues and past experiences in the area of databases systems, this chapter examines the main challenges involved in the three V's of Big Data. Then it reviews the main characteristics of existing solutions for addressing each of the V's (e.g., NoSQL, parallel RDBMS, stream data management systems and complex event processing systems). Finally, it provides a classification of different functions offered by NewSQL systems and discusses their benefits and limitations for processing Big Data
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