26,195 research outputs found

    On weighted zero-sum sequences

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    Let G be a finite additive abelian group with exponent exp(G)=n>1 and let A be a nonempty subset of {1,...,n-1}. In this paper, we investigate the smallest positive integer mm, denoted by s_A(G), such that any sequence {c_i}_{i=1}^m with terms from G has a length n=exp(G) subsequence {c_{i_j}}_{j=1}^n for which there are a_1,...,a_n in A such that sum_{j=1}^na_ic_{i_j}=0. When G is a p-group, A contains no multiples of p and any two distinct elements of A are incongruent mod p, we show that s_A(G) is at most ⌈D(G)/∣Aβˆ£βŒ‰+exp(G)βˆ’1\lceil D(G)/|A|\rceil+exp(G)-1 if |A| is at least (D(G)-1)/(exp(G)-1), where D(G) is the Davenport constant of G and this upper bound for s_A(G)in terms of |A| is essentially best possible. In the case A={1,-1}, we determine the asymptotic behavior of s_{{1,-1}}(G) when exp(G) is even, showing that, for finite abelian groups of even exponent and fixed rank, s_{{1,-1}}(G)=exp(G)+log_2|G|+O(log_2log_2|G|) as exp(G) tends to the infinity. Combined with a lower bound of exp(G)+sumi=1r⌊log⁑2niβŒ‹exp(G)+sum{i=1}{r}\lfloor\log_2 n_i\rfloor, where G=Zn1βŠ•...βŠ•ZnrG=\Z_{n_1}\oplus...\oplus \Z_{n_r} with 1<n_1|... |n_r, this determines s_{{1,-1}}(G), for even exponent groups, up to a small order error term. Our method makes use of the theory of L-intersecting set systems. Some additional more specific values and results related to s_{{1,-1}}(G) are also computed.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted version for publication in Adv. in Appl. Mat

    Degrees in oriented hypergraphs and sparse Ramsey theory

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    Let GG be an rr-uniform hypergraph. When is it possible to orient the edges of GG in such a way that every pp-set of vertices has some pp-degree equal to 00? (The pp-degrees generalise for sets of vertices what in-degree and out-degree are for single vertices in directed graphs.) Caro and Hansberg asked if the obvious Hall-type necessary condition is also sufficient. Our main aim is to show that this is true for rr large (for given pp), but false in general. Our counterexample is based on a new technique in sparse Ramsey theory that may be of independent interest.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure
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