3 research outputs found

    Disentangling geometry and appearance with regularised geometry-aware generative adversarial networks

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    Deep generative models have significantly advanced image generation, enabling generation of visually pleasing images with realistic texture. Apart from the texture, it is the shape geometry of objects that strongly dictates their appearance. However, currently available generative models do not incorporate geometric information into the image generation process. This often yields visual objects of degenerated quality. In this work, we propose a regularized Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Network (GAGAN) which disentangles appearance and shape in the latent space. This regularized GAGAN enables the generation of images with both realistic texture and shape. Specifically, we condition the generator on a statistical shape prior. The prior is enforced through mapping the generated images onto a canonical coordinate frame using a differentiable geometric transformation. In addition to incorporating geometric information, this constrains the search space and increases the model’s robustness. We show that our approach is versatile, able to generalise across domains (faces, sketches, hands and cats) and sample sizes (from as little as ∼200-30,000 to more than 200, 000). We demonstrate superior performance through extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments in a variety of tasks and settings. Finally, we leverage our model to automatically and accurately detect errors or drifting in facial landmarks detection and tracking in-the-wild

    Unsupervised Controllable Generation with Self-Training

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    Recent generative adversarial networks (GANs) are able to generate impressive photo-realistic images. However, controllable generation with GANs remains a challenging research problem. Achieving controllable generation requires semantically interpretable and disentangled factors of variation. It is challenging to achieve this goal using simple fixed distributions such as Gaussian distribution. Instead, we propose an unsupervised framework to learn a distribution of latent codes that control the generator through self-training. Self-training provides an iterative feedback in the GAN training, from the discriminator to the generator, and progressively improves the proposal of the latent codes as training proceeds. The latent codes are sampled from a latent variable model that is learned in the feature space of the discriminator. We consider a normalized independent component analysis model and learn its parameters through tensor factorization of the higher-order moments. Our framework exhibits better disentanglement compared to other variants such as the variational autoencoder, and is able to discover semantically meaningful latent codes without any supervision. We demonstrate empirically on both cars and faces datasets that each group of elements in the learned code controls a mode of variation with a semantic meaning, e.g. pose or background change. We also demonstrate with quantitative metrics that our method generates better results compared to other approaches

    Unsupervised Controllable Generation with Self-Training

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    Recent generative adversarial networks (GANs) are able to generate impressive photo-realistic images. However, controllable generation with GANs remains a challenging research problem. Achieving controllable generation requires semantically interpretable and disentangled factors of variation. It is challenging to achieve this goal using simple fixed distributions such as Gaussian distribution. Instead, we propose an unsupervised framework to learn a distribution of latent codes that control the generator through self-training. Self-training provides an iterative feedback in the GAN training, from the discriminator to the generator, and progressively improves the proposal of the latent codes as training proceeds. The latent codes are sampled from a latent variable model that is learned in the feature space of the discriminator. We consider a normalized independent component analysis model and learn its parameters through tensor factorization of the higher-order moments. Our framework exhibits better disentanglement compared to other variants such as the variational autoencoder, and is able to discover semantically meaningful latent codes without any supervision. We demonstrate empirically on both cars and faces datasets that each group of elements in the learned code controls a mode of variation with a semantic meaning, e.g. pose or background change. We also demonstrate with quantitative metrics that our method generates better results compared to other approaches