61 research outputs found

    OmniAvatar: Geometry-Guided Controllable 3D Head Synthesis

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    We present OmniAvatar, a novel geometry-guided 3D head synthesis model trained from in-the-wild unstructured images that is capable of synthesizing diverse identity-preserved 3D heads with compelling dynamic details under full disentangled control over camera poses, facial expressions, head shapes, articulated neck and jaw poses. To achieve such high level of disentangled control, we first explicitly define a novel semantic signed distance function (SDF) around a head geometry (FLAME) conditioned on the control parameters. This semantic SDF allows us to build a differentiable volumetric correspondence map from the observation space to a disentangled canonical space from all the control parameters. We then leverage the 3D-aware GAN framework (EG3D) to synthesize detailed shape and appearance of 3D full heads in the canonical space, followed by a volume rendering step guided by the volumetric correspondence map to output into the observation space. To ensure the control accuracy on the synthesized head shapes and expressions, we introduce a geometry prior loss to conform to head SDF and a control loss to conform to the expression code. Further, we enhance the temporal realism with dynamic details conditioned upon varying expressions and joint poses. Our model can synthesize more preferable identity-preserved 3D heads with compelling dynamic details compared to the state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. We also provide an ablation study to justify many of our system design choices

    Controllable 3D Face Synthesis with Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields

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    Capitalizing on the recent advances in image generation models, existing controllable face image synthesis methods are able to generate high-fidelity images with some levels of controllability, e.g., controlling the shapes, expressions, textures, and poses of the generated face images. However, these methods focus on 2D image generative models, which are prone to producing inconsistent face images under large expression and pose changes. In this paper, we propose a new NeRF-based conditional 3D face synthesis framework, which enables 3D controllability over the generated face images by imposing explicit 3D conditions from 3D face priors. At its core is a conditional Generative Occupancy Field (cGOF) that effectively enforces the shape of the generated face to commit to a given 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) mesh. To achieve accurate control over fine-grained 3D face shapes of the synthesized image, we additionally incorporate a 3D landmark loss as well as a volume warping loss into our synthesis algorithm. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which is able to generate high-fidelity face images and shows more precise 3D controllability than state-of-the-art 2D-based controllable face synthesis methods. Find code and demo at https://keqiangsun.github.io/projects/cgof

    Face editing with GAN -- A Review

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    In recent years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have become a hot topic among researchers and engineers that work with deep learning. It has been a ground-breaking technique which can generate new pieces of content of data in a consistent way. The topic of GANs has exploded in popularity due to its applicability in fields like image generation and synthesis, and music production and composition. GANs have two competing neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator is used to produce new samples or pieces of content, while the discriminator is used to recognize whether the piece of content is real or generated. What makes it different from other generative models is its ability to learn unlabeled samples. In this review paper, we will discuss the evolution of GANs, several improvements proposed by the authors and a brief comparison between the different models. Index Terms generative adversarial networks, unsupervised learning, deep learning

    FreeDrag: Feature Dragging for Reliable Point-based Image Editing

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    To serve the intricate and varied demands of image editing, precise and flexible manipulation in image content is indispensable. Recently, Drag-based editing methods have gained impressive performance. However, these methods predominantly center on point dragging, resulting in two noteworthy drawbacks, namely "miss tracking", where difficulties arise in accurately tracking the predetermined handle points, and "ambiguous tracking", where tracked points are potentially positioned in wrong regions that closely resemble the handle points. To address the above issues, we propose FreeDrag, a feature dragging methodology designed to free the burden on point tracking. The FreeDrag incorporates two key designs, i.e., template feature via adaptive updating and line search with backtracking, the former improves the stability against drastic content change by elaborately controls feature updating scale after each dragging, while the latter alleviates the misguidance from similar points by actively restricting the search area in a line. These two technologies together contribute to a more stable semantic dragging with higher efficiency. Comprehensive experimental results substantiate that our approach significantly outperforms pre-existing methodologies, offering reliable point-based editing even in various complex scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    FPGAN-Control: A Controllable Fingerprint Generator for Training with Synthetic Data

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    Training fingerprint recognition models using synthetic data has recently gained increased attention in the biometric community as it alleviates the dependency on sensitive personal data. Existing approaches for fingerprint generation are limited in their ability to generate diverse impressions of the same finger, a key property for providing effective data for training recognition models. To address this gap, we present FPGAN-Control, an identity preserving image generation framework which enables control over the fingerprint's image appearance (e.g., fingerprint type, acquisition device, pressure level) of generated fingerprints. We introduce a novel appearance loss that encourages disentanglement between the fingerprint's identity and appearance properties. In our experiments, we used the publicly available NIST SD302 (N2N) dataset for training the FPGAN-Control model. We demonstrate the merits of FPGAN-Control, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in terms of identity preservation level, degree of appearance control, and low synthetic-to-real domain gap. Finally, training recognition models using only synthetic datasets generated by FPGAN-Control lead to recognition accuracies that are on par or even surpass models trained using real data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to demonstrate this

    FDNeRF: Semantics-Driven Face Reconstruction, Prompt Editing and Relighting with Diffusion Models

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    The ability to create high-quality 3D faces from a single image has become increasingly important with wide applications in video conferencing, AR/VR, and advanced video editing in movie industries. In this paper, we propose Face Diffusion NeRF (FDNeRF), a new generative method to reconstruct high-quality Face NeRFs from single images, complete with semantic editing and relighting capabilities. FDNeRF utilizes high-resolution 3D GAN inversion and expertly trained 2D latent-diffusion model, allowing users to manipulate and construct Face NeRFs in zero-shot learning without the need for explicit 3D data. With carefully designed illumination and identity preserving loss, as well as multi-modal pre-training, FD-NeRF offers users unparalleled control over the editing process enabling them to create and edit face NeRFs using just single-view images, text prompts, and explicit target lighting. The advanced features of FDNeRF have been designed to produce more impressive results than existing 2D editing approaches that rely on 2D segmentation maps for editable attributes. Experiments show that our FDNeRF achieves exceptionally realistic results and unprecedented flexibility in editing compared with state-of-the-art 3D face reconstruction and editing methods. Our code will be available at https://github.com/BillyXYB/FDNeRF

    LatentSwap3D: Semantic Edits on 3D Image GANs

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    3D GANs have the ability to generate latent codes for entire 3D volumes rather than only 2D images. These models offer desirable features like high-quality geometry and multi-view consistency, but, unlike their 2D counterparts, complex semantic image editing tasks for 3D GANs have only been partially explored. To address this problem, we propose LatentSwap3D, a semantic edit approach based on latent space discovery that can be used with any off-the-shelf 3D or 2D GAN model and on any dataset. LatentSwap3D relies on identifying the latent code dimensions corresponding to specific attributes by feature ranking using a random forest classifier. It then performs the edit by swapping the selected dimensions of the image being edited with the ones from an automatically selected reference image. Compared to other latent space control-based edit methods, which were mainly designed for 2D GANs, our method on 3D GANs provides remarkably consistent semantic edits in a disentangled manner and outperforms others both qualitatively and quantitatively. We show results on seven 3D GANs (pi-GAN, GIRAFFE, StyleSDF, MVCGAN, EG3D, StyleNeRF, and VolumeGAN) and on five datasets (FFHQ, AFHQ, Cats, MetFaces, and CompCars).Comment: The paper has been accepted by ICCV'23 AI3DC

    'Tax-free' 3DMM Conditional Face Generation

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    3DMM conditioned face generation has gained traction due to its well-defined controllability; however, the trade-off is lower sample quality: Previous works such as DiscoFaceGAN and 3D-FM GAN show a significant FID gap compared to the unconditional StyleGAN, suggesting that there is a quality tax to pay for controllability. In this paper, we challenge the assumption that quality and controllability cannot coexist. To pinpoint the previous issues, we mathematically formalize the problem of 3DMM conditioned face generation. Then, we devise simple solutions to the problem under our proposed framework. This results in a new model that effectively removes the quality tax between 3DMM conditioned face GANs and the unconditional StyleGAN.Comment: Accepted to the AI for Content Creation Workshop at CVPR 202

    Next3D: Generative Neural Texture Rasterization for 3D-Aware Head Avatars

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    3D-aware generative adversarial networks (GANs) synthesize high-fidelity and multi-view-consistent facial images using only collections of single-view 2D imagery. Towards fine-grained control over facial attributes, recent efforts incorporate 3D Morphable Face Model (3DMM) to describe deformation in generative radiance fields either explicitly or implicitly. Explicit methods provide fine-grained expression control but cannot handle topological changes caused by hair and accessories, while implicit ones can model varied topologies but have limited generalization caused by the unconstrained deformation fields. We propose a novel 3D GAN framework for unsupervised learning of generative, high-quality and 3D-consistent facial avatars from unstructured 2D images. To achieve both deformation accuracy and topological flexibility, we propose a 3D representation called Generative Texture-Rasterized Tri-planes. The proposed representation learns Generative Neural Textures on top of parametric mesh templates and then projects them into three orthogonal-viewed feature planes through rasterization, forming a tri-plane feature representation for volume rendering. In this way, we combine both fine-grained expression control of mesh-guided explicit deformation and the flexibility of implicit volumetric representation. We further propose specific modules for modeling mouth interior which is not taken into account by 3DMM. Our method demonstrates state-of-the-art 3D-aware synthesis quality and animation ability through extensive experiments. Furthermore, serving as 3D prior, our animatable 3D representation boosts multiple applications including one-shot facial avatars and 3D-aware stylization.Comment: Project page: https://mrtornado24.github.io/Next3D